SEU - Georgian National University

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A person enrolled in a higher education institution and studied for at least 1 year has the right of mobility in accordance with the procedure prescribed by legislation.

Mobility is also possible when:

  • The student’s status is terminated.
  • A student who has been terminated status for a period of 12 months after termination of the status;

In order to be eligible for mobility, it is necessary to obtain the right of mobility by signing up on the electronic mobility portal of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement

Student mobility can be done within a calendar year, or twice a year after studying within one cycle of higher education.  The period of studying doesn’t include the time when a student has suspended a student’s status.

After the announcement of mobility, Rector sets the deadline. Those, who wish to make the mobility should submit documentation within this time, in parallel with their registration on the electronic portal;

Mobility applicants are required to submit the following documents to SEU

  • Statement concerning the wish to make mobility
  • ID Card
  • Academic certificate/student card

SEU sets out the compatibility of the learning outcomes achieved in another educational program by the person wishing to make the mobility with the educational programs offered by the University and decides on the recognition of the relevant credits. This decision should be confirmed by the mobility applicant.

The university is entitled to define the prerequisites for enrollment in the undergraduate and master’s studies educational programs, which implies to determine the compatibility of the knowledge and skills of the person willing to make the mobility with the educational program. The absence of this compatibility is the basis for refusing mobility to the student.

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