SEU - Georgian National University

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The chairman of the editorial board sends the paper to the field directions for content review. Under the selection by the chair of the direction, one of the members of the direction ensures the blind review of the paper according to the relevant procedure.

The identity of the author of the paper is not known to the member of the direction. The author of the paper does not know the identity of the reviewer(s). In the event of a conflict of interest between the author and the members of the direction (e.g. the direction member is the author or co-author), the paper is sent for external review.

If the paper is interdisciplinary, it may be sent to two or more fields of study for review. During the external review, as in the case of internal review, the process is blind.

The review period lasts two weeks.

The selection of papers, after reviewing the relevant field, is done by the editorial board.

The authors of the selected papers will be notified of the board decision by e-mail.

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