SEU - Georgian National University

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Training News

24 September, 2024

SEU Associate Professor Lia Kurtanidze participated in the international conference “Advances in Modal Logic, AIML2024”

SEU Associate Professor and the Head of the Bachelor’s Programs in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Lia Kurtanidze participated in the international conference “Advances in Modal Logic, AIML2024”, where she presented the current results of fundamental study together with her colleagues.

24 September, 2024

Online Orientation Meeting was held at SEU for Freshmen

On September 23, online orientation meeting was held at Georgian National University SEU for freshmen.

21 September, 2024

SEU participated in the annual event of the international education exhibition of the European Association for International Education (EAIE)

On 17-20 Stember, SEU participated in the annual event of the international education exhibition of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), which is held in Toulouse, France.

11 September, 2024

The Head of Program in Dentistry attended the annual ADEE meeting

On 7-10 September, The Head of the English-language DMD program of Georgian National University SEU, Professor Maia Jikia took part in the annual meeting of the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE), organized by KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium).

11 September, 2024

Registration of Freshmen is in progress

On September 10, the registration of freshmen at the Georgian National University SEU began. 

19 August, 2024

Associate Professor of SEU, Nino Chovelidze has obtained a prestigious Chevening scholarship of the British Government

Associate Professor of Georgian National University SEU, Nino Chovelidze has obtained a prestigious Chevening scholarship of the British Government. From September of the current year, Nino will study at the University of Sussex, Master’s Program in Sustainable Finance and Accounting MSc with full funding.

17 August, 2024

The joint summer school of SEU and the Anti-Corruption Bureau

On August 12-16, students and academic staff of Georgian National University SEU were visiting the Training Center of Justice in Kvareli, where they participated in the joint summer school of SEU and the Anti-Corruption Bureau.

09 August, 2024

Our Students Created a Project - StayMate, a Digital Concierge for Hotels

The freshmen of the SEU Programs in Information Technology, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the competition "Smart Stay Hackathon: Innovations in Hospitality Business" organized by the Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA) at Telavi Technopark became the choice of two companies Silk Hospitality and Hotel "Episode".

08 August, 2024

An International Partnership Initiative has Been Selected for Funding

An international partnership initiative “Concern for Tomorrow: Integrating the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education” has been selected for funding.

07 August, 2024

The SEU Academic and Administrative Personnel Paid an Official Visit to Bad Doberan, Germany

The head of the Bachelor’s Program in Tourism, Malkhaz Ghvinjilia, an Associate Professor Maia Ghvinjilia and the Head of the Quality Enhancement Department, Nona Zumbadze visited Bad-Doberan, Germany upon the invitation of the SEU honorary doctorate Heinz Jürgen Beuter.

02 August, 2024

A Memorandum of Cooperation has been Executed between SEU and Constructor University (Bremen, Germany)

A Memorandum of Cooperation has been executed between SEU and Constructor University.

29 July, 2024

The Closing Ceremony Of The Summer School "The European Green Deal - Legal Perspectives" Was Held At SEU

The summer school lasted for five days and saw participation from undergraduate and master's level students from various higher educational institutions across Georgia. During the sessions, participants attended lectures by Georgian and international experts on key issues related to the European Green Deal. Discussions also covered the alignment of Georgia's current policy framework with the European Union's Green Deal policies and the main measures implemented in this direction.

26 July, 2024

Presentation Of The Results Of The Grants Project ''Ecological Challenges And The Role Of The Media'' Was Held At SEU

Presentation of the results of the grants project ''Ecological Challenges and the Role of the Media'' was held at Georgian National University SEU on July 24, 

25 July, 2024

SEU Graduation Ceremony 2024

On July 24, graduation ceremony was held at Georgian National University SEU.

23 July, 2024

SEU hosted the opening ceremony of the summer school - "The European Green Deal- Legal Perspectives"

On July 22, Georgian National University SEU hosted the opening ceremony of the summer school - "The European Green Deal- Legal Perspectives." 

23 July, 2024

An honorary doctorate awarding ceremony of Dr. Kurt Deketelaere, a professor at the University of Leuven was held at SEU

On July 22, an honorary doctorate awarding ceremony was held at Georgian National University SEU Initiated by the Vice-Rector for Research, Prof. Dr. Anna Phirtskhalashvili and decided by the SEU Academic Council, the title of honorary doctorate was awarded to Dr. Kurt Deketelaere, a professor at the University of Leuven.

21 July, 2024

SEU’s Students Have Participated in the Fully Funded Summer School

On July 14-20, Georgian National University SEU’s bachelor’s and master’s students of our Faculty of Law visited Lake Como, Italy under the full funding of SEU and have participated in the summer school and the Euro-Asia Forum organized by the University of Insubria. 

20 July, 2024

OSCE Exams at SEU

From July 16 through July 19, the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) was held at the Simulation Center for the 12th semester students of the Faculty of Medicine of Georgian National University SEU.

19 July, 2024

Presentation of the Results of the Grants Project ‘’Creation of a Guidebook and an Application for Persons who have Served a Sentence’’

The Guidebook has been developed under the grants program ‘’Promotion of the Implementation of Innovative Services within the System of the Ministry of Justice, Strengthening of Human Rights and Reinforcement of Legal Safety’’ of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia (Grants Agreement N. 03-001-2023).

17 July, 2024

SEU’s Vice-Rector Goderdzi Buchashvili has Been Appointed as a Chair of the Appeals Board for Higher, Vocational and General Education Institutions

On July 16, Georgian National University SEU’s Vice-Rector for Administrative Affairs, Professor Goderdzi Buchashvili, has been appointed as a Chair of the Appeals Board for Higher, Vocational and General Education Institutions.

17 July, 2024

SEU’s Associate Professor Lia Kurtanidze participated in the event of the Georgian AI Association

On July 16, the Georgian AI Association has celebrated an International AI Day.

17 July, 2024

A Dual Diploma Agreement was executed between SEU and Germany’s Mittweida University of Applied Sciences

A Dual Diploma Agreement was executed between SEU and Germany’s Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, under which the students of our Program in Business Administration will have an opportunity to study in Germany for one semester. After the completion of their studies, they will receive a dual diploma from SEU and from Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

15 July, 2024

The freshmen of the SEU Program in Information Technology received 10 000 Gel as a grant

On July 13-14, The freshmen of the Georgian National University SEU Program in Information Technology: Zaal Chumburidze, Nugzar Peradze and Levan Jokhadze have won the competition ‘Ghinothon ’organized at Tech Park Gurjaani by Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA) and they have received 10 000 Gel as a grant, in order to develop a prototype.

15 July, 2024

SEU’s Scientific Journal in the Database of EBSCO’s Prestigious Academic Journals

Georgian National University SEU’s scientific journal - "Vectors of Social Sciences," has been included in EBSCO's prestigious academic journal database.

14 July, 2024

Domestic Championship in Cricket at SEU

On July 13, another domestic championship in Cricket was held at Georgian National University SEU, which was organized by the Sports, Culture and Youth Organisations Relations Office and the Department of Student Affairs of SEU.

08 July, 2024

A Free Practical Course in Civil Education at SEU

From June 8 to July 6, the Faculty of Law of Georgian National University SEU organized a free practical course in civil education was held for school leavers. 

06 July, 2024

SEU Training of Trainers in Co-Coaching Skills

Between July 1-5, a series of trainings in Co-Coaching Skills were held for the students of the Master’s Program in Education Administration at Georgian National University SEU.

06 July, 2024

Georgian-Swiss-Ukrainian International Summer School at SEU

From July 1 through July 5, the International Joint Summer School - Social Work and Social Change: Human Rights in the Time of Social Crisis was held at Georgian National University SEU. This summer school was conducted in cooperation with the University of Eastern Switzerland and the Polytechnic University of Chernigov.

06 July, 2024

Conference on the Topic: ‘’Sharing the Best Practice in the Teaching and Learning Process’’ 

On July 5, a conference was organized by the SEU Quality Enhancement Department on the topic: ‘’Sharing the Best Practice in the Teaching and Learning Process’’.

04 July, 2024

Orientation Meeting with the Students Participating in the Exchange Program

On July 3, the pre-departure orientation meeting was held for the exchange students at Georgian National University SEU, organized by the International Relations Office.

01 July, 2024

Domestic Championship in Badminton at SEU

From June 29 through July 1, another domestic championship in badminton was held at Georgian National University SEU, which was organized by the Sports, Culture and Youth Organisations Relations Office and the Department of Student Affairs of SEU.

30 Jun, 2024

A workshop on the topic: ‘’Technology in the Process of Teaching’’

On June 29, RoCo Academy held a workshop for school teachers at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Technology in the Process of Teaching’’.

29 Jun, 2024

The Francophone University Agency (AUF) – Annual Regional Conference of Rectors in Bucharest

On June 27-28, the Annual Regional Conference of Rectors (C2R-ECO) was organized in Bucharest by the Francophone University Agency (AUF), which was attended by the SEU Vice-Rector, Mr. Goderdzi Buchashvili.

28 Jun, 2024

The presentation of the book by SEU associate professor Givi Luashvili

On June 27, presentation of the book by a Doctor of Law, a lawyer, and SEU associate professor Givi Luashvili ‘’The Effect of Time-Driven Action of the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Georgia’’.

27 Jun, 2024

Visit of the Delegation of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança at SEU

Georgian National University SEU hosted the delegation of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança on June 26. The purpose of the meeting was the discussion of existing collaboration, organization of future projects and mobilities between the universities. 

25 Jun, 2024

SEU Students have won the GITA Grants Program and Received a 25 000 GEL funding

On June 24, Georgian National University SEU’s Today students won the GITA Grants Program ‘’Up to 25 000 GEL Innovation Grants for Regions’’ and received 25,000 GEL funding to implement this idea.

21 Jun, 2024

Joint Bachelor's and vocational education programs of SEU and EHL, N1 university in the field of hospitality management, have been launched.

Joint Bachelor's and vocational education programs of SEU and EHL, N1 university in the field of hospitality management, have been launched.

20 Jun, 2024

A Memorandum of Cooperation was executed between SEU and GITA

On June 20, a Memorandum of Cooperation was executed between SEU and Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA).

19 Jun, 2024

The presentation of the research project under the grant support of SEU

On June 18, the presentation of the research project ‘’The Study of the Migration and the Psychological Peculiarities of Internally Displaced Persons’’ was conducted at Georgian National University SEU under the grant support of SEU.

17 Jun, 2024

International Student Conference ”SEU ISC S-2024”

On June 16, the international student conference ”SEU ISC S -2024” was organized by Georgian National University SEU.

14 Jun, 2024

SEU Affiliate Professor Nina Bitskinashvili has Participated in the International Conference Funded by the World Bank

On June 13, the SEU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Giorgi Ghavtadze and an Affiliate Professor, Nina Bitskinashvili attended a significant international conference in Tbilisi, funded by the world bank.

13 Jun, 2024

A Workshop On The Topic: How To Build A Startup?

On June 12, As a part of the Georgian National University SEU and partnership, the "Crypto Bootcamp" series continued at SEU with a workshop on the topic: How to Build a Startup.

12 Jun, 2024

Public Lecture: "The Role Of Agro-enterprises In The Development Of Agri-tourism"

On June 11, a public lecture was held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: "The Role of Agro-Enterprises in the Development of Agri-Tourism". 

12 Jun, 2024

Presentation of the Results of the Survey on the Evaluation of Lecturers and Study Courses

Presentation of the results of the survey on the evaluation of lecturers and study courses by students was organized by the Quality Enhancement Department on June 11, at Georgian National University SEU. 

10 Jun, 2024

The final round and the awards ceremony of the STEM Olympiad were held at SEU

On June 9, the final round and the awards ceremony of the STEM Olympiad were held at Georgian National University SEU.

09 Jun, 2024

An Awards Ceremony of the KINGS

On June 8, an awards ceremony of the KINGS School Olympiads was held at SEU, whose main supporter was Georgian National University SEU.

09 Jun, 2024

The School Laboratory of Modern Technologies ''Explorium’s'' concluding event of the year at SEU

On June 8, the School Laboratory of Modern Technologies ''Explorium'' held a concluding event of the year at Georgian National University SEU, where pupils presented the projects created by them: animations, games and applications.

09 Jun, 2024

Training on the Topic: The Functions of an Executive Financial Director’’

On June 8, training on ‘’The Functions of an Executive Financial Director’’ was organized by the working group of the Master’s Program in Executive Business Administration of Georgian National University SEU.

08 Jun, 2024

The First International Pediatric Foot & Ankle Conference at SEU

On June 6-7, the first international pediatric conference dedicated to foot and ankle pathologies was held at SEU, which was organized by the SEU’s Affiliated Clinic - American Hospital Tbilisi’s pediatric orthopedists – Dr. Levan Kajaia and Dr. Mark Sinclair and the International Center for Children's Orthopedics (ICCO).

08 Jun, 2024

Meeting on the development of Blockchain

On June 7, within the framework of cooperation between SEU and, the Faculty of Business and Technology hosted another session on the development of Blockchain.

07 Jun, 2024

Workshop on the topic: ‘’The Necessity of Personal Branding for Career Development’’ 

On June 6, a workshop was held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’The Necessity of Personal Branding for Career Development’’.

05 Jun, 2024

The second congress of the Georgian Interventional Cardiologists’ Association was held at SEU

SEU Faculty of Medicine continues the organization of international conferences promoting the sharing of the most recent approaches and guidelines in the field of medicine. 

05 Jun, 2024

Presentation of the Research Project Conducted Under the Grants Support of SEU

On June 4, a presentation of the research project “Alternative Forms of Preschool Education and Providing the Access to Preschool Education” conducted under the grants support of SEU was held at Georgian National University SEU.

04 Jun, 2024

Visit of the pupils of 1st public school of Lagodekhi at SEU

On June 3, an Open Day for the pupils of 1st public school of Lagodekhi was held at Georgian National University SEU.

03 Jun, 2024

The first Selection Round of the Competition: ‘’I Write an Essay’’ was held at SEU  

On June 2, the first selection round of the competition: ‘’I Write an Essay’’ was held at Georgian National University SEU.

03 Jun, 2024


The training was held by Lali Badridze, a psychotherapist, certified coach of Erickson International University, and head of the Center for Positive Psychotherapy of Georgia of (WAPP) – World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (Wiesbaden, Germany).

01 Jun, 2024

SEU has participated in the annual NAFSA Exhibition

On 28-31 May, Georgian National University SEU has participated in the annual NAFSA (National Association of International Educators) Exhibition in New Orleans (USA).

