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The SEU Academic and Administrative Personnel Paid an Official Visit to Bad Doberan, Germany

07 აგვისტო, 2024

The head of the Bachelor’s Program in Tourism, Malkhaz Ghvinjilia, an Associate Professor Maia Ghvinjilia and the Head of the Quality Enhancement Department, Nona Zumbadze visited Bad-Doberan, Germany upon the invitation of the SEU honorary doctorate Heinz Jürgen Beuter.

Professor Heinz Jürgen Beuter held working sessions within the framework of the Bachelor’s Program in Tourism: ‘’The Planning, Implementation and Monitoring of a Practical Component – Sharing the Best Foreign Practices’’. Heinz Jürgen Beuter is a hotel administrator in Bad Doberan (Germany), he is also a projects and events manager. It is noteworthy that from the new semester, Professor, Heinz Jürgen Beuter will join the SEU Bachelor’s Program in Tourism as an invited lecturer and he will read the course: ‘’Events Management in Tourism’’.

Within the framework of the mentioned visit, the SEU honorary doctorate, the Professor of the European University of Applied Sciences, Professor Sascha Flemnitz also held working session under the Master’s Program in Education Administration on the topic: ‘’The Opportunities of International Cooperation in the Field of Education’’.

The parties also discussed the future cooperation perspectives, which implies the onsite implementation of the practical component for SEU students, exchange programs, etc.

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