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Open Call for Students in the Project “Citizen of Tomorrow''

20 მაისი, 2024

Georgian National University SEU team has won the grants competition announced for universities under the USAID Civic Education Program, which is implemented by PH INTERNATIONAL Georgia with the funding of the USA International Development Agency (USAID) and with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science And Youth of Georgia.

Project title: “Citizen of Tomorrow’’

The grants competition aims at the deepening of the cooperation between universities and schools in terms of civic education and the integration of the civic education principles into educational programs.

As the project serves for the reinforcement of the Master’s Program in Education, we invite the students of the Master’s Program in Education Administration with active status in order to participate in the project.

Within the framework of the project, students of the Master’s Program in Education Administration will be selected, who have the experience of planning and implementation of research.

Selected candidates will have an opportunity to: 

  • Participate in the research process; 
  • Undergo training of trainers; 
  • Implement trainings for pupils and school representatives together with trainers; 
  • Participate in events and meetings.

If you are interested, please, fill in the registration link and upload your CV

 Register here

Registrations will be open through May 24, until 12:00 pm.

Places are limited.

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