01 Jun, 2024

Series of Trainings ‘’Career Path in Social Entrepreneurship’’

From April 12 through May 31, a series of trainings were held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Career Path in Social Entrepreneurship’’, which was hosted by Liana Apakidze – the Head of the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office and an invited lecturer.

31 May, 2024


On May 30, a training session and informative discussion about university exchange programs was held at Georgian National University SEU.

30 May, 2024

SEU’s Scientific Journal has Been Accepted into the Esteemed Academic Journal Database - "ERIH PLUS"

Georgian National University SEU’s scientific journal - "Vectors of Social Sciences," has been accepted into the esteemed academic journal database - "ERIH PLUS."

29 May, 2024

SEU Hosted a Public Lecture on "International Law and Arbitration: Politics, Law and the Art of Compromise”

On May 28, Georgian National University SEU hosted a public lecture on "International Law and Arbitration: Politics, Law and the Art of Compromise." 

29 May, 2024

A Public Lecture For Company Representatives On The Topic: ‘’financial Difficulties For European Corporations’’

On May 28, a public lecture was organized for company representatives at Georgian National University SEU by us and our partner Bucharest University of Economic Studies on the topic: ‘’Financial Difficulties for European Corporations’’.

24 May, 2024


From 21 may to May 23, within the Erasmus+ Academic Personal Mobility program at Georgian National University SEU held the 3-day training session course in “Diagnostic Methods of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologies” organized by the MD/DMD faculty and SEU international department.

22 May, 2024

Public Lecture for Our Academic Staff on the Topic ‘’Management of Cultural Events - German Experience"

On 21 May, the invited lecturer of SEU, Prof. Heinz Jürgen Beuter held a public lecture for our academic staff on the topic ‘’Management of Cultural Events - German Experience".

21 May, 2024

Training on the topic: ‘’Why Do We Behave Differently in Different Environments’’

On May 20, a training was organized for pupils by the Master’s Programs in Education Administration and Clinical Psychology on the topic ‘’Why Do We Behave Differently in Different Environments’’.

21 May, 2024

A public lecture of German professor was held at SEU on the topic: Neuromarketing of Events 

On May 20, the invited lecturer of SEU, Prof. Heinz Jürgen Beuter held a public lecture for our students of the bachelor’s program in Tourism on the topic ‘’Neuromarketing of Events’’.

21 May, 2024

Visit of the Pupils of Kazbegi Municipality Borough Stepantsminda #1 Public School at SEU

On May 20, an Open Day for the pupils of the Kazbegi Municipality Borough Stepantsminda #1 Public School was held at Georgian National University SEU.

20 May, 2024

Open Call for Students in the Project “Citizen of Tomorrow''

Georgian National University SEU team has won the grants competition announced for universities under the USAID Civic Education Program, which is implemented by PH INTERNATIONAL Georgia with the funding of the USA International Development Agency (USAID) and with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science And Youth of Georgia.

20 May, 2024

SEU Has Won The Grants Competition Announced For Universities By The Usaid Civic Education Program

Georgian National University SEU team has won the grants competition announced for universities under the USAID Civic Education Program, which is implemented by PH INTERNATIONAL Georgia with the funding of the USA International Development Agency (USAID) and with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science And Youth of Georgia.

20 May, 2024

SEU Business and Technology Faculty students won the second place at STEM Marathon

STEM Marathon was held on May 19, at Georgian National University SEU, which was organized by Georgian Students’ Organizations Association and the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia, with the support of LEPL Youth Agency and Tbilisi City Hall.

14 May, 2024

Presentation of the Results of the Research ‘’Study of the Correspondence between Educational Programs and the Requirements of the Labor Market’’

On May 13, a presentation of the results of the research ‘’Study of the Correspondence between Educational Programs and the Requirements of the Labor Market’’, conducted under the grants support from SEU was held at SEU.

01 May, 2024

A Workshop On The Topic: „First Aid’’

On April 30, a workshop was organized by the Faculty of Medicine of Georgian National University SEU on the Topic: ‘’First Aid’’.

01 May, 2024

SEU has Gained a Recognition in Jordan

Georgian National University SEU has gained a recognition in Jordan.

30 April, 2024

Public Lecture on the Topic: ‘’Environmental Education’’

On April 29, a public lecture was held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Environmental Education’’.

30 April, 2024

A Training For Teachers On The Topic: ‘’artificial Intelligence In Education – Opportunities And Challenges’’

On April 29, a training was held for school teachers at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Artificial Intelligence in Education – Opportunities and Challenges’’.

27 April, 2024

Session on the topic: Digital Currency Markets - the Main Indicator, Historical Data and Their Analysis

SEU continues a session of interesting practical seminars within the framework of the study course ‘’Blockchain Technologies at Modern Enterprise’’.

24 April, 2024

The memorandum of Understanding has been Signed Between SEU and The University of Europe for Applied Sciences

On April 23, the memorandum of understanding was signed between Georgian National University SEU and The University of Europe for Applied Sciences, Germany.

23 April, 2024

The Seventh Issue of the Scientific Journal "Vectors of Social Science" has Been Released

The seventh issue of the scientific journal "Vectors of Social Science" has been released . This international reference journal, affiliated with the Georgian National University SEU, is indexed in international scientific databases, and each published scientific article receives a digital object identifier (DOI). Published twice a year, the journal is bilingual.

20 April, 2024

Session on the topic: Basics of Blockchain Technology – Analysis of the Concept of Bitcoin

Georgian National University SEU has started a session of interesting practical seminars within the framework of the study course ‘’Blockchain Technologies at Modern Enterprise’’.

19 April, 2024

Pupils visit at SEU

At the meeting, students received comprehensive information about: bachelor's programs; student life; exchange programs; About SEU's special offers and other matters important to them.

19 April, 2024

‘’Soviet Reality Told Through Georgian Film’’ was held at SEU

On April 18th, the project – "Soviet Reality Told Through Georgian Film" was held at Georgian National University SEU.

19 April, 2024

Lecture Series on "Coaching One's Self"

On April 15-18, the Professor of the University of Europe for Applied Sciences and the Honorary Doctorate of SEU – Sascha Flemnitz held an elective course at Georgian National University for Master’s Program in Education Administration - ‘’Coaching One‘s Self“.

19 April, 2024

Representatives Of The Faculty Of Law Of SEU Attended The Annual General Assembly Of The European Law Faculties Association (ELFA)

On April 18, The Dean of the Faculty of Law of Georgian National University SEU, Thea Jugeli and the Director of the European Integration Research Center, Irakli Samkharadze attended the annual general assembly of the European Law Faculties Association (ELFA), which was held at the Law School of the University of Edinburgh.

19 April, 2024

Information Meeting at Vladimir Komarov Tbilisi School of Physics and Mathematics N199

On April 19, an Open Day of SEU was held at Vladimir Komarov Tbilisi School of Physics and Mathematics N199.

18 April, 2024

An Information Session regarding the Horizon Europe program

On April 17th, Georgian National University SEU hosted an information session regarding the Horizon Europe program.

17 April, 2024

Workshop by the Lead Digital Designer of the Netflix Platform 

On April 16, the lead digital designer of the Netflix platform for monetization and conversion, Fonz Morris held an exclusive workshop for SEU students, graduates and pupils: On Marketing, Product Design and Business Design.

17 April, 2024

A Presentation of the Fundamental Work by Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams

On April 17, a presentation of the fundamental work by Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams was held at Georgian National University SEU. 

16 April, 2024

A Workshop on the topic: „One Day of a Journalist’’

On April 15, a workshop: ‘’One Day of a Journalist’’ was held at Georgian National University SEU.

16 April, 2024

Meeting with the Director of the Specialized Establishment of the Francophonie for Administration and Management (ESFAM)

On April 15, Director of the Specialized Establishment of the Francophonie for Administration and Management (ESFAM) Nicolas Mainetti had an official visit at Georgian National University SEU.

16 April, 2024

A Training for SEU’s Academic Personnel on the topic: ‘’International Educational Institutions ‘’

On April 15, the Professor of the University of Europe for Applied Sciences and the Honorary Doctorate of SEU – Sascha J. Flemnitz held a training at Georgian National University SEU for our academic personnel on the topic: ‘’International Educational Institutions ‘’.

13 April, 2024

A Series of Trainings has Started on the Topic: ‘’Career Path in Social Entrepreneurship’’

A series of trainings has started since April on the topic: ‘’Career Path in Social Entrepreneurship’’, the training is held by Liana Apakidze – the Head of the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office and the invited lecturer of SEU.

12 April, 2024

Initial Results of the Academic Competition at the Faculty of Business and Technology

Speciality: Economics Subspeciality – Micro and Macro Economics Associate Professor – Emzar Kakulia; Subspeciality – Statistics Associate Professor – Otar Abesadze;

12 April, 2024

The Business Modelling Project: „Become a Businessman’’

On April 11, the business modelling project: ‘’Become a Businessman’’ was held at Georgian National University SEU. 

11 April, 2024

A Salon Evening was Held on the Topic: „Contemporary Literary and Fictional Art Passages’’

On April 10, Georgian National University SEU hosted the art group ‘’Cogito’’ in terms of the Dedaena Day (Mother Language Day), a salon evening was held on the topic: ‘Contemporary Literary and Fictional Art Passages’’.

06 April, 2024

SEU School Student Advisory Team Award Ceremony

On April 5, SEU hosted the SEU School Student Advisory Team Award Ceremony.

03 April, 2024

FMGE Exam workshop at SEU

On April 2, A workshop of Indian doctor Sakshi Arora Hans was held at Georgian National University SEU for the students of the Faculty of Medicine.  The workshop included the information and topics necessary for passing the FMGE Exam.

02 April, 2024

A Memorandum of Cooperation was executed between SEU and WOMEN IN TECH

On April 1, a Memorandum of Cooperation was executed between SEU and WOMEN IN TECH.

01 April, 2024

A Board game ‘’Georgian Women’’

A board game ‘’Georgian Women’’ was held for students at SEU within the framework of the Women’s Month.

29 March, 2024

A Training On The Topic: "Academic Leadership At School"

The training was led by Irina Abuladze, the associate professor of the Master’s Program in Education Administration, the Deputy Director of the USAID Educating for the Future Program. Ms. Irina is a leading specialist in the field of education, with 20 years of experience, she used to hold the positions of the Deputy Head of the National Center for Teacher Professional Development and the Deputy Minister.

29 March, 2024

Chkhorotsku Municipality Village Lesichine Public School N2 visit at SEU

On March 29, an Open Day was held at Georgian National University SEU for the pupils of the Chkhorotsku Municipality Village Lesichine Public School N2.

28 March, 2024

Meeting with SEU Partner Companies

On March 27, an event was held at SEU, which aimed at the deepening of strategic partnership between the university and the business field representatives.

28 March, 2024

Visit of the Tsalenjikha Municipality Jgali Community Kalistrate Salia Public School to SEU

On March 27, an Open Day for the pupils of the Tsalenjikha Municipality Jgali Community Kalistrate Salia Public School was held at Georgian National University SEU.

27 March, 2024

School ‘’Dea’’-s Visit to SEU

On March 26, an Open Day was held for the pupils of the school ‘’Dea’’ at Georgian National University SEU.

25 March, 2024

Holi Festival

On March 24, Holi Festival was held for Georgian National University SEU International Students at Hualing Park.

25 March, 2024

An information meeting about Joint Project by SEU and ”Crypto Bootcamp“

An information meeting was held at SEU in terms of the joint project of and SEU: Crypto Bootcamp“.

22 March, 2024

Information Meeting With Students Regarding The Current Exchange Programs

On March 21st, at Georgian National University SEU International Relations Office held an information meeting with students regarding the current exchange programs.

22 March, 2024

Pupils Visit at SEU

On March 22, an Open Day was held for the pupils of the Tbilisi N85 Public School at Georgian National University SEU.

21 March, 2024

The Basketball Team of SEU has won the second game of the qualifying stage

On March 20, the Basketball Team of Georgian National University SEU beat Gori University in the second game of the qualifying stage with the score 83-35.

18 March, 2024

Graduation Ceremony for students of Faculty of Medicine

On March 17, Graduation Ceremony for the Graduates of the Autumn Semester of 2023-2024 Academic AYear of the Faculty of Medicine was conducted at Georgian National University SEU.

16 March, 2024

Visit to SEU of School Mtiebi

On March 15, an open day for students of the private school “Mtiebi” was held at SEU.

14 March, 2024

Meeting with the representatives of Amazon

On March 13, a meeting with the Web Services Development Manager of Amazon was held at Georgian National University SEU.

13 March, 2024

Official visit of representative Coventry University at SEU

On March 11-12, the representative of Coventry University (UK), Strategic Lead for Health and Care (International), Dr. Craig Blyth paid an official visit to Georgian National University SEU.

13 March, 2024

Meeting with Master’s Students

On March 12, a working meeting with master’s students was held at Georgian National University SEU.

13 March, 2024

Schools visit at SEU

On March 12, an Open Day was held at Georgian National University SEU for the pupils of Akhmeta Municipality Village Duisi Public School, LEPL Martvili Municipality Ioane Minchkhi Village Inchkhuri Public School and Gori Municipality Village Kelktseuli Public School.

12 March, 2024

Visit to SEU of #4 public school of Zugdidi city

On March 11, an open day for students of public school #4 of Zugdidi was held at SEU.

06 March, 2024

Free Masterclass in English Language was Held at SEU

On March 5, Free masterclass in English language was held at Georgian National University SEU.

05 March, 2024

Orientation Meeting with the Students Transferred by Mobility

On March 4, an orientation meeting was held with the students transferred to Georgian National University SEU by mobility.

05 March, 2024

Open day at SEU

Georgian National University SEU held an open day for school leavers to provide them with detailed information about undergraduate programs, student life, exchange programs, special SEU offers and other important issues of their interest.

04 March, 2024

Meeting with a Comcast ML Engineer

On March 1, Meeting was held with Levan Zandarashvili, who is an ML engineer at the American company Comcast in Philadelphia (USA), organized by the undergraduate program of data science and artificial intelligence at SEU. 

27 February, 2024

Training on the Topic “Integration of Technologies in the Teaching Process”

On February 26, with the initiative of the Master’s Programme in Education Administration, a training was held for the academic personnel of the Faculty of Business and Technology at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: „Integration of Technology in the Teaching Process". 

23 February, 2024

SEU hosted the award ceremony of the Practical Civic Education Course in “STREET LAW”

SEU hosted the award ceremony of the Practical Civic Education Course in “STREET LAW” on February 22. 

21 February, 2024

Internal Mobility

Internal mobility is announced for the Spring semester of 2023-2024 academic year.

