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A presentation of the textbooks "Fundamentals of Tourism" and "Hotel Management"

13 მარტი, 2021

The presentation of the textbooks "Fundamentals of Tourism" and "Hotel Management" by professors Koba Arabuli and Larisa Dolikashvili was held at Georgian National University SEU On March 12.

Grant Nomination Project Proposal “Hotel Management” – Textbook Edition - Winning Project.

(Larisa Dolikashvili, professor, project leader and author)

The following items are discussed in part two of the textbook “Hotel Management” - Rooms Division Management in particular:

  • Stages of hotel development
  • Personal and business profiles of famous hoteliers
  • Classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities
  • The most common types of modern accommodation
  • International criteria for hotel differentiation
  • Types and categories of hotel rooms
  • Modern means and technologies of hotel management
  • Hotel structure (interior and exterior)
  • Functions of the staff of Rooms Division Management, etc.

Designed for students of higher and vocational schools, specialists and readers interested in hotel management.

Consultant Davit Chavchanidze, director of the Room Division Management of the Sheraton Nur-Sultan Hotel (Kazakhstan).

The project involved the graduates of Georgian National University SEU:

Ana Alfaidze, Ana Soyan, and Koba Kobaidze.

Editors: Larisa Korghanashvili, doctor of Economics, professor, full member of the Georgian Academy of Economic Sciences.

Tamar Tamarashvili, academic doctor of history, professor.

Reviewers: M. Vasadze, doctor of Economics, professor

  1. Andghuladze, Public Space Manager of Hotel Biltmore Tbilisi
  2. Barbakadze, Assistant Manager of Human Resources Management of Sheraton Batumi.

Grant Nomination Project Proposal “Fundamentals of Tourism” - Textbook and “Basics of Tourism” (tests and practical pxercises) Auxiliary Textbook “- Winning Project.

Koba Arabuli, professor, project leader and author; Larisa Dolikashvili, professor, co-author.

Editor: N. Kvaratskhelia, professor

Reviewer: M. Gvinjilia, professor

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