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Presentation of the Results of the Grants Project ‘’Creation of a Guidebook and an Application for Persons who have Served a Sentence’’

19 ივლისი, 2024

On July 18, presentation of the results of the grants project ‘’Creation of a Guidebook and an Application for Persons who have Served a Sentence’’ was held at Georgian National University SEU.

The event was attended by the representatives of the Administration of the Ministry of Justice and LEPL National Agency for Crime Prevention, Execution of Non-custodial Sentences and Probation.

The Guidebook has been developed under the grants program ‘’Promotion of the Implementation of Innovative Services within the System of the Ministry of Justice, Strengthening of Human Rights and Reinforcement of Legal Safety’’ of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia (Grants Agreement N. 03-001-2023).

The project was supervised by a SEU Professor and the SEU Vice-Rector for Research, Anna Phirtskhalashvili. Herewith, Ms. Anna and Mr. Givi Mikanadze are the authors of the text.

It is a particularly important fact that the first-year students of the SEU Programs in Information Technology, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence: Nugzar Peradze, Saba Lomsadze and Levan Jokhadze have worked on the mobile application ‘’GZA’’ developed under the grants project. The team was supervised by the Manager of SEU Tech and Entrepreneurship Lab – Levan Tserekashvili.

Mobile application GZA is available for both – iOS and Android devices.

The aim of the guidebook and the mobile application is to provide the persons, who have served a sentence with all the information that will help them to return to society, receive comprehensive information on all offered services and successfully undergo the resocialization and rehabilitation processes, in order to feel themselves as fully-fledged members of society.

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