21 February, 2024

Workshop: ‘’Basics of Web-Programming’’

On February 20, Workshop was held for pupils at our AI Lab on the topic: ''Introduction to Web Programming''. 

19 February, 2024

SEU’s Scientific Journal - "Vectors Of Social Sciences," Has Been Included In The Largest And Most Authoritative DOAJ Database Of Open-access Journals

SEU’s scientific journal - "Vectors of Social Sciences," has been included in the largest and most authoritative DOAJ database of open-access journals - 

19 February, 2024

Visit of Tsalenjikha lV and V Public Schools at SEU

The pupils and the teachers of Tsalenjikha IV and V Public Schools have visited SEU.

15 February, 2024

Training on the Topic: ‘’Interactive and Practical Online Instruments for Learning Process’’ 

A training was held at Georgian National University SEU for school teachers with the support of the Master’s Program in Education administration and the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office on the topic ‘’Interactive and Practical Online Instruments for Learning Process’’.

12 February, 2024

SEU Vice-Rector Was Awarded for Her Special Contribution to the Development of Science

On February 11, an event was held at the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia, in relation to the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, where successful female scientists were awarded for their special merit in the development of science.

09 February, 2024

International Scientific Conference on the theme "Transformation in Times of Transition: European Integration and the Eastern Partnership Initiative"

On February 8th, an international scientific conference was convened at Georgian National University SEU, centering on the theme "Transformation in Times of Transition: European Integration and the Eastern Partnership Initiative." This collaborative endeavor was organized jointly by the European Integration Research Center of SEU and Lazarski University in Poland. 

08 February, 2024

British NGO “START” visit to SEU

SEU hosted the leadership of the British non-governmental organization START, who held meetings with students and heads of bachelor's / master's programs.

08 February, 2024

SEU hosted representatives from the World Law Foundation and the World Jurist Association

SEU hosted representatives from the World Law Foundation and the World Jurist Association – Teresa del Riego and Teodora Toma – who held a meeting with the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, Merab Turava, and other court representatives. The meeting was also attended by George Mirianashvili, the Dean of the School of Public Administration and Politics at Grigol Robakidze University. 

07 February, 2024

External Mobility at SEU

Registrations for the mobility seekers of the 2023-2024 Spring semester will be open at Georgian National University SEU on the electronic portal from January 30 until February 8, 18:00 of the current year.

06 February, 2024

Orientation meeting for international students was held at SEU

On February 5 an orientation meeting for International students was held at SEU. 

05 February, 2024

SEU has officially become a member university of the European University Association (EUA)

SEU has officially become a member university of the European University Association (EUA).

01 February, 2024

Workshop on Climate Change

On January 30-31, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Georgian National University SEU organized a workshop on climate change.

29 January, 2024

SEU has participated in the University Exhibition held at British-Georgian Academy

On January 29, Georgian National University SEU participated in the University Exhibition held at British-Georgian Academy.

29 January, 2024

International Student Conference ”SEU ISC W-2024”

On January 27, Georgian National University SEU organized an international student conference ”SEU ISC W-2024”.

25 January, 2024

An Open Day at SEU

On January 24, an open day was held at Georgian National University SEU.

23 January, 2024

Visit of Ambassador of India to SEU

Ambassador of India – Nilakshi Saha Sinha - paid an official visit to SEU university. 

22 January, 2024

Results of Academic Competition at the Faculty of Business and Technology, specialisation of technology

Specialisation – Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Graphics): Tea Todua – Professor Lia Kurtanidze – Associate Professor (on academic grounds)

20 January, 2024

STEM Olympiad was held at SEU

On January 19, The first round of the STEM Olympiad was held at SEU.

19 January, 2024

SEU and UCMAS Georgia

On January 18, a grand awards ceremony on the UCMAS Georgia’s (Universal Concepts of Mental Arithmetic Systems) international examination for confirmation of level was held at SEU. During the ceremony, more than 300 pupils were awarded with special awards and international certificates.

17 January, 2024

A Presentation Of The Book ‘’Fundamental Rights (A Commentary)’’

On January 16, SEU hosted a presentation of the book ‘’Fundamental Rights (A Commentary)’’. The authors of the work are Anna Phirtskhalashvili and Besik Loladze.

17 January, 2024

Presentation Of The Study Results On The Evaluation Of Lecturers And Study Courses By Students

On November 16, the Quality Enhancement Department organized a presentation of the study results on the evaluation of lecturers and study courses by students for the international students at SEU. 

13 January, 2024

Meeting with the Consul of India

On January 12, the Consul of India-Aditya Kumar Pandey-paid an official visit to Georgian National University SEU.

11 January, 2024

KINGS Awards Ceremony

On January 10, the awarding ceremony of the winners of the Olympiad was held at Georgian National University SEU.

08 January, 2024

Funding Tuition For The Students Living In The Villages Adjacent To The Demarcation Line

Applications for funding tuition for the students living in the villages adjacent to the demarcation line will be received on the following portal from December 14 through December 29 of 2023.

27 December, 2023

The grant proposal of SEU Vice-Rector as won the research grant competition announced by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia

The grant proposal of our Vice-Rector Anna Phirtskhalashvili has won the research grant competition announced by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia.

26 December, 2023

Series of Practicums at SEU

A Week of Practicums was organized by the Faculty of Business and Technology, with the support of the representatives of partner companies at Georgian National University SEU.

23 December, 2023

A Presentation of the Summary Reports on the Self-Evaluation of Academic Programmes

On December 22, The Quality Enhancement Department organized a presentation of the summary reports on the self-evaluation of academic programmes at Georgian National University SEU.

23 December, 2023

Domestic Championship in Mini Football

On December 21-22 a domestic championship of SEU was held in Mini Football among foreign students.

23 December, 2023

Public Lecture On “chronic Cough Syndrome And Allergy”

On December 22, a public lecture on “Chronic cough syndrome and allergy” was held at Georgian National University SEU, organized by our Medical Faculty and affiliated clinic American Hospital Tbilisi (AHT).

22 December, 2023

Funding tuition for the students living in the villages adjacent to the demarcation line

Applications for funding tuition for the students living in the villages adjacent to the demarcation line will be received on the following portal from December 14 through December 29 of 2023.

22 December, 2023

Movie Night "When Nietzsche Wept"

On December 21, the Faculty of Medicine of Georgian National University SEU organized a screening of the film "When Nietzsche Wept".

22 December, 2023

The Faculty of Law visits the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia

On December 21, the Faculty of Law of Georgian National University SEU organized a visit of the students from the faculty to the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia. Within the framework of the visit, a meeting was held on the topic: ‘’Gender-Based Violence against Women and Family Violence’’, which was led by the prosecutor of the Department of Human Rights – Kristine Morgoshia.

22 December, 2023

Being A Student Of Education Administration And Career Path

On December 21, a session on the topic ‘’Being a Student of Education Administration and Career Path’’ was held at Georgian National University SEU upon the initiative of the Program in Education Administration, with the support of the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office.

21 December, 2023

A Public Lecture on “Anesthesia Intensive Care”

On December 20, a public lecture on “Anesthesia intensive care” was held at SEU, organized by our Medical Faculty. 

21 December, 2023

Presentation of the Summary Report on the Self-evaluation of Departments and Faculties

Presentation of the Summary Report on the Self-evaluation of Departments and Faculties On 20th December, the Quality Enhancement Department held a presentation of the summary report on the self-evaluation of departments/offices and faculties at SEU.

20 December, 2023

Moot Court at SEU

On December 19 a moot court was organized by the Faculty of Law of Georgian National University SEU and the civic education club of LEPL Tbilisi N55 Public School - "I - a Citizen" at SEU with the participation of the jury.

19 December, 2023

Session On The Topic: ‘’The Ways Of Creation, Growth And Funding Of Startups’’

On December 18, a session was held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’The Ways of Creation, Growth and Funding of Startups’’.

19 December, 2023

Panel Discussion On The Topic: "State Services Available For The Victims Of Violence"

On December 18, a panel discussion on the topic: "State Services Available for the Victims of Violence" was held at Georgian National University SEU with the participation of the professors of the Program in Psychology of the Faculty of Social Sciences and a guest – Tamila Sanikidze, Head of Tbilisi Shelter for Victims of Human Trafficking and Violence.

19 December, 2023

Event “The Best Achievement of the Year” organized by the National Science Library

On December 18, the sixth event was organized by the National Science Library for the scientific and higher educational institutions of Georgia on the topic – “The Best Achievement of the Year”. 

17 December, 2023

Moot Court at SEU

On December 16, a moot court was held at Georgian National University SEU within the framework of the project of Georgian Bar Association – National Jury Moot Court Championship, which is held throughout the country.

16 December, 2023

SEU has held a festive celebration on granting Georgia the EU membership candidate status

On December 15, Georgian National University SEU held a festive celebration on granting Georgia the EU membership candidate status with the participation of the students, academic and administrative personnel of SEU.

15 December, 2023

An Open Day

On December 14, an Open Day was held at Georgian National University SEU with the participation of students and alumni.

14 December, 2023

Session on the topic: ‘’Sprots Journalism in Georgia’’

On December 12, a session was held at Georgian National University SEU within the framework of the series of public lectures ‘’Career Path in Journalism’’ on the topic: ‘’Sprots Journalism in Georgia’’

14 December, 2023

Presentation Of The Book: ‘’Georgian Peace Paradigm’’

On December 13, presentation of the book by Zurab Khonelidze: ‘’Georgian Peace Paradigm’’ was held at Georgian National University SEU.

13 December, 2023

Meeting With the Representatives of the Labour Inspection Service

On December 12, at Georgian National University SEU the meeting was held with the representatives of the Labour Inspection Service. 

13 December, 2023

Session on the topic: ‘’News: Preparing a TV report’’

On December 12, a session was held at Georgian National University SEU within the framework of the series of public lectures ‘’Career Path in Journalism’’ on the topic: ‘’News: Preparing a TV report’’.

12 December, 2023

Public Lecture on the Topic: ‘’Influence of Culture on Customer Behaviour’’

On December 11, a public lecture was held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: "The Influence of Culture on Customer Behaviour".

12 December, 2023

Session on the Topic: ‘’One Working Day of a Journalist’’

On December 11, a session was held at Georgian National University SEU within the framework of the series of public lectures ‘’Career Path in Journalism’’ on the topic: ‘’One Working Day of a Journalist’’.

11 December, 2023

Tbilisi International Student Surgical Conference - Surgicon2023 at SEU

On December 9-10, Edugradient Georgia and our Faculty of Medicine organized Tbilisi International Student Surgical Conference - Surgicon2023 at SEU.

10 December, 2023

Workshop On The Topic: ‘’The Hour Of Code’’

On December 9, a workshop was organized by Georgian National University SEU and the School Laboratory of Modern Technologies ‘’Explorium’’ on the topic: ‘’The Hour of Code’’.

09 December, 2023

Public Lecture On The Topic: ‘’Digital Revolution In Marketing’’

On December 8, the Faculty of Business and Technology organized a public lecture at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Digital Revolution in Marketing’’. 

09 December, 2023

Public Lecture on the Topic People-Centered Justice and Court-Community Engagement

On December 8, the USAID Rule of Law Program held a lecture on People-Centered Justice (PCJ) and Court-Community Engagement as part of the Human Rights Week at Georgian National University SEU.

08 December, 2023

Public Lecture On The Topic: ‘’Digital Revolution In Marketing’’

On December 8, the Faculty of Business and Technology organized a public lecture at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Digital Revolution in Marketing’’.

07 December, 2023

Public lecture: ‘’The Best Interests of the Child according to the Current Legislation of Georgia“

On December 6, a public lecture was held at Georgian National University SEU within the the framework of the University Week of Human Rights Law on the topic: ‘’The Best Interests of the Child according to the Current Legislation of Georgia“

06 December, 2023

Meeting With The Representatives Of The Company Solvit

On December 5, the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office organized a meeting with the representatives of the company SOLVIT within the Employer’s Days at Georgian National University SEU.

06 December, 2023

Panel Discussion On The Topics ‘’generative Ai And Ai-powered Startup “– ‘’ai In Healthcare Systems And Its Challenges “

On December 5, a panel discussion was held at Georgian National University SEU on the topics ‘’Generative AI and AI-Powered Startup“ – ‘’AI in Healthcare Systems and its Challenges“.

05 December, 2023

Screening Of The Film ''Crip Camp'' At SEU

On December 4, the screening of the film ''Crip Camp'' dedicated to the International Day of  Persons with Disabilities was held at SEU.

28 November, 2023

SEU Domestic Championship among International Students in Mini Football

Registrations will be open from November 28 till November 30, 18:00.

27 November, 2023

SEU Announces Competition for the Residency Program in Urology

Georgian National University SEU announces competition for the residency program in Urology – 3 vacant positions. Program supervisor: Davit Nikoleishvili Clinical base: American Hospital Tbilisi

26 November, 2023

Joint Conference of Teachers and Pupils

Joint conference of teachers and pupils at Georgian National University SEU: ''The Role of Informal Education in Formal Education - Sharing of the Group and Club Learning Practice''

24 November, 2023

Meeting in terms of the Procedure for Doing Internship at Public Service and Legislative Changes

On November 24, the Chair of the Education and Science Committee of the Parliament Givi Mikanadze and the first deputy chair Giorgi Chakvetadze held an information meeting with students and academic/administrative personnel.

24 November, 2023

Final Results of the Academic Competition Announced at the Faculty of Medicine

In the Medicobio logical direction: Professor: Davit Apkhazava Nodar Sulashvili

22 November, 2023

Modern Technologies in Education

The participants of the session received information on the EDUTech Europe event held in Amsterdam, problematic issues discussed during the event, main challenges faced by educational institutions and new opportunities based on modern technologies.

20 November, 2023

The Professor of the Tourism Program Visited Klaipeda University

On 19-25 November, the professor of the SEU tourism program Maia Ghvinjilia visited partner Klaipeda University (Lithuania) under the academic staff mobility program. Public lectures were conducted under the mobility program. 

20 November, 2023

Medical Conference: Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment Of The Acquired Mitral And Aortic Valve Heart Disease

On November 18-19, the Faculty of Medicine of SEU  organized a conference on the topic: Symptoms, Diagnostics and Treatment of the Acquired Mitral Valve Heart Diseases.

19 November, 2023

AHT Workshop in Breast & Gynecologic Cancers: Challenges and Opportunities

On November 17-18, 2023, an international conference - "AHT WORKSHOP IN BREAST & GYN CANCERS: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES" was held at the National University of Georgia "American Hospital Tbilisi" - AHT and the Society of Gynecological Oncologists of Georgia.

