SEU - Georgian National University

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Workshop on the topic: ‘’The Necessity of Personal Branding for Career Development’’ 

06 Jun

On June 6, a workshop will be held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’The Necessity of Personal Branding for Career Development’’.

Speaker: Maria Voskanyan, personal branding specialist.

The workshop will be held in an interactive format, which implies not only gaining theoretical knowledge, but also the development of practical skills.

During the session the participants will perform group tasks, discuss real-life examples and share their experience.

Within the framework of the workshop you will learn:

  • The basics of personal branding: what is a personal brand and why is it important.
  • Self-identification and discovering unique traits: how to determine our unique traits and values.
  • Formulation of a brand message: how to create a clear and attractive message, which represents our brand.
  • Online and offline branding: how to use social media and other platforms for correct positioning.
  • Creation of network and communication: how to establish and develop important contacts.

Start: 12:00 

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