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Series of Trainings ‘’Career Path in Social Entrepreneurship’’

01 ივნისი, 2024

From April 12 through May 31, a series of trainings were held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Career Path in Social Entrepreneurship’’, which was hosted by Liana Apakidze – the Head of the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office and an invited lecturer.

Students from various programs participated in the trainings, also, the representatives of students’ clubs, who were selected based on certain criteria.

During the sessions, the participants worked in groups and received information on such issues, as:

  • Definition of a social enterprise; 
  • Distinguishing a social enterprise;
  • A business model of a social enterprise;
  • The instruments of entrepreneurial thinking;
  • Team structure;
  • Disc model;
  • Peculiarities of a social entrepreneur;
  • 5 principles of entrepreneurial thinking;
  • Stages of creation of a social enterprise, etc.

The training was held within the framework of the project ‘’Building Social Entrepreneurship’’ of ‘’Junior Achievement Georgia’’, which is implemented with the support of the #EU4Youth program.

The students examined the idea of a social enterprise and evaluated the opportunities, also, learned the analysis of a social problem and drafted a plan for the initial stages of a social enterprise.

A pre-accelerator program will be implemented for those students, who will create social enterprises. Within the framework of the pre-accelerator program, technical support, incubation and strengthening of opportunities will be provided. 

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