17 November, 2023

Public Lecture on the Topic: ‘’White Collar Crime’’

On November 16, a public lecture on the topic: ‘’White Collar Crime’’ was held at Georgian National University SEU.

17 November, 2023

Presentation Of The Study Results On The Evaluation Of Lecturers And Study Courses

On November 16, the Quality Enhancement Department organized a presentation of the study results on the evaluation of lecturers and study courses by students for the international students. 

15 November, 2023

SEU has become a partner of TOUCH2023

Georgian National University SEU has become a partner of TOUCH2023. TOUCH is an international technological summit, which will be held on December 7-8 in Tbilisi.

15 November, 2023

Public Lecture On The Topic: ‘’introduction To Taxation System’’

On November 14, a public lecture was held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Introduction to Taxation System’’.

15 November, 2023

Project ‘’Start Your Career at Tegeta’

Meeting with the representatives of Tegeta Motors, where the project ‘’Start Your Career at Tegeta’’ will be introduced to students.

13 November, 2023

SEU Diwali Celebration

On November 12, the Diwali (Indian Festival of Lights) celebration event was held at Georgian National University SEU.

11 November, 2023

The Importance of Corporate Culture in the Process of Development of the Company’

On 10 November, at Georgian National University SEU the Meeting was held on the Topic: “The Importance of Corporate Culture in the Process of Development of the Company’’.

10 November, 2023

Meeting On The Topic : "Time Management: Managing Time, As Continuous Flow“

On 9 November, at Georgian National University SEU the Meeting was held on the Topic: "Time Management: Managing Time, as Continuous Flow’’.

09 November, 2023

Meeting On The Topic: „Double Professions In The 21st Century “

On 8 November, at Georgian National University SEU the Meeting was held on the Topic: „Double Professions in the 21st Century “.

08 November, 2023

Meeting on the topic - "Skills of New Reality – Learning and Adaptation’’

On November 7, at  Georgian National University SEU within career development days, the second meeting was held on the topic: "Skills of New Reality – Learning and Adaptation’’. 

07 November, 2023

Meeting on the topic - The Art of Successful Interview: Strategies for Getting the Desirable Job

On November 6, career development days started at the Georgian National University SEU!

04 November, 2023

Sartichala N1 public school visit to SEU

The pupils and teachers of Sartichala N1 Public School have visited our university.

01 November, 2023

Meeting on the topic: ‘’Know Your Rights in the Field of Communications’’

On October 31, the Office of Public Defender of Consumer Interests organized a meeting at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Know Your Rights in the Field of Communications’’

31 October, 2023

SEU has Successfully Passed the Accreditation of the Residency Program (In Urology)

Georgian National University SEU has passed the accreditation of the post-diploma medical education program (residency) in urology.

31 October, 2023

Presentation of the study results on the evaluation of lecturers and study courses by students at SEU

On October 30, the Quality Enhancement Department organized a presentation of the study results on the evaluation of lecturers and study courses by students at Georgian National University SEU.

30 October, 2023

The Grant Projects Winning the SEU 2023-2024 Research Grant Competition

Transformation in the Transition Period: European Integration and Prospects of Eastern Partnership Project proponent: European Integration Research Center Field/Direction: Interdisciplinary

27 October, 2023

Admissions are Open for the Double Degree Program at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança IPB

Admissions are open for double degree program at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança IPB. The mobility period will last from February 2024 till February 2025.  

26 October, 2023

The Pupils of the Green School visit SEU

On October 24, Georgian National University SEU hosted the pupils of the Green School.

24 October, 2023

Meeting of the Faculty of Law with the SEU Freshmen

On October 23, the Faculty of Law of Georgian National University SEU held a meeting with the freshmen.

23 October, 2023

An Information Meeting With Students Regarding The Current Exchange Programs

On October 23, at Georgian National University SEU International Relations Office held an information meeting with students regarding the current exchange programs.

20 October, 2023

SEU has won the translation grant of the U.S. Embassy

The academic personnel of SEU is the winner of the U.S. grant project. The initiative group of the Faculty of Law of Georgian National University SEU has obtained the grant of the Department of Social Affairs of the U.S. Embassy.

18 October, 2023

Open Day was held for pupils at Georgian National University SEU

On October 17, an Open Day was held for pupils at Georgian National University SEU.

13 October, 2023

Series of meetings on the project ''Partnership for Peace'' were held at SEU

Series of meetings on the project ''Partnership for Peace'' were held at SEU. The speakers discussed various topical and important issues

10 October, 2023

International Clinical Conference was Held at University SEU on the topic ‘’The Recent Innovations in Surgery’

International Clinical Conference was Held at University SEU on the topic ‘’The Recent Innovations in Surgery’.

08 October, 2023

Orientation Meeting with Freshmen

On October 3 and 4 an online orientation meeting was held with freshmen at Georgian National University SEU.

06 October, 2023

SEU Has Become the Partner of Bitcoin Amsterdam 

Georgian National University SEU has become the partner of Bitcoin Amsterdam. Bitcoin Amsterdam is the largest Bitcoin Conference in Europe, which will be held on October 12-13, in Amsterdam.

06 October, 2023


Georgian National University SEU and the University of A Coruña, recognizing the benefits to their respective institutions from the establishment of links, hereby enter into this Agreement for Academic Cooperation as follows:

06 October, 2023

The Second Conference of Investment Ecosystem has been Held

On September 29, partner organization of SEU, AXEL held the Second Conference of Investment Ecosystem at Artarea. 

01 October, 2023

Heads of the Politics and Social Graduate Programs, as well as the Head and Students of the Psychology Undergraduate Program.

On September 30, events dedicated to the memory of Dimitri Uznadze were held in Kutaisi and the Heads of the Politics and Social Graduate Programs, as well as the Head and Students of the Psychology Progra of SEU participated in it.

30 September, 2023

Georgian National University SEU joined EAIE 2023, the 33rd Annual Conference and Exhibition

Georgian National University SEU joined EAIE 2023, the 33rd Annual Conference and Exhibition

29 September, 2023

Presentation Of Study Results On The Assessment Of Lecturers And Subjects By Students

On September 28, the Quality Enhancement Department of Georgian National University SEU organized the presentation of study results on the assessment of lecturers and subjects by students.

29 September, 2023

SEU Participated in 33th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition

The delegation of Georgian National University SEU participated in the 33th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition held in Rotterdam from September 26th to September 29th. The university aimed to develop international partnerships, foster an international learning environment, and expand partnership networks. 

22 September, 2023

Visit of SEU representatives to partner Coventry University

Georgian National University SEU continues meetings with our partner international universities.

19 September, 2023

Round Table – “European Green Deal – Just Transition in Education”

On September 18,  Georgian National University SEU hosted a round table event. The event was part of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet competition winner project titled 'European Green Deal - Just Transition in Education.

19 September, 2023

For Those Willing to Enrol in a Master’s Program

Georgian National University SEU announces admissions in 2023-2024 academic year for the following master’s educational programs:

15 September, 2023

Presentation of the Study Results ‘’Mechanisms for the Assessment of Research Competences at Higher Educational Institutions of Georgia – Challenges and Opportunities’’ was held at SEU

On September 14, presentation of the Study Results ‘’Mechanisms for the Assessment of Research Competences at Higher Educational Institutions of Georgia – Challenges and Opportunities’’ was held at SEU.

15 September, 2023

The Head of  Program in Dentistry attended the annual ADEE meeting 

The head of our Program in Dentistry Maia Jikia has attended the annual meeting of Association for Dental Education in Europe, held at the University of Liverpool, Great Britain. ADEE unifies leading universities, professional society, students, national associations and dental companies across Europe.

13 September, 2023

Representatives of the Faculty of Medicine of SEU attended the annual AMEE Conference

The dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Georgian National University SEU Maia Advadze and the Vice-Dean Nana Nikolaishvili attended annual conference of the International Association for Medical Education (AMEE) held in Great Britain.

11 September, 2023

For The Attention Of Students To Be Transferred By Mobility!

Students, who have obtained the right of mobility at Georgian National University SEU, must apply (application form is filled onsite) to the University from September 12 through September 19 of the current year (except for weekends) from 10:00 to 18:30 and submit the documentation indicated below.

08 September, 2023

SEU has held a workshop at Surge Summit event on the topic: "Artificial Intelligence"

On September 7, a workshop was organized by Georgian National University SEU at the Surge Summit event

07 September, 2023

SEU announces admission to the Alumni Club

In order to develop cooperation with the graduates Georgian National University SEU announces admission to the Alumni Club.

06 September, 2023

One of the largest regional (EECCA) Startup events – Surge Summit was held at Sheratoni

On September 5, the first event of one of the largest regional (EECCA) Startup events – Surge Summit was held at Sheratoni

01 September, 2023

Registration of the Freshmen

First phase: the freshmen must undergo online registration (without coming to SEU), which will start from September 6, 17:00 and end on September 12, 18:00.

25 August, 2023

Mobility at SEU

At Georgian National University SEU, registration of mobility seekers of the autumn semester of the 2023-2024 academic year will be conducted on the following e-portal registrations will be open from August 21 to September 7, 18:00 of the current year.

18 August, 2023

Cooperation with Coventry University

We have started cooperation with Coventry University, which gives students the opportunity to study in London for their last academic year and receive a diploma of Coventry University.

16 August, 2023

Academic Staff Mobility Program at Yeditepe University Under the Erasmus+ program 

Georgian National University SEU is announcing the call for applications of the Erasmus + funded program of academic staff teaching mobility at Yeditepe University (Turkey) for autumn semester.

14 August, 2023

Strategic Cooperation with Supernova (Pulsar AI)

The leading artificial intelligence company in Georgia - Supernova, which is known with the name - Pulsar AI and Georgian National University SEU are starting their strategic cooperation.

14 August, 2023

Announcement with regard to the Summer School

Once more, SEU expresses deep condolences for the tragedy occurred in Shovi. Due to the current situation, Summer School in Anti-Corruption Law, which was to be held for the students of the Faculty of Law in Shovi between 15 – 18 August has been cancelled.

29 July, 2023

Closing Ceremony of Georgian-German Summer School was Held at SEU

On July 28, the ceremony of closing of the Georgian-German Summer School ‘’European Constitutional Values, National Constitutional Legal Order’’ and the awarding of German and Georgian participants with certificates was held at SEU.

27 July, 2023


On July 22, presentation of the research outcomes was held at Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Study of the Dominant Managerial Style in Georgia in the Context of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions.’’

24 July, 2023

SEU Graduation Ceremony 2023

On July 23, Graduation Ceremony was held for the graduates of 2023 at Georgian National University SEU.

22 July, 2023

Associate Professor of SEU participated in the 28th World Law Congress organized by the World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation

On July 20-21, 2023, associate professor of Georgian National University SEU, director of the European Integration Research Center – Irakli Samkharadze participated in the 28th World Law Congress organized by the World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation, which was hosted by the United States of America in New York, at the headquarter of the United Nations and at the Bar Association of the New York State.

21 July, 2023

Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference SMC 2023

On July 20, Georgian National University SEU organized the multidisciplinary scientific conference SMC 2023. 45 representatives of academic circle from up to 10 higher educational institutions of Georgia participated in the multidisciplinary conference.

21 July, 2023

Artificial Intelligence Surgery: Surgiomics and Autonomous Actions

On July 20, a public lecture on “Artificial Intelligence Surgery: Surgiomics and Autonomous Actions” was held at SEU, organized by our Medical Faculty and affiliated clinic “American Hospital Tbilisi”.

14 July, 2023

SEU Summer Cricket League

On July 13, the final match of the domestic championship in Cricket of SEU was held

14 July, 2023

KROK Exams at SEU

KROK exams were held at SEU. KROK is a Licensing Examination, an obligatory part of state certification for awarding the qualification of a doctor or pharmacist.

01 July, 2023

Conference on the topic - ''Sharing of Best Practices in the Process of Teaching and Learning''.

On June 30, the Quality Enhancement Department organized a conference on the topic - ''Sharing of Best Practices in the Process of Teaching and Learning''.

30 Jun, 2023

A Public Lecture on “Plastic Surgery: Aesthetic Artistry and Caring Touch”

On June 29, a public lecture on “Plastic Surgery: Aesthetic Artistry and Caring Touch” was held at SEU, organized by our Medical Faculty and affiliated clinic “American Hospital Tbilisi”.

28 Jun, 2023

Student Self-Governance Elections in SEU

On June 27, student self-governance elections were held in the Georgian National University SEU.

22 Jun, 2023

Visit of SEU Vice-Rector to the University of Potsdam

SEU Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, Professor Anna Phirtskhalashvili paid a business visit to the University of Potsdam.

21 Jun, 2023

Working Meeting was Held at SEU with the Representatives of Regional Broadcasters

On 20th Of Jun, working meeting was held at SEU with the representatives of regional broadcasters.

18 Jun, 2023

KINGS Awards Ceremony

On June 17, awards ceremony of the winners of the KINGS school Olympiads was held at SEU. Georgian National University SEU was its main supporter and sponsor.

17 Jun, 2023

Series of trainings of the accreditation standards of higher educational programs were completed

On June 16, the series of trainings organized by the Quality Enhancement Department in terms of the accreditation standards of higher educational programs were completed.

14 Jun, 2023

Series of Trainings on Teaching and Learning for the Academic Personnel of SEU

In May and June, series of trainings on teaching and learning were organized for the academic personnel of SEU by the Faculty of Business and Technology

14 Jun, 2023

Training was Held at SEU on the Topic – ‘’Accreditation Standards of Higher Educational Institutions and the Methods of Development of Syllabus’’

On June 13, the third training was held for academic and invited personnel at the Georgian National University SEU on the topic – ‘’Accreditation Standards of Higher Educational Institutions and the Methods of Development of Syllabus’’.

12 Jun, 2023

Culture Day At SEU

Culture Day was held at SEU. During the event, international students of SEU demonstrated their national costumes, traditional dances, and songs, the musical accompaniment for the evening was provided by a band and a DJ.

12 Jun, 2023

Scientific Journal of SEU ‘’SEU and Science’’ 2023 (14) Has Been Issued

The following papers are included in the journal:

10 Jun, 2023

An Outdoor Event Within the Framework of the Course ‘’Events Management’

On June 10, an outdoor event was held within the framework of the course ‘’Events Management’’, which was hosted by Hotels & Preference Hualing Tbilisi.

10 Jun, 2023

Training in terms of the Accreditation Standards of Higher Educational Programs

On June 9, training was held at the Georgian National University SEU in terms of the accreditation standards of higher educational programs.

