SEU - Georgian National University

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The unity of the Master's Program Components (university mandatory, elective and foreign language, compulsory and elective study courses, practice and research component of a concentration), according to their content, learning and teaching methods and amount of credits, that provides an achievement of the study results considering by the program, with an appropriate level of  the Higher Education qualification framework of the second level (master's) cycle.

After finishing the program, Master should be aware of the theoretical knowledge based on the complex issues of a social interaction, also should  have the ability to study the problem, also practical competence to solve it in an original way, to find an important information and critically approach the issue. Also, Master should be able to use the research methodology of the field for performing a research project.


Knowledge and Understanding

After completing the Master Program, student will develop a deep and  systemic knowledge in the field, that allows the creation of new, original ideas and understanding the ways of solving individual problems;

In particular,  student will have a deep and systematic knowledge based on the current topical clues, like:

  • The social structure and the dynamics of the social processes and the peculiarities of the ongoing processes.
  • Coexistence of coherence, reaction resistance, influence on group decision on social impact interaction model.
  • The character of minority and majority influence, normalization and innovation, objective norm, choice of norm, originality norm; Minority as the initiator of change; About the influence of referential group.
  • On modern research and approaches in the field of social and cross-cultural psychology;
  • Groups and intergroup interaction - formation of groups, structure, types, group dynamics, communication, conflict;
  • Basic Principles for Planning and Conducting Psychological Research.

Will acknowledge: 

  • Complex issues of social psychology research.
  • Beyond social influences, operational and dependent aspects.
  • The action of mood’s law and the style of behavior in the context of social influence;
  • Ways to solve the problems of optimal interaction with social environment.


Ability to use a knowledge in practice

After completing the program, student should be able to use the obtained knowledge and skills in practice, operating in a new, unforeseen and multidiscipline environment; Finding new and original ways of solving complex problems, including conducting the research independently by using recent methods and approaches.

In particular, graduate will be able to:

  • Identify the complex socio-psychological problems existing in social life, modeling real social situations;
  • Draw up the possibilities of optimal solving of complex solutions to social interaction;
  •  Use an obtained knowledge for correct interpretation of the mechanisms of public relations;
  • Figure out the socio-psychological problems existing in the relationships, reveal the status of the group members in the interpersonal relationships;
  • By professional approach, and using  the latest approaches, to participate in solving the group or intergroup conflicts;
  • See the hidden problems, formulate and elaborate  the plan of their solving;
  • Plan and conduct practical psychological empirical research;
  • Identify the socially important socio-psychological problems and develop of the research schemes, conducting relevant research and analytical works with relevant methods and approaches to perform relevant research work by using psychological (behavioral) peculiarities, cultural-historical, ethno-metric conditions.


Ability to Conclude

Graduate of the program has  developed a critical analysis of the complex and incomplete information (including the latest researches),  and the ability to formulate  the grounded conclusions.

Specifically, the student will develop:

  • Analyze existing socio-psychological problems in social life and make relevant conclusions.
  • Analyzing the problems related to social status and ability to make relevant conclusions in  interpersonal relationships.
  • Ability to formulate grounded conclusions based on the analysis and generalization of empirical material;
  • Ability to make reasonable conclusion based on the definition of scientific concepts, required terms and operation
  • Ability to analyze  existing researches, matching them with a real situation, identification of problem,  reasoning conclusion and justification;
  • Skeptical attitude towards questionable, unreasonable, overly difficult and / or simple assertion
  • Critical thinking of information;
  • Ability of  deepening logical thinking (both inductive and deductive);
  • Ability of enhancing the generalized skills. 

Communication skills

Graduate of the program,  will develop competences to communicate their conclusions, arguments and research methods with  academic and professional societies in Georgian and foreign languages, taking into consideration the standards of academic honesty and information-communication technologies.

In particular, Master is able to:

  • Find an information concerning a concrete socio-psychological issue, structure it and present it to academic or public society  in oral or written form;
  • To formulate  structured and consistent  quantitative research material results in both written and verbal forms;
  • Analyze the obtained data  from various sources (secondary data);
  • Prepare a written report and its oral presentation;
  • Convey their opinions on a specific problem in a written form;


Competence of linguistic communication

Graduate can communicate in Georgian and English languages  with both specialists and non-specialists concerning professional issues, and conducting the arguable themes in the correct forms of communication.

Competence of  using Information Technologies:

Ability to use Internet-resources and information technology as a communication and learning tool;


Learning ability

After completing the Master Program, the Master should be able to conduct the learning independently,  realize the peculiarities of the learning processes and  strategic planning.

In particular, student is able to:

  • Understand the need for continuous education (learning throughout life);
  • Determine their own learning aspirations, taking into consideration the  environment and opportunities and independently developing the knowledge strategy;
  • Consistent and versatile  evaluation of their knowledge, in order to understand the need of further learning, to develop the future studying strategy and deepen the knowledge independently;
  • Find necessary information and ability of structuring development.
  • Experience of  personal growth by learning assistance.


The Graduate should have the following values:

  • Professional conscientiousness and professional correctness  - to protect ethical standards of psychological research and to participate in their establishment;
  • Working with different ethical groups without prejudice (impartiality);
  • Understanding and overcome the phenomenon of "self-confidence barrier";
  • Holds the capacity of expressing and getting critics correctly;
  • Understands the need and yearning for  the permanent self-development,
  • Professional adjustment (protection of scientific ethics standards).

Understands and recognizes

  • The importance of correctness in human relationships and strives to establish it.
  • The values and attitudes of different groups;

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SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
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SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.