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The First International Pediatric Foot & Ankle Conference at SEU

08 ივნისი, 2024

On June 6-7, the first international pediatric conference dedicated to foot and ankle pathologies was held at SEU, which was organized by the SEU’s Affiliated Clinic - American Hospital Tbilisi’s pediatric orthopedists – Dr. Levan Kajaia and Dr. Mark Sinclair and the International Center for Children's Orthopedics (ICCO).

The purpose of the conference was the networking between professionals, as well as improving the treatment of children with foot and ankle joint orthopedic problems.

Within the framework of the conference, a full practical training was conducted - treatment of Talipes using the Poncet method. The teaching course was conducted at American Hospital Tbilisi by invited doctors from different countries of the world. The conference was also attended by our medical students.

It is noteworthy that at the event, Mark Sinclair was awarded with the title of honorary doctorate for his merit in the development of medicine in Georgia and for enhancing the quality of healthcare.

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