09 Jun, 2023

The Intellectual/Entertainment Game ‘’Brain Ring’’

On June 8, the intellectual/entertainment game ‘’Brain Ring’’ was held for the students of the Faculty of Medicine.

07 Jun, 2023

Series of Trainings Related to the Accreditation Standards for Higher Educational Programs

On June 6, the Quality Enhancement Department of the Georgian National University SEU started series of trainings related to the accreditation standards for higher educational programs.

07 Jun, 2023

Rafting Tour 2023

On June 6, rafting tour was held with the support of the Sports Federation of SEU, up to 130 SEU students participated in it.

06 Jun, 2023

Training on the topic: "Problem-Based Learning"

On Jun 5 the Vice-Rector for Development of our partner university, Prof.Dr-Ing. Uwe Kaschka (bbw - Hochschule University of Applied Sciences) held a training for SEU lecturers – ‘’Problem-Based Learning’’.

05 Jun, 2023

Simulation meeting of the Charter of Journalistic Ethics

On June 2 simulation meeting of the Charter of Journalistic Ethics was held at SEU.

05 Jun, 2023

The Volleyball Team of SEU is the Winner of the I University League

In the final match SEU beat the Kutaisi International University with the score 2-1.

03 Jun, 2023

Presentation of the final results of the research conducted within the framework of the competition announced by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia was held at SEU

On June 2, presentation of the final results of the research conducted within the framework of the competition announced by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia was held at the Georgian National University SEU.

02 Jun, 2023

Awards Ceremony of the Project: ‘’Basics of Business’’

The Faculty of Business and Technology of the Georgian National University SEU has implemented a project ‘’Basics of Business’’ for pupils.

01 Jun, 2023

The Vice-Rector of the Berlin and Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (BBW University) Has Visited SEU

On May 30, the Vice-Rector of the Berlin and Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (BBW University), Professor Uwe Kaschka visited Georgian National university SEU under the academic mobility of the project Erasmus+.

01 Jun, 2023

Information Meeting was Held at SEU on the Learning Opportunities in France

Natia Mskhaladze, the representative of the French Institute of Georgia and the director of Campus France in Georgia, hosted a student information session in Georgian national University SEU on May 31st.

01 Jun, 2023

Motivation training was held at SEU on the topic: ‘’Toxicomania – the Transformation Effect’’

On May 31, motivation training was held at SEU on the topic: ‘’Toxicomania – the Transformation Effect’’.

31 May, 2023

Presentation Of The Book – ‘’Handbook of Social Law’’ was held at SEU

On May 30, presentation of the book – ‘’Handbook of Social Law’’ was held at the Georgian National University SEU, which was prepared with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Georgian National University SEU.

31 May, 2023

SEU Participated in the Education Fair in India

The delegation of Georgian National University SEU participated in the Georgia Education Fair - 2023 in India from May 30th to June 2nd. The university aimed to develop international partnerships and expand partnership networks. 

30 May, 2023

Visit of the SEU delegation to the University of Braganca

From May 29th to June 2nd, Georgian National University SEU delegation Giorgi Gavtadze, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, and Rusudan Beriashvili, Head of Georgian and English-taught Bachelor's Programs in Business Administration visited the Polytechnic Institute of Braganca (Portugal) under the staff mobility program. 

30 May, 2023

Meeting on the topic: ''Discussion/the Debate Method'' Was Held At SEU

On May 29, the SEU Faculty of Business and Technology organized the second meeting with the academic personnel on the topic: ''Discussion/the Debate Method''.

29 May, 2023

The Final Round Of The Competition: ''I Am Writing an Essay'' was held at the Georgian National University SEU

On May 27, the final round of the competition: ''I Am Writing an Essay'' was held at the Georgian National University SEU

29 May, 2023

International Student Conference ”SEU ISC S-2023"

On May 28, International Student Conference ”SEU ISC S-2023” was organized by the Georgian National University SEU.

26 May, 2023

Visit of the head of SEU Language Center to Lazarski University

On 19-25 June, the head of the Georgian National University SEU language center, Nino Chikovani visited the partner Lazarski University (Poland) under the staff mobility program.

26 May, 2023

Public lecture was held at SEU for the students of the tourism program on the topic: ‘’Iconographic Images in Georgian Church Painting’’.

On May 25, public lecture was held at SEU for the students of the tourism program on the topic: ‘’Iconographic Images in Georgian Church Painting’’.

25 May, 2023

Georgian National University SEU hosted the Non-Governmental Charity Organization ''International Women's Association Georgia''

On May 24 Georgian National University SEU hosted the Non-Governmental Charity Organization ''International Women's Association Georgia'' (IWA Georgia), which includes up to 170 members from various countries of the world.

24 May, 2023

Job fair At SEU

On may 22 Georgian National University SEU hosted a Job fair.

20 May, 2023

SEU and the Faculty of Medicine organized an Open Day and a workshop on the topic ‘’First Aid’’ for the pupils of the Lesichine №1 Public School

On May 19 Georgian National University SEU and the Faculty of Medicine organized an Open Day and a workshop on the topic ‘’First Aid’’ for the pupils of the Lesichine №1 Public School. During the meeting, the participants conducted various manipulations on modern models and simulators at the Simulation Clinic of SEU. During the meeting, the participants conducted various manipulations on modern models and simulators at the Simulation Clinic of SEU.

19 May, 2023

Quality Enhancement Department organized the presentation of the study results on the institutional assessment of the University for the students of the English-taught programs

On May 19, at the Georgian National University SEU, Quality Enhancement Department organized the presentation of the study results on the institutional assessment of the University for the students of the English-taught programs.

16 May, 2023

Meeting In The Field Of Business And Administration In Terms Of The Cluster Accreditation Procedures

On May 15 of the current year, Quality Enhancement Department organized the meeting in the field of Business and Administration in terms of the cluster accreditation procedures.

15 May, 2023

SEU Faculty Of Medicine Organized Training On Clinical Teaching And Mini-clinical Exam Assessment For The Academic Personnel Of The Faculty

On May 13-14, our Faculty of Medicine organized training on clinical teaching and mini-clinical exam assessment for the academic personnel of the faculty.

11 May, 2023

The awarding ceremony of the pupils winning the Olympiad was held at SEU

The awarding ceremony of the pupils winning the Olympiad was held on May 10, at the Georgian National University SEU.

09 May, 2023

Meeting for the academic personnel on the topic: ‘Planning, Holding and Assessment of Interactive Lecture’’

On May 8, the Faculty of Business and Technology organized the first meeting for the academic personnel on the topic: ‘Planning, Holding and Assessment of Interactive Lecture.’’

08 May, 2023

Heart Rhythm Society – Meet the Masters was held at SEU

On May 6, an international conference organized by American Hospital Tbilisi and Silk Road Heart Rhythm Society – Meet the Masters was held at the Georgian National University SEU.

05 May, 2023

Public Lecture was Held at SEU on the Topic: ‘’Challenges of Georgia Against the Background of the War between Russia and Ukraine’’

On May 4, public lecture was held at the Georgian National University SEU on the topic: ‘’Challenges of Georgia Against the Background of the War between Russia and Ukraine’’.

04 May, 2023

Memorandum of Cooperation was executed between SEU and Rustavi Public School N16

Memorandum of Cooperation was executed between the Georgian National University SEU and LEPL Ekvtime Takaishvili Rustavi Public School N16.

04 May, 2023

EHL - The World’s N1 School in the field of hospitality management starts cooperation with SEU in order to implement Bachelor's, Master's, Professional and Certificate programs

EHL - The World’s N1 School in the field of hospitality management starts cooperation with SEU in order to implement Bachelor's, Master's, Professional and Certificate programs. On November 1, 2, 3 the representatives of the consultancy branch of EHL, the world’s leading hospitality management school according to QS world’s university rankings, paid an official visit to SEU.

03 May, 2023

The fifth volume of the peer-reviewed scientific journal ‘’Vectors of Social Sciences’’ has been issued

On April 28, 2023 The fifth volume of the peer-reviewed international scientific journal of the Georgian National University SEU - ‘’Vectors of Social Sciences’’ has been issued.

02 May, 2023

The 84th business sessions of the European Students' Union (ESU) were held at SEU

The 84th Board Meeting and the general assembly of the European Students’ Union (ESU) is held on May 1-8 organized by the Georgian Students’ Organisations Association and supported by the Georgian National University SEU. It is noteworthy that it’s the first time that Georgia hosts more than 120 representatives of the most influential youth organisation in the European Union from various European states.

02 May, 2023

Workshop on the topic ‘’First Aid’’ was held At SEU

On May 1, workshop on the topic ‘’First Aid’’ was held with the organization of the Faculty of Medicine of the Georgian National University SEU.

02 May, 2023

Visit of Khashuri Schools at SEU

On May 1, the pupils and teachers from the city of Khashuri visited Georgian National University SEU.

28 April, 2023

Digital Technology Days at SEU

As part of the days of digital technologies, on April 28, meetings was held on very interesting and relevant topic: "E-Commerce (how to place a product on etsy)"

24 April, 2023

Visit of the Head of Business Administration Master's Program at Lazarski University

On 24- 29 April, The head of the Business Administration Master program Teona Maisuradze visited Lazarski University (Poland) under the academic staff mobility program.

21 April, 2023

Presentation of the study results on the institutional assessment of the university was held At SEU

Presentation of the study results on the institutional assessment of the university was held At SEU

20 April, 2023

Vice-Rector of SEU has travelled to the WZB Berlin Social Science Center on a research visit

The Vice-Rector for Research of the Georgian National University SEU, Professor Anna Phirtskhalashvili has travelled to the WZB Berlin Social Science Center on a research visit.

15 April, 2023

SEU Participated in International Education Fair in Uzbekistan

The delegation of Georgian National University SEU participated in International Educational Fair held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from April 15th to April 18th. The university aimed to develop international partnerships and expand partnership networks. 

12 April, 2023

New Accredited Programs of SEU

On April 11, accreditation was granted to the following new programs of the Georgian National University SEU

11 April, 2023

Public lecture on the topic: ‘’Profession Lawyer’’ was held at SEU

On April 11, public lecture on the topic: ‘’Profession Lawyer’’ was held at the Georgian National University SEU.

08 April, 2023

Visit of the SEU delegation to the Bucharest University of Economic Studies

On 4-7 April, Georgian National University SEU delegation Giorgi Gavtadze, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, and Nino Urushadze, Head of International Relations Office visited the Bucharest University of Economic Studies under the staff mobility program. 

08 April, 2023

A case-based lecture on “Epilepsy Seizures” was held at SEU

On April 7, A case-based lecture on “Epilepsy Seizures” was held at SEU, organized by our Medical Faculty and affiliated clinic “American Hospital Tbilisi”.

08 April, 2023

Korea Day at SEU

On April 7, Korea Day was held at the Georgian National University SEU.

07 April, 2023

Presentation Of The Initial Results Of The Research Conducted Within The Competition Announced by the Ministry of Justice was held at SEU

On April 6, presentation of the initial results of the research conducted within the competition announced by the Ministry of Justice was held at the Georgian National University SEU.

05 April, 2023

Public lecture on the topic – “Green Economy – EU Environmental Policy”

On April 4, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ernst Peter Fischer read public lecture on the topic – Green Economy – EU Environmental Policy, during which he talked about important issues such as: environmental problems in the EU countries and their possible outcomes, also, the situation existing in Georgia in this regard and its main challenges.

05 April, 2023

The project "Thinking Marathon" was held at SEU

On April 4, the project "Thinking Marathon" was held at SEU with the support of the Sports, Culture and Youth Organizations Relations Office of SEU, which was organized by the SEU student club "Students on the Way to EU".

04 April, 2023

The Professors of the Faculty of Medicine of SEU Have Participated in the International Congress -  "The 17 World Congress on Controversies in Neurology - CONy 2023"

International congress - "The 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology - CONy 2023" was held In Dubrovnik, Croatia.

01 April, 2023


On March 31, presentation of research results on the topic: ‘’The Challenges of Preschool Education and the Need for Alternative Education’’ was held at the Georgian National University SEU’’.

01 April, 2023

Domestic Championship in Badminton Was Held At SEU

From March 23 through March 31, domestic championship in badminton was held at the Georgian National University SEU, which was organized by the Sports, Culture and Youth Organisations Relations Office and the Department of Student Affairs of SEU.

30 March, 2023

Visit of the pupils of Lesichine N1 and N2 Public Schools at SEU

On March 29, Georgian National University SEU hosted the pupils of N1 and N2 Public Schools of the village Lesichine located in the Chkhorotsku Municipality.

30 March, 2023

The 9th Energy Transition Dialogue was attended by the associate professor of SEU

On 28-29 March, Berlin hosted the annual Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2023 (BETD2023), which gathers energy transition doers and supporters from around the globe. The forum was also attended by our Associate Professor, director of the European Integration Research Center - Dr. Irakli Samkharadze.

29 March, 2023

The representative of partner ,,Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie ‘’ (AUF) conducted the informative meeting for SEU

The representative of partner ,,Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie ‘’ (AUF) conducted the informative meeting for SEU students on March 29 th at Georgian National University.

25 March, 2023

SEU Students Have Participated in the Competition "Idééthon"

On March 24, within the framework of the memorandum executed with the Association of Francophone Universities (AUF), Georgian National University SEU participated in the competition "Idééthon", which was held within the event dedicated to the Francophone Days, under the guidance of the Association of Francophone Universities.

25 March, 2023

Information Meeting About The Grant Opportunities of "Horizon Europe" was held at SEU

On March 24, at 14:00 an information meeting about the grant opportunities of "Horizon Europe" was held at the Georgian National University SEU.

24 March, 2023

Presentation of the Book – ‘’Why Europe – How Do People in European Countries Live?’’ at SEU

On March 23, presentation of the book – ‘’Why Europe – How Do People in European Countries Live?’’ was held at the Georgian National University SEU

24 March, 2023

The Meeting with Employers Organized by the Journalism Program of SEU

On March 21, the Journalism Program organized the meeting at the Georgian National University SEU, within the scope of the meeting, the lecturers and students of the Journalism Program will meet with various media representatives on a phased basis in order to develop this program and further approximate it to the demands of labor market.

23 March, 2023

Project of the Faculty of Business and Technology for Pupils “Find Yourself In Business”

On March 22, the project of the Faculty of Business and Technology for pupils “ Find Yourself In Business” was started at the Georgian National University SEU, the aim of the project is to make the entrants aware of business and its fields.

22 March, 2023

An Open Day for the persons willing to participate in the Unified National Exams 2023 was held at SEU

On March 21, Georgian National University SEU hosted the open house event for the examinees in the 2023 Unified National Exams, administered by the National Assessment and Examinations Center.

