SEU - Georgian National University

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The volume of the undergraduate program in Business Administration is 240 ECTS credits, the language of instruction is English.

The Bachelor’s program in Business Administration is built from simple to complex and from general disciplines to specific sub-disciplines, which includes the required number of disciplines required for the Bachelor of Business Administration qualification in the mandatory component of the program. It provides program selectivity by offering adequate, multiple-choice courses for undergraduate degrees in a variety of business disciplines, while enhancing practical and research skills by completing a practical and undergraduate thesis component, respectively.

The program is considered complete when the student accumulates 240 ECTS compatible with the program, which means mastering all the mandatory components of the program, and accumulating credits with elective components and free components, not less than the number of credits provided by this component. The program concludes with the award of a Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

The student receives information about the planning and progress of the educational process through the electronic learning process management system ( Upon enrollment at the University, the student receives a login and password for the electronic learning process management system. He/she can undergo academic registration without coming to the university and has the academic freedom to enroll in the courses he / she prefers during the academic registration according to his / her educational program, have information about future courses, see course syllabus and evaluate each course according to the specifics.

Georgian National University SEU operates the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Credit is a unit that expresses the study load required for a student expressed in units of time – hours, which can be obtained after the achievement of learning outcomes. Credits are distributed among the components defined by the educational program and include the contact and independent hours required for the learning outcomes to be achieved with the specific component. Credit cannot be calculated by contact hours only. Contact hour refers to the time allotted for a student's educational activity, which is realized by the involvement of the staff implementing the educational program component, while the independent hour is the time specified for the student's educational activities, which does not include the involvement of the staff implementing the educational program component.

Student study load is the time required to achieve the learning outcomes defined by the educational program. Student study load is based on independent and contact hours. In SEU, a student's workload for one academic year is 60 credits or 1500 hours, and one credit equals 25 hours. The student is entitled to accumulate additional credits during the academic year/semester, but not more than 75 credits per year.

The study component is one semester. The learning component with the same content, volume and learning outcome for students of all programs includes an equal number of credits. Credits are awarded based on the ability of the student with average academic achievement. The evaluation of the achievement of the learning outcomes of the components of the educational program should be completed in the same semester in which it was conducted.

A semester is a period of time that includes a combination of study weeks, an additional exam/exam period, and a student achievement assessment period for an additional exam/exam.


Graduate employment positions:

In the second semester of the study students take a core course of Career Path, that was created in cooperation and with involvement of partner employers. The objective of the course is to help students identify the choices of the pathways and learn more about the directions, possible positions and their role in organizational structure and context. The course will help students to learn more about their own personality traits and the values they match considering the pathways. As a result of this course students will be more informed about specific positions and career paths that fit them the most, they will also learn about what knowledge and skills they need to develop for being successful in chosen career path.

Graduates of the Business Administration bachelor’s educational program can be employed in public and private sector organizations, both, local and international. The positions that the graduates will be holding are specialists at department, middle level managerial positions or they may engage in entrepreneurial activity. The functions the graduates will be performing include organizational functions, administrative functions, various scale business processes management functions and information research and analysis.

Business Administration Program In English

General Information


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