სეუ - საქართველოს ეროვნული უნივერსიტეტი

არ მსურს გამოწერა



The vision of the program is to support the creation of an inclusive society where each member feels comfortable and also respects the interests of others.

To build such a community, our program’s mission is to introduce active teaching/learning opportunities, new trends, and best practices that make our vision a reality. To be admitted to the program, a student is not required to have a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, and our program promotes the principle of lifelong learning and offers revelant courses and activities to both students and graduates and employees of partner organizations.  

The core value of the program is operational excellence, which implies continuous development, that is achieved through mutual exchange and respect. The program is developed based on quality measurement criteria and feedback provided by both academic staff and students, mechanisms of which are built into the program structure.

The structure of the program consists of core and elective courses, a consulting project and a master's thesis. The main obligatory courses are based on three main areas of teaching/learning - organizational design and development; operational excellence and business risk management; and equality, diversity, inclusion and sustainable management. Each course serves the development of systems thinking and decision-making. Elective subjects and master's thesis can also be completed at one of the international partner universities. The master's thesis will be tailored to organizations operating in business and will therefore solve their real problems. The elective courses of the program are compiled with the participation of practitioners and representatives of partner companies, the educational resource is constantly updated and includes articles and videos of leading experts in the field.

The program's teaching methodology focuses on developing critical thinking and independent learning skills. We encourage students to work as a team, to self-reflect on their knowledge, skills and results, and to objectively evaluate their teammates. These evaluation mechanisms are built into the evaluation structure of the courses and serve both to develop students' knowledge and skills, as well as to the continuous development of each course and the educational program as a whole.

The program is developed for the formation of a specialist with a different way of thinking in an unpredictable and chaotic environment, who will solve existing problems with a systems thinking and sustainable management principles. We offer a manager of the new generation, who will be outstanding with the ability to think independently along with academic integrity and will create the necessary "agenda" to deal with changes with the right involvement of those around.

Program Under Accreditation

Full Program

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