21 March, 2023

Visit of the Pupils of Independent School Modzgvari at SEU

On March 20, Georgian National University SEU hosted the pupils of Independent School Modzgvari.

18 March, 2023

Visit of the Pupils of Private School IBMthiebi at SEU

On March 17, Georgian National University SEU hosted the pupils of private school IBMthiebi.

15 March, 2023

SEU Participated in ICEF Istanbul Educational Fair

The delegation of Georgian National University SEU participated in the International Educational Fair held in Istanbul from March 13th to March 15th. The university aimed to develop international partnerships and expand partnership networks. 

13 March, 2023

Conference on the topic: ‘’The Role of Informal Education in Formal Education’’

On March 11, joint conference of teachers and pupils ‘’The Role of Informal Education in Formal Education’’, organized by the Center for Informal Education, was held at the Georgian National University SEU.

09 March, 2023

Holi Festival was held for the students of the English-taught Faculty of Medicine Of SEU

On March 8, Holi Festival was held for the students of the English-taught Faculty of Medicine of SEU.

07 March, 2023

Holi Festival

On March 8, Holi Festival will be held for the students of the English-based Faculty of Medicine of SEU, which will be organized by the Georgian National University SEU.

01 March, 2023

The Award Ceremony of the Practical Course in Civic Education - STREET LAW was held at SEU

SEU hosted the award ceremony of the Practical Civic Education Course in “STREET LAW” on February 28.

23 February, 2023

Open Day at SEU

On February 22, Georgian National University SEU held an open day for school leavers

21 February, 2023

Exchange Program For SEU Students In Germany At The University Of Dual Hochschule Baden-württemberg Karlsruhe

Admissions are open for mobility program at Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe university. The study process will last from October 1st 2023 till December 31st 2023.  The selected student will receive scholarship 2400 Euros (in total). Travel cost is covered by the student.

18 February, 2023

Organizational Meeting Between The Representatives Of The Julius-maximilians-universität Würzburg And The Representatives Of The Georgian National University Was Held At SEU

Organizational meeting between the representatives of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg and the representatives of the Georgian National University was held at SEU on February 17.

17 February, 2023

Official visit of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg at SEU

Georgian National University SEU hosted representatives of the Faculty of Law of Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg on February 16.

15 February, 2023

SEU has executed a memorandum with the Georgian Competition Agency  

On February 14, the Chairman of the National Competition Agency Irakli Lekvinadze held the meeting with our students.

13 February, 2023

SEU Participated in ICEF Dubai Educational Fair

The delegation of Georgian National University SEU participated in the International Educational Fair held in Dubai from February 13th to February 15th. The university aimed to develop international partnerships and expand partnership networks. 

11 February, 2023

SEU Hosted an International Scientific Conference - "The European Experience of Migration - Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities"

On February 9-10, the European Integration Research Center of Georgian National University SEU hosted an international scientific conference - "The European Experience of Migration - Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities", which was co-organized by Lazarski University (Poland).

11 February, 2023

Round Table Discussion Was Held Between the Representatives of Georgian National University

Round table discussion was held between the representatives of Georgian National University SEU and invited guests from University of Lazarski, University of Ghent, University of Potsdam, University of Applied Science Eastern Switzerland.

08 February, 2023

Public Lecture On "Solid Organ Transplantation In Georgia And The Rest Of The World" Was Held At SEU

On February 7, a public lecture on "Solid Organ Transplantation In Georgia And The Rest Of The World" was held at SEU, organized by SEU affiliated clinic "American Hospital Tbilisi".

07 February, 2023

Public Lecture On The Topic: ‘’Writing of Monuments for the Ruisi-Urbnisi Convention (1103)’’  Was Held For Pupils At The Georgian National University SEU

On February 6, the public lecture on the topic: ‘’Writing of Monuments for the Ruisi-Urbnisi Convention (1103)’’ was held for pupils at the Georgian National University SEU.

04 February, 2023

Public lecture Was held at SEU on the topic: “Digital Media and Manipulations”

On February 3, public lecture was held at SEU on the topic: “Digital Media and Manipulations”.

04 February, 2023

The Meeting with the General Director of Indonesian Tourism Company ‘’Pacific Holidays DMC’’, I Nyoman Astama, was held at SEU

On February 3, the general director of the Indonesian tourism company Pacific Holidays DMC I Nyoman Astama held meeting at the Georgian National University SEU and talked about the touristic potential of the county of Indonesia, changes and development of tourism industry, the meeting also covered:

03 February, 2023

The Meeting With Contemporary Georgian Authors Was Held At SEU Library

On February 2, the meeting with contemporary Georgian authors was held at our library in relation to the World Read Aloud Day.

03 February, 2023

SEU Students Have Distributed Books in Tbilisi Streets

With regard to the World Read Aloud Day, the students have distributed books of contemporary Georgian and foreign authors in Tbilisi streets. The event was organized by the SEU library.

02 February, 2023

The Orientation Session For The Students Selected Under The International Student Exchange Mobility Programme Was Held At SEU

On February 1, The orientation session  for the students selected under the International Student Exchange Mobility Programme was held at SEU.

26 January, 2023

The Meeting was Held at SEU on the topic: ‘’The Issues of Personal Data Protection’’

On January 25, at the Georgian National University SEU, the representative of the Personal Data Protection Service talked about the general issues of personal data processing – legal grounds for data processing, principles of data processing, data safety and the rights of a data subject.

26 January, 2023

Presentation of the film ‘’Masterpieces of Georgian Engineering’’ was held at SEU

On January 25, presentation of the film: ‘’Masterpieces of Georgian Engineering’’ was held at the Georgian National University SEU.

25 January, 2023

Presentation of the Self-evaluation Reports of Study Courses

Presentation of the self-evaluation reports of study courses organized by the SEU Quality Development Department was held on January 24 of the current year.

25 January, 2023

The SEU ‘’Events Management’’ students visited the Biltmore Hotel under the Practical Study Course

On January 24, under the SEU Business Administration Program the students of the course ‘’Events Management” visited the Events Management Department of the Biltmore Hotel together with the professor Ms. Bela Perishvili.

25 January, 2023

Training Course in Hospitality Management and Employment

On January 24, the meeting of the founder of the hotel management company ‘’Ka Group’’, Nino Chighladze and the director of the tourism academy "Tressel Academy Georgia (TAG)", the invited lecturer of SEU Tinatin Kublashvili with the students of the Tourism Program was held.

24 January, 2023

Training was held at SEU on the topic: ‘’The Challenges of the Implementation of the DRG Funding System in Georgia and Practical Skills’’

On December 21-22, training was held on the topic: ‘’The Challenges of the Implementation of the DRG Funding System in Georgia and Practical Skills’’, which was organized by the SEU Training Center and the SEU Faculty of Medicine.

24 January, 2023

SEU Vice-Rector has become the winner of the ''Georgia's Researchers' Mobility Programme''

Anna Phirtskhalashvili, the SEU Vice-Rector for Research, is the winner of the ‘’Support to Georgia’s Researchers’ Mobility’’ Programme funded by the EU and implemented by the DAAD.

20 January, 2023

Moot Court was Held at SEU

On January 18, moot court was held for entrants at the Georgian National University SEU.

20 January, 2023

SEU has hosted International Student Conference ”SEU ISOC W-2023”

On January 17-18, International Student Conference ”SEU ISOC W-2023” was held, which was organized by the Georgian National University SEU.

16 January, 2023

‘’Challenges of Preschool Education and the Necessity of Alternative Education’’ is implemented with the financial support of the Georgian National University SEU

The research grant project: ‘’Challenges of Preschool Education and the Necessity of Alternative Education’’ is implemented with the financial support of the Georgian National University SEU.

16 January, 2023

Information session was held at SEU on the topic: ‘’Cruise Tourism and Travel’’

On January 16, information session was held at the Georgian National University SEU on the topic ‘’Cruise Tourism and Travel’’.

13 January, 2023

Presentation of the Project – "European Green Deal - Just Transition in Education” was held at SEU

On January 12, a presentation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet competition winner project - "European Green Deal - Just Transition in Education” was held at Georgian National University SEU.

11 January, 2023

SEU Hosted A Public Lecture on “New Technologies in Surgery”

On January 10, a public lecture on “New Technologies in Surgery” Was held at SEU, organized by SEU affiliated clinic American Hospital Tbilisi.

31 December, 2022

SEU Student Self-Government New Year Charity Event

On December 29, the student self-government of Georgian National University SEU organized a charity event. The SEU students visited the elderly and children and gave them some gifts.

26 December, 2022

SEU has become a member of the Francophone University Agency (AUF).

SEU has become a member of the Francophone University Agency (AUF). This is another step forward in the direction of internationalization.

25 December, 2022

Let's Do It! - Georgia’s End-Of-Year Conference at SEU

On December 24, Georgian National University SEU hosted an end-of-year conference, organized by the international green movement Let's Do It! - Georgia, which included raising awareness of Let's Do It! – Georgia’s occupation, summary of activities during the year and presentation of the future plans.

22 December, 2022

Media Laboratory Presentation at SEU

On December 21, the presentation of the SEU Media Laboratory was held at Georgian National University SEU. At the presentation, the students presented their works they had been preparing for 2 months.

21 December, 2022

SEU Theatrical Troup has held the grand opening of the literary contest ‘’Muza’’ awarding ceremony

On December 20, the awarding ceremony of the literary contest ‘’Muza’’ was held at the Writers’ House, the grand opening was held by the Theatrical Troup of the Georgian National University SEU.

21 December, 2022

Presentation of Annual Reports of Faculties and Organizational Units

On December 20, 2022, the presentation of the annual reports of the faculties and organizational units was held, organized by the SEU Quality Development Department.

19 December, 2022

SEU Hosted Training Entitled “Challenges and Practical Skills Related To The Introduction Of  The DRG Financing System To Georgia”

On December 17-18, a training entitled “Challenges and Practical Skills Related to the Introduction of the DRG Financing System to Georgia” was held, organized by the Training Center of Georgian National University SEU and the SEU Faculty of Medicine.

17 December, 2022

SEU hosted a Public Lecture On "Loss of Consciousness - Syncope: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Modern Methods of Treatment – Cardioneuroablation"

On December 16, a public lecture on "Loss of Consciousness - Syncope: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Modern Methods of Treatment – Cardioneuroablation" was held at SEU, organized by our affiliated clinic "American Hospital Tbilisi".

17 December, 2022

A Memorandum Of Cooperation Was Signed Between The Notary Chamber of Georgia And SEU

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Notary Chamber of Georgia and SEU.

16 December, 2022

Winter School “SEU Bakuriani 2022”

On December 13-15, Winter School “SEU Bakuriani 2022” was held for the SEU students and graduates.

16 December, 2022

Research Presentation at SEU

On December 15, Georgian National University SEU hosted a research presentation on the topic: "Peculiarities of the pathogenesis of vasomotor rhinitis and the effectiveness of treatment with antihistamines in patients with and without COVID-19".

13 December, 2022

As part of the International Amateur Student Festival "Mask 2022", SEU Drama Society Actors have been Awarded

SEU Drama Society gave a performance titled “Call Whatever You Want After the Rehearsal” as part of the international amateur student festival “Mask2022”.

12 December, 2022

Memorandum of Cooperation with the Georgian-Jewish School "Or Avner"

Today, a memorandum of cooperation has been signed between Georgian National University SEU and Georgian-Jewish School “Or Avner”.

12 December, 2022

The Grant Competition, Announced by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, includes the winning grant proposal by the Vice-Rector of SEU for Scientific Research

The grant competition, announced by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, includes the winning grant proposal by Anna Phirtskhalashvili, Vice-Rector of SEU for Scientific Research.

10 December, 2022

SEU Organized a Student Orientation Meeting with International Students

Georgian National University SEU organized the orientation meeting with international students on December 9.

10 December, 2022

The Closing Event of the Media Education Program

The closing meeting and reception was held with the participants in the project under the “Media Education Program”, sponsored by the US Embassy to Georgia and WorldChicago.

10 December, 2022


On December 9, Georgian National University SEU held a panel discussion as part of the University Human Rights Law Week. The event was dedicated to the discussion of domestic violence forms and issues hindering the identification of such cases.

09 December, 2022

Glovo Georgia General Manager’s meeting with the SEU students

On December 8, Artem Kolosiuk, Glovo Georgia General Manager, held a meeting with the SEU students.

08 December, 2022


On December 7, as part of the University Human Rights Law Week, a mock trial was held at Georgian National University SEU titled “Trial by Jury against Femicide”.

07 December, 2022

SEU Undergraduate Program Head of Journalism Sharing her American Experience in Media Literacy With her Colleagues and Students

Professor Tinatin Zakarashvili, head of undergraduate program of Journalism at Georgian National University SEU shared her American experience in media literacy with her colleagues and students and provided them with the medium-term outcomes carried out within the project.

04 December, 2022

SEU Took Part in an International Education Fair

On December 3, 2022, Georgian National University SEU, together with other Georgian higher education institutions, took part in an international education fair, organized by the Embassy of Georgia to India. As part of the event, the university successfully positioned itself with school leavers, students, and international agents. In parallel with the fair, various meetings and discussions were initiated to plan future activities.

03 December, 2022

Presentation of Annual Reports by the Heads of the Educational Programs

On December 2, the presentation of the annual reports by the heads of the educational programs was held, organized by the Quality Development Department of SEU.

03 December, 2022

Free English language masterclass held at SEU

On December 2, a free English language masterclass was held for school leavers at Georgian National University SEU.

02 December, 2022

Closing Round of the British Council's “Creative Spark” Programme

On December 1, Georgian National University SEU hosted the final and closing round of the British Council's “Creative Spark” Programme, attended by both local and British partners.

01 December, 2022

Open Day at SEU

On November 30, Georgian National University SEU held an open day for school students to provide them with detailed information about undergraduate programs, student life, exchange programs, special SEU offers and other important issues of their interest.

30 November, 2022

Ambassador of Japan visited SEU

On November 29, Georgian National University SEU hosted Mr. Imamura Akira, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan to Georgia. The event, organized under the auspices of the Diplomacy Week as part of the cooperation between Georgian National University SEU and YATA Georgia, was attended by the SEU students as well as the ones from other universities. During the event, the geopolitical aspects of Japan as well as the mechanisms for deepening Georgian-Japanese relations was discussed.

29 November, 2022

An Informative Meeting About Erasmus+ Exchange Programs Held at SEU

On November 28, Georgian National University SEU hosted the informative meeting about Erasmus+ exchange programs, organized by the International Relations Office.

