სეუ - საქართველოს ეროვნული უნივერსიტეტი

არ მსურს გამოწერა



The Executive Business Administration Master's Program is designed for professionals with managerial experience in the field of business who want to develop team management and interpersonal skills, form and refine a systems vision, master decision-making ways and supporting mechanisms, and develop into a global manager who thinks strategically, develops sustainable solutions needed to overcome organizational challenges and contributes to the viability of own organization.

The duration of the program is one year and it includes subjects of at least 60 credits. The subjects include obligatory as well as elective components. If desired, the student can additionally choose from basic subjects, in which case an individual study plan will be created.

It is essential that the student is ready to carry out a project/practical task within each course, share it with the course management team, receive appropriate advice from them, and submit a self-reflection and further development plan after completing the course.

Each course has a designated work team, which is responsible for the provision of materials to the individual needs of the student, practical advice for skill development and the planning of work and the process of assessment of course assignments. This team consists of experts and mentors with a clearly defined function in the program.

The lecturer of the course is the facilitator of the work team, who is the planner and implementer of theoretical and practical work, and each course has an expert and a mentor depending on the specifics of the blocks and stages within the course. The expert shares the best practices, challenges and mistakes with the students, and is ready to give specific expert advice to the student during the project implementation stage. The mentor is highly involved in the teaching process, as a result of appropriate training, he helps the student in his personal and professional development. For the practitioners involved in the program, who will play the role of a mentor, a coaching master class will be held at the beginning of each semester, where they will have the opportunity to once again deepen the modern psycho-technologies of potential discovery and development, the professional ethics and code of standards of the coach and mentor, and the design of action in the process and the elements necessary for growth. As a result of the mentioned master class, mentors will get to know in depth the format of mentor work, techniques and ethical norms associated with it, they will be able to adapt the latest methods to specific learning goals and help students in the process of personal and career development through the sharing of experience.

Program Under Accreditation

Full Program

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