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SEU Has Won The Grants Competition Announced For Universities By The Usaid Civic Education Program

20 მაისი, 2024

Georgian National University SEU team has won the grants competition announced for universities under the USAID Civic Education Program, which is implemented by PH INTERNATIONAL Georgia with the funding of the USA International Development Agency (USAID) and with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science And Youth of Georgia.

Project title: “Citizen of Tomorrow’’

The grants competition aims at the deepening of the cooperation between universities and schools in terms of civic education and the integration of the civic education principles into the educational programs

The winner team members of the grants competition are:

  • Nona Zumbadze – Head of the Quality Enhancement Department;
  • Anna Phirtskhalashvili – Vice-Rector for Research;
  • Lia Antadze – Head of the Master’s Program in Education Administration;
  • Giorgi Donadze – Head of the Master’s Program in Clinical Psychology;
  • Liana Apakidze – Head of the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office.

As a result of the project:

  • A new study course will be established under the SEU Master’s Program in Education Administration;
  • Cooperation with schools will be deepened with the participation of the university personnel and the students of the Master’s Program in Education Administration;
  • Civic Education Club for pupils will be founded on the base of SEU;
  • Teaching if civic education will be promoted with the purpose of formation of civic awareness within school environment;
  • Summary conference will be held, where the best practice of the schools involved in the project will be presented.

Project duration: 10 months

Project beneficiaries: representatives and pupils of the schools of different regions.

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