28 November, 2022

Graduation Ceremony 2022 at SEU

On November 27, the Graduation Ceremony 2022 was held at Georgian National University SEU.

26 November, 2022

SEU Hosting a Meeting About the Grant Competition Announced by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia

On November 25, Georgian National University SEU New Campus hosted an informational meeting for the students and academic staff about the grant competition announced by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia.

25 November, 2022

Coding Days at Georgian National University SEU

On November 24, Georgian National University SEU hosted the Coding Days in partnership with Skillwill Academy.

22 November, 2022

SEU hosting the awarding ceremony of the winners of the Contest “I Choose Europe” of the USAID Civic Education Program

On November 21, SEU hosted the awarding ceremony of the winners of the Contest “I Choose Europe” of the USAID Civic Education Program.

21 November, 2022

Exchange Program to the Lazarski University in Poland Sponsored by the Erasmus+ ICM K171 Program

Admissions are open for the exchange program at the Lazarski University for the spring semester of the academic year 2022/2023.

21 November, 2022

Graduation Ceremony 2021 at SEU

On November 20, the Graduation Ceremony 2021 was held at Georgian National University SEU.

18 November, 2022

Georgian National University SEU hosted a public lecture titled “Galaktion - the King of Poetry”

On November 17, Georgian National University SEU hosted a public lecture dedicated to Galaktion Tabidze’s birthday titled “Galaktion - the King of Poetry”. During the lecture, Ketevan Nizharadze, Associate Professor of SEU, PhD in Philology, and Writer, talked about Galaktion’s poetry.

16 November, 2022

The Panel Discussion on “Challenges of Social Law in Georgian Legislation and Legal Practice“ 

Collaborating with the Legal Aid Office and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the panel discussion on “Challenges of Social Law in Georgian Legislation and Legal Practice“ was held on November 15, at Georgian National University SEU.

14 November, 2022

Graduation Ceremony 2020 at SEU

On November 13, the Graduation Ceremony 2020 was held at Georgian National University SEU.

12 November, 2022

Panel discussion on “Key issues of Medical Law”

On November 11, Georgian National University SEU hosted a Panel discussion on “Key issues of Medical Law”.

11 November, 2022

Open Day at SEU

On November 10, Georgian National University SEU held an open day for school students to provide them with detailed information about undergraduate programs, student life, exchange programs, special SEU offers and other important issues of their interest.

10 November, 2022

Exchange Program at the University of Bucharest under Erasmus + Program

Admissions are open for the exchange program at the Bucharest University Of Economic Studies  for the Spring semester, the study process will run from March 2023 to June 2023.

09 November, 2022

Professor Karol Jene’s Visit from Lazarski University

In November 2022, Georgian National University SEU hosted Mr. Karol Jene from Lazarski University under Erasmus+ program.  Mr. Jene is a Business Administration Program Director at our partner Lazarski University. During the visit, a series of working meetings were held for future cooperation and the development of joint teaching and educational programs.

08 November, 2022

Presentation of the Collection Beyond the Visible World by Tariel Kharkhelauri held at SEU

On November 6, Georgian National University SEU hosted the presentation of Tariel Kharkhelauri’s new collection Beyond the Visible World. The book includes the poems written by the author in recent years. Mr. Gia Kavtelishvili, Rector of Georgian National University SEU, attended the presentation along with the invited guests.

03 November, 2022

The Official Representatives Of EHL Group, The World’s Leading Hospitality University In Switzerland, Visited Georgian National University SEU

On November 1-3, the official representatives of EHL Group, the world’s leading hospitality university in Switzerland, visited Georgian National University SEU: Pierre Verbeke, Director of EHL Advisory Services, and Eric Debetaz, Consultant of EHL Advisory Services.

29 October, 2022


The International Relations Office of SEU organized a meeting with the students of Law, International Relations, and Journalism programs on October 28.

28 October, 2022

A Masterclass on "Systems Thinking" Was Delivered to the SEU Administrative Staff

Under the personnel development program, a masterclass on "Systems Thinking" was delivered to the SEU administrative staff on October 19.

27 October, 2022

Presentation of the “Made in Germany” Program at SEU

On October 26, IBR Institute of International Business Relations organized the presentation of the “Made in Germany” program at SEU.

25 October, 2022

SEU & SCIENCE Journal 

The journal includes the following papers: Valeri Mosiashvili, Khatuna Gabitsinashvili, “On the Expediency of Introducing the ‘Tobin tax’” Nino Samchkuashvili, Tamar Dudauri, “Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Georgia: Major Challenges and Development Paths” Ani Bibiluri, “Role and Importance of Health Coverage in Society” Nino Letandze, “International Tourism during the Pandemic and its Aftermath: Challenges and Perspectives” Nino Bortsvadze, “The Impact of “Digital Nomads” on the Development of the Tourism Industry in Georgia”

25 October, 2022

SEU Hosted a Course of Lectures on “Systems Thinking”

A course of lectures on “Systems Thinking” was held at Georgian National University SEU, also attended by the representatives of the SEU partner business organizations.

25 October, 2022

Within the Framework of Systemic Thinking, a Series of Seminars was Held for Undergraduate Students

Professor Alfredo Moscardini, SEU's honorary doctorate, conducted a series of seminars for undergraduate students, which were attended by students from other faculties in addition to business and technology.

24 October, 2022


On October 23, the UNDERWHEEL CLUB hosted the Welcome Party, organized by Georgian National University SEU. Popular DJ Stereo Express was exclusively invited from Berlin for the SEU students.

21 October, 2022

SEU Hosted a Training on "Fact or Fake"

The university library hosted a training on "Fact or Fake" for undergraduate students. The students were given detailed information on how to verify facts and reveal fake information, designed to help them with developing the necessary means of fact verification.

21 October, 2022

Systems Thinking Course Held for SEU Partner Companies

Alfredo Moscardini, honorary degree holder of Georgian National University SEU, co-head, advisor and professor of the undergraduate and graduate Business Administration programs, was in Georgia for two weeks. He delivered a 20-hour intensive lecture course on “Systems Thinking” for students of the Business Administration M.A. program. The course was also attended by representatives of five companies from the SEU partner business institutions.

20 October, 2022

Winning Research Projects in SEU's Scientific Grant Competition

Mechanisms for Evaluating Research Competencies in Georgian Higher Education Institutions: Challenges and Opportunities

20 October, 2022

Visits Made by Companies to SEU as part of the Career Courses

The “Career Courses” are being delivered in the framework of the Undergraduate Business Administration Programs of Georgian National University SEU. The courses are developed on the basis of cooperation with partner companies and encompasses weekly visits of different companies to the university.

17 October, 2022

Head of SEU Tech & Entrepreneurship Lab, paid a business visit to the United Kingdom

During her visit, Ms. Bebia visited various higher educational institutions and entrepreneurship/startup facilitation centers.

14 October, 2022

SEU Hosted Masterclass on “Change Management Process”

Sascha Flemnitz, CEO of BBW Gruppe of the Business Association of Berlin-Brandenburg and Head of the Berlin Institute of Educational Research and Management, delivered a masterclass on “Change Management Process” at Georgian National University SEU on October 13.

14 October, 2022

SEU Joined the Enterprise Educators UK (EEUK) Network

The EEUK network brings together around 2,000 higher education and entrepreneurship institutions around the world, which will enable our university to introduce new programs, share a British/international approach and enrich teaching methods with international best practice.

13 October, 2022

Honorable Doctorate Awards Ceremony

On October 12, Honorable Doctorate degrees were awarded to our distinguished colleagues: Professor Alfredo Moscardini and Professor Sascha Flemnitz, who have played an important role in advancing the SEU internationalization process.

13 October, 2022

Working Meeting With Sascha Flemnitz CEO of BBW Gruppe of the Business Association of Berlin-Brandenburg

On October 11, Georgian National University SEU hosted a working meeting with Sascha Flemnitz, CEO of BBW Gruppe of the Business Association of Berlin-Brandenburg and Head of the Berlin Institute of Educational Research and Management.

04 October, 2022

SEU Hosted the Representatives of Association U.C.M. Italy

On September 30, Georgian National University SEU hosted the representatives of Association U.C.M. Italy.

28 September, 2022

SEU Hosted A Meeting on the Research Grants of the European Research Council

On September 28, Georgian National University SEU hosted a meeting on the research grants of the European Research Council. The meeting was led by Ms. Eka Sanaia, representative of Horizon Europe National.

27 September, 2022

SEU Hosted an Online Freshman Orientation Meeting

On September 26, a freshman orientation online meeting was held at SEU.

27 September, 2022

Paid Internship for the Position of a Social Media Manager

Georgian National University SEU is announcing a paid internship for the position of a social media manager at the Public Relations and Marketing Office.

23 September, 2022

Results of the Academic Competition

The following persons have been selected by the decision of the competition commission for the Faculty of Business and Technology:

22 September, 2022

Business Administration Master’s Programs Open Day at SEU

On September 21, Georgian National University SEU held an open day for the Georgian and English-language master's Business Administration programs.

20 September, 2022

Internal Mobility for the Fall Semester of the 2022-2023 Academic year has Been Announced

Mobility deadlines: September 22, 2022-October 20, 2022.

19 September, 2022

A Memorandum of Cooperation has been Signed between SEU and Private School Lile

On September 19, a memorandum of cooperation has been signed between Georgian National University SEU and Private School Lile.

19 September, 2022

Ideathon for Social Changes

On September 10, “Ideathon for Social Changes” was held at SEU, organized by the non-governmental organization Helping Hand. More than 50 school students across Georgia participated in the event.

13 September, 2022

To the attention of candidates for the Master’s program at Georgian National University SEU

Georgian National University SEU announces admission to the following master’s educational programs for the 2022-2023 academic year:

09 September, 2022

Freshmen registration

Registration of freshmen for the 2022-2023 academic year will take place in two stages:

09 September, 2022

Mobility to SEU

The registration of the mobility applicants to Georgian National University SEU for the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year will be in progress on the electronic portal from August 22 to September 7, 2022, 6:00 p.m.

09 September, 2022

Advisory Service For  Studies In The Master’s Program In Social Psychology

On September 8, at the initiative of the Master's Program in Social Psychology of the National University of Georgia SEU, a consultation day was held.

09 September, 2022

Advising Day by the SEU Master's Program in Clinical Psychology

On September 9, at the initiative of the Master's Program in Clinical Psychology of Georgian National University SEU, an advising day was held.

07 September, 2022

Advising Day by the SEU Master’s Program in Law

On September 7, the Faculty of Law of Georgian National University SEU organized an advising day for those, applying to continue their studies at the master's program in law.

07 September, 2022

Information on How to Receive Funding Under the Social Program

The resolution of the Government of Georgia has been published regarding the terms and amount of financing students in higher educational institutions with a state educational grant under the social program.

06 September, 2022

Tbilisi City Hall's Tuition Program

Tbilisi City Hall, under the student funding program, starts accepting applications for financing tuition fees for the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year for the socially disadvantaged students, or the ones from multi-child families, and the ones with disabilities.

26 August, 2022

SEU Has Received Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) Opportunities

SEU has received Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) opportunities for our students and academic staff.

23 August, 2022

Final results of the academic competition held at the Faculty of Social Sciences

According to the decision of the competition commission, the following persons have been selected at the Faculty of Social Sciences:

20 August, 2022

The SEU Exam Space Hosted the Exams for the Ukrainian Students

The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, in close cooperation with the Embassy of Ukraine in Georgia and the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, has provided virtual high school exams for Ukrainian students, who had pursued their distance learning in Ukrainian schools and finished their 11th grade.

18 August, 2022

Results of the Academic Competition

According to the decision of the competition commission, the following persons have been selected at the Faculty of Social Sciences:

17 August, 2022

Counseling service for master’s candidates for the Human Resource Management Master’s Program

Georgian National University SEU Human Resource Management Master’s Program hosted the counseling day for the master’s candidates.

15 August, 2022

Counseling service for admission seekers to the Bachelor’s Program in Law

On August12, Georgian National University SEU Bachelor’s Program in Law hosted the counseling day for the admission seekers.

11 August, 2022

Final Results of the Academic Competition

According to the decision of the competition commission, the following persons were selected for the Faculty of Law:

10 August, 2022

Counseling Day for the SEU Master’s Program in Clinical Psychology

On August 10, at the initiative of the Master’s Program in Clinical Psychology of Georgian National University SEU, the Counseling Day was held.

08 August, 2022

Results of the competition for an academic position announced at the Faculty of Law

Following the decision of the competition commission, the following persons were selected for the Faculty of Law:

05 August, 2022

The Project Titled “European Green Deal - Just Transition in Education” of SEU has won Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Competition 2022

The “European Green Deal”, as a strategy for the continent’s low-carbon economic development, has a direct impact on the European Union’s neighborhood. Accordingly, the goal of the project is to share the European experience related to green policy with the Georgian students and other interested parties.

05 August, 2022

Georgian National University SEU is announcing a scientific grant competition for the academic staff

Preparatory grants for research and/or research development: Initiating scientific-research and innovative projects, and preparing the proposals; developing and formulating new ideas, drawing up innovative proposals and concept development.

03 August, 2022

The Possibility Of Obtaining A Double Diploma

Students of management, business administration, psychology and international relations can be admitted to the program.

25 July, 2022


The Startup Day was held under the British Council program titled “the Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Programme” in cooperation with Tbilisi State Art Academy's business incubator “Upstart” and Georgian National University SEU.

25 July, 2022

SEU is the General Sponsor and Host of the First Half-Chain NFT Hackathon in Georgia

On July 23-24, the first Half-Chain NFT Hackathon in Georgia was held with the support of Georgian National University SEU, non-government organization NFP CREW and NFT GEORGIA.

22 July, 2022

Extraordinary Mobility

Extraordinary mobility for students of Teaching University Millennium LLC is announced. Students, wishing to continue their studies at Georgian National University SEU, should apply to the university (the application form to be filled out on the spot) on July 25-August 5, 2022 (except weekends) at 10:00-18:00, and submit the following documents:

22 July, 2022

The Presentation Of The Book Titled “the Rights Of Ethnic And Religious Minorities”

On July 21, the presentation of the book titled “The Rights of Ethnic and Religious Minorities” by SEU Associate Professor Tamar Avaliani was held at Georgian National University SEU.

21 July, 2022

SEU hosted Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference “SEU MSC 2022”

On July 19, Georgian National University SEU organized a Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference “SEU MSC 2022”. The conference was opened by SEU Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, Professor Anna Phirtskhalashvili. 35 representatives of academic circles from 10 higher educational institutions of Georgia took part in the multidisciplinary conference.

