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Student Self-Governance Elections in SEU

28 ივნისი, 2023

On June 27, student self-governance elections were held in the Georgian National University SEU.

Two student organizations participated in the elections: #11 Student Power and #22 Youth of SEU.

The votes were cast in the following way: #11 Student Power got 83, 76 % of votes and #22 Youth of SEU got 16, 23 % of votes.

Student self-governance of SEU was staffed with 61 delegates in the following quantitative distribution:

  • Faculty of Business and Technologies - #11-17 delegates, #22- 3 delegates;
  • Faculty of Social Sciences - #11-15 delegates, #22-3 delegates;
  • Faculty of Law - #11 - 8 delegates, #22-2 delegates;
  • Faculty of Medicine - #11 - 11 delegates, #22-2 delegates.
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