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Presentation Of The Book – ‘’Handbook of Social Law’’ was held at SEU

31 მაისი, 2023

On May 30, presentation of the book – ‘’Handbook of Social Law’’ was held at the Georgian National University SEU, which was prepared with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Georgian National University SEU.

Professors – Anna Phirtskhalashvili, Ekaterine Qardava and Paata Turava have worked on the book.

Panel discussion on the importance and challenges of Social Law was held after the presentation of the handbook. The authors of the book, as well as the representatives of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, professors, students of different universities and experts of the field participated in the discussion.

‘’Handbook of Social Law’’ is the first attempt of publication of a modern handbook of Social Law in the independent Georgia. It is intended not only for students, but also for the faculty members working in this field, researchers, also, for practicing lawyers and other persons interested in the issues of social law.

The mentioned book will provide guidance to interested persons for learning important issues of Social Law and it will contribute to the building of the social state determined under the Constitution of Georgia.

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