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SEU Undergraduate Program Head of Journalism Sharing her American Experience in Media Literacy With her Colleagues and Students

07 დეკემბერი, 2022

Professor Tinatin Zakarashvili, head of undergraduate program of Journalism at Georgian National University SEU shared her American experience in media literacy with her colleagues and students and provided them with the medium-term outcomes carried out within the project.

11 Georgian representatives of educational programs in journalism and media schools participated in the Media Educational Program (MEP) 2022, organized by the US Department of State, US Embassy to Georgia and WorldChicago.

The two-week MEP Program incorporated study visits, academic knowledge exchange and hands-on activities at the north-western universities of Normal, Illinois; DePaul, Chicago; Loyola, Chicago; Columbia College and the Chicago Sun-Times.

At present, the second phase of the program is underway, combining American colleagues’ visit to Georgia and joint workshops.

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