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Public lecture on the topic – “Green Economy – EU Environmental Policy”

05 აპრილი, 2023

On April 4, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ernst Peter Fischer read public lecture on the topic – Green Economy – EU Environmental Policy, during which he talked about important issues such as: environmental problems in the EU countries and their possible outcomes, also, the situation existing in Georgia in this regard and its main challenges.

Ernst Peter Fischer has been the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Georgia since August 2022. In previous years, he was the German Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates and the Permanent Representative to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi. He also worked on the issues of energy and climate policy, as well as export control and international sanctions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.

The discussion was held after the lecture and the students had the opportunity to ask questions on Green Economy, environmental policy and modern challenges related to those issues.


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