SEU - Georgian National University

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Public Lecture on the Topic: ‘’International Law and Arbitration. Politics, Law and the Art of Compromise’’

28 May

On May 28, a public lecture will be held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: "International Law and Arbitration. Politics, Law and the Art of Compromise".

Speaker: Dr. Jakob Zollmann, fellow of the Max Weber Stiftung, invited foreign researcher at the European Integration Research Center of Georgian National University SEU.

This discussion will shed light on the past and present of international arbitration in the international law practice and will answer the questions:  

  • In which cases did states seek the help of arbitration tribunals? 
  • What kind of topics are deemed arbitrable by governments? 
  • Why do states accept arbitration awards even if they 'lose' the case?

Working language: English

Start - 15:00 

Location - Georgian National University SEU, 9 Tsinandali Str. (New Campus, 9th floor, Jean Monnet auditorium).

In order to attend the lecture, register on the following link:

Register here

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