21 July, 2022

Results of the Competition for an Academic Position at the Faculty of Business and Technologies

Results of the competition for an academic position announced for the Bachelor’s Program in Computer Sciences at the Faculty of Business and Technologies.

21 July, 2022

The Final Results of the Academic Competition

In accordance with the decision of the commission, the following person has been selected for Master’s Program in Education Administration at the Faculty of Business and Technologies:

18 July, 2022

Academic Competition Results

In accordance with the decision of the commission, the following person has been selected for Master’s Program in Education Administration at the Faculty of Business and Technologies: 

15 July, 2022

Vice-Rector of SEU Paid a Business Visit to the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw

Vice-Rector for Administrative Affairs of Georgian National University SEU Mr. Goderdzi Buchashvili paid a business visit to the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw.

13 July, 2022

Master's students took part in summer school to Switzerland

On July 2-11, Georgian National University SEU’s master's students took part in summer school to Switzerland, organized by MOVETIA, Swiss national agency for the promotion of exchange and mobilty. They visited St. Gallen Univeristy. The project was led by Vice-Rector Anna Phirtskhalashvili and the students were mentored by an invited expert Nia Dzeria.

08 July, 2022

Changes to the Student Self-Government 

Based on the SEU Student Self-Government Regulations, the Student Self-Government Vice-President Arthur Saphariani, a student of the Faculty of Business and Technology, will serve as the President of the Student Self-Government.

08 July, 2022

Awards Ceremony for the STREET LAW Practical Course in Civic Education

On July 7, the awards ceremony for the STREET LAW Practical Course in Civic Education was held, organized by the Faculty of Law of Georgian National University SEU.

08 July, 2022

SEU Hosted the STEAM Closing Conference

On July 7, Georgian National University SEU hosted the STEAM closing conference.

05 July, 2022

SEU hosted a delegation from The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança

SEU hosted a delegation from The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal) on July 4.

02 July, 2022

Public Lecture on the “Literary World of the Knight in the Panther’s Skin” for School Leavers

On July 1, Georgian National University SEU organized a public lecture titled the “Literary World of the Knight in the Panther’s Skin” for school leavers.

30 Jun, 2022

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA Georgia) and SEU

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA Georgia) and Georgian National University SEU on June 29.

28 Jun, 2022

Georgian Bar Association Meeting

On June 23, the Georgian Bar Association holded a meeting, titled “From Theory to Practice - Benefits the Bar Professional Ethics Clinic Provides Students With” in partnership with the Law Program of Georgian National University SEU.

27 Jun, 2022

Simulated Unified Graduate Record Exams at SEU

On June 23-25, Georgian National University SEU organized the simulated Unified Graduate Record Exams for the Master’s degree applicants.

23 Jun, 2022

Simulated Unified National Examinations at SEU

On June 5-22, Georgian National University SEU organized the simulated Unified National Examinations for school leavers in the following subjects:

18 Jun, 2022

SEU Hosted a Meeting with Potential Employers in Business Administration Programs

On June 15-17, a meeting with potential employers from both SEU’s partner local and international business companies was organized by the Quality Assurance Department and the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office of Georgian National University SEU. The purpose of the meeting was to develop Georgian and English-medium Bachelor's programs in Business Administration and to give an evaluation to the new Master's program.

17 Jun, 2022

A Memorandum of Cooperation was Signed Between Tbilisi City Assembly and  SEU

Memorandum of Cooperation signed between Tbilisi City Assembly and Georgian National University SEU. A memorandum of cooperation was signed between Tbilisi City Assembly and Georgian National University SEU. Giorgi Tkemaladze, Chairman of the Tbilisi City Assembly, Kakha Labuchidze, Chairman of the Education and Culture Commission of the Tbilisi City Assembly and Gia Kavtelishvili, Rector of Georgian National University SEU Ltd signed the document.

16 Jun, 2022

Rafting Championship 2022

On June 13, Georgian National University SEU students participated in the rafting championship, organized by the Georgian Student Organizations Association and the SEU Student Self-Government.

16 Jun, 2022

Model European Parliament Session for School Students

On June 14, Model European Parliament Session for school students was held at Georgian National University SEU.

15 Jun, 2022

International Virtual Student Conference “SEU ISOC S-2022” hosted by SEU

On June 15, Georgian National University SEU hosted the International Virtual Student Conference “SEU ISOC S-2022”.

11 Jun, 2022

Deputy Head of the Center for Foreign Languages at the Nicholas Copernicus University working visit at SEU

On June 10, Joanna Vinska, Deputy Head of the Center for Foreign Languages at the Nicholas Copernicus University, paid a working visit to the Georgian National University (SEU). During the discussion, cooperation in the Erasmus + International credit mobility program (K107) was discussed.

10 Jun, 2022

SEU hosted a German  delegation from the University of Applied Sciences (bbw)

From 6th through 10th of June, the Georgian National University SEU hosted a German  delegation from the University of Applied Sciences (bbw).

10 Jun, 2022

Georgian National University SEU hosted the Georgian-Swiss International Summer School “Georgia Against the Background of Conflict and Confrontation”

On June 7-8, Georgian National University SEU hosted the Georgian-Swiss International Summer School “Georgia Against the Background of Conflict and Confrontation”.

06 Jun, 2022

The Award Ceremony of the Winners in the Competition “I Write an Independent Essay 2022”

Up to 750 students from various schools across Georgia participated in the competition, and 122 contestants advanced to the finale. Due to fierce contention and high quality of essays in the final round, instead of ten participants, the competition jury declared 15 contestants as winners: 3 Absolute, 8 Outstanding and 4 Excellent categories. Something unexpected happened in the final round that left the jury members surprised, in particular the three contestants demonstrated the identical results. Accordingly, by the decision of the competition jury, all three contestants were awarded the first place and the same amount of cash prize were given by the chief sponsor of the competition.

06 Jun, 2022

Public lecture on Child Marriage Issues

On June 1, the International Children’s Day, an informative meeting for school students on the issues of child marriage was held, organized by the students of the Master’s program of the Faculty of Law of Georgian National University SEU.

04 Jun, 2022

SEU School Student Advisory Team Award Ceremony

On June 3, Georgian National University SEU hosted the project: SEU School Student Advisory Team Award Ceremony.

01 Jun, 2022

SEU Student Takes Third Place in the International Student Photo Contest

Albar Yarah Ali M, SEU student, took the third place in the photo contest “Georgia: The way I See It”, organized by International Black Sea University.

31 May, 2022

Memorandum of Cooperation Signed between Grant Thornton and Georgian National University SEU

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the international audit and business advisory firm Grant Thornton and Georgian National University SEU on May 31.

28 May, 2022

Presentation on the University Task Management Platform

On May 27, Davit Kipiani, SEU Strategic Development Manager, gave a presentation on the university task management platform for the Georgian National University SEU Administrative Staff, designed to be accessible to all members of the administration. The very platform brings together all the important tasks to be performed by various university units.

23 May, 2022

Tbilisi Public School #45 Debates at SEU

On May 20, Georgian National University SEU hosted a debate for the Tbilisi Public School #45 students. Up to 20 school students took part in the debates on “Georgia Must Become a Member of the European Union”, as part of the EU Awareness Week.

21 May, 2022

SEU Basketball Team Friendly Match

On May 20, the Georgian National University SEU basketball team participated in the Student Basketball A-League Championship. The SEU team played its first friendly match with the Georgian Technical University team. We are preparing for the A-League Championship.

20 May, 2022

Series of International Masterclasses at SEU

A series of international masterclasses, organized by the International Relations Office of Georgian National University SEU, were held on 17-19 May.

20 May, 2022

Working Visit of MEP Romain Strasser to SEU

On May 18, Mr. Romain Strasser, MEP, Head of Intercultural and Religious Dialogue Unit of the European Parliament, paid a visit to Georgian National University SEU.

18 May, 2022

Simulated Unified National Examinations for IB Mthiebi School Ltd

On May 18, Georgian National University SEU held the simulated Unified National Examinations for the school leavers of IB Mthiebi School Ltd in the following subjects:

17 May, 2022

SEU hosted School-College “NINO”

On May 17, Georgian National University SEU hosted School-College “NINO”.

17 May, 2022

The SEU Faculty of Business and Technology Student Team Wins the Business Simulation Competition Among 11 European Universities

The team of the Faculty of Business and Technology students of Georgian National University SEU won the business simulation competition.

16 May, 2022

The First Round of the Competition “I Write an Independent Essay” Held at SEU

The first (qualifying) round of the competition “I Writing an Independent Essay” took place on May 14, 2022 at the Georgian National University SEU Campus.

16 May, 2022

LEPL Tbilisi Public School #145 Visit to SEU

On May 14, Georgian National University SEU hosted LEPL Tbilisi Public School #145.

16 May, 2022

Polygloti School Visit to SEU

On May 13, Georgian National University SEU hosted the students of the Polygloti School.

11 May, 2022

Public Lecture on Pension Types and International Investments

On May 10, a public lecture on “Pension Types and International Investments” was held at Georgian National University SEU.

10 May, 2022

The Third Edition Of The Peer-reviewed Scientific Journal Vectors Of Social Sciences Has Been Published

The third edition of the international peer-reviewed scientific journal Vectors of Social Sciences has been published.

10 May, 2022

A Public Lecture on Tips for CV Writing

On May 6, Georgian National University SEU hosted a public lecture on “Tips for CV Writing”  organized by the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office.

07 May, 2022

School visits to SEU

On May 6, Georgian National University SEU hosted students from Tbilisi Public School N146, Satskhenisi Public School and Gori Inovatori Youth Center.

06 May, 2022

Workshop on Application of Business Research Methods in Undergraduate and Graduate Theses

The workshop on “Application of Business Research Methods in Undergraduate and Graduate Theses” was held on May 6, organized by the Department of Quality Assurance of Georgian National University SEU.

06 May, 2022

Presentation of the publication on Academic Writing Guide

On May 5, Georgian National University SEU  hosted the presentation of the publication on “Academic Writing Guide”.

04 May, 2022

Masterclass On Current Issues In Management

On May 4, at the initiative of the SEU Bachelor’s Program in Management, Georgian National University SEU hosted a meeting for the school leavers who plan to continue their studies in the Management Program.

03 May, 2022

Public Lecture On International And European Law Aspects Of The War In Ukraine

On May 2, Georgian National University SEU hosted the public lecture on “International and European Law Aspects of the War in Ukraine”.

03 May, 2022

Exchange Program at the University of Braganca, Portugal

Admissions are open for the exchange program at the University of Braganza for the Fall  semester, the study process will run from September  2022 to February  2023.

03 May, 2022

Training on: The First 1001 Days of a Child’s Life

On May 3, Georgian National University SEU hosted a training on “The First 1001 Days of a Child’s Life”.

29 April, 2022

SEU Has Donated 125 Arizona Cypress Seedlings To Tbilisi

As part of its corporate social responsibility, Georgian National University SEU has donated 125 Arizona cypress seedlings to Tbilisi. Today, a seedling planting event has taken place with the participation of our students, academic and administrative staff.

27 April, 2022

A Working Meeting Between SEU And The University Of Braganca

A meeting took place between representatives of the Tech and Entrepreneurship Laboratory of the Georgian National University SEU and the Digital and Artificial Intelligence Research Center of the University of Braganca on April 26, enabling the colleagues to share their experiences and to plan a joint project, initiated by the two centers.

21 April, 2022

SEU Hosted A Public Lecture On “Russian Military Aggression In Ukraine And Its Geostrategic Analysis”

On April 20, Georgian National University SEU hosted a public lecture on “Russian Military Aggression in Ukraine and its Geostrategic Analysis”, organized by the SEU Career Development and Alumni Relations Office.

21 April, 2022

SEU Hosted The Creativity And Innovation Week

On April 15-20, at the initiative of our Tech and Entrepreneurship Laboratory, we hosted the Creativity and Innovation Week as part of World Creativity & Innovation Week.

21 April, 2022

Seminar On “wine Diamond - From Idea To Product” Hosted By SEU

On April 20, Georgian National University SEU held the fifth seminar on “Wine Diamond - From Idea to Product” as part of the World Creativity & Innovation Week.

21 April, 2022

Seminar On All About Nft Hosted By SEU

On April 20, Georgian National University SEU held the sixth seminar on “All about NFT” as part of the World Creativity & Innovation Week.

21 April, 2022


On April 19, Georgian National University SEU hosted the students of the Independent School Mozhghvari Ltd.

20 April, 2022


Georgian National University SEU organized the third seminar on “How to Export through E-Commerce” as part of the World Creativity & Innovation Week on April 19.

19 April, 2022

SEU Hosted A Seminar On crypto & Blockchain Industry In Georgia; Start-up Ambry – The Path From Idea To Solid Funding

Georgian National University SEU organized the second seminar on “Crypto & Blockchain Industry in Georgia; Start-up Ambry - the Path from Idea to Solid Funding” as part of the World Creativity and Innovation Week on April 18.

19 April, 2022

SEU Hosted A Public Lecture On War And The Journalism

A public lecture on “War and the Journalism” was held at Georgian National University SEU on April 18.

16 April, 2022

Seminar On “the Importance Of Creative Thinking In Entrepreneurship” Hosted By SEU

As part of the World Creativity & Innovation Week, Georgian National University SEU organized the first seminar on “The Importance of Creative Thinking in Entrepreneurship” on April 15.

14 April, 2022

Working Meeting On Research Project Titled Possible Impact Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Domestic Violence In Switzerland And Georgia

On April 12-13, a working meeting within the framework of an international research project was held at Georgian National University SEU.

13 April, 2022

International Conference on “Domestic Violence as a Social Challenge” hosted by SEU

Georgian National University SEU hosted an international conference on “Domestic Violence as a Social Challenge” on April 11.

11 April, 2022

Visit of schools to SEU

Georgian National University SEU hosted Teopane Davitaia Poti N1 Public School and Kareli N2 Public School on April 9.

06 April, 2022

Final Results of the Academic Competition

The following persons have been selected by the decision of the Commission for the Faculty of Business and Technology, English-medium educational program in Business Administration, Bachelor of Tourism, Bachelor of Finance, Master of Human Resources Management and Master of Education Administration:

04 April, 2022

Presentation of the book by a SEU graduate titled “the Nature of Psychopathology - What Causes Mental Disorder”

On 4 April, Georgian National University SEU hosted the presentation of the book titled “The Nature of Psychopathology - What Causes Mental Disorder” by Lili Nakani, the graduate of the SEU Bachelor’s program in Psychology.

04 April, 2022

A Meeting at the Informational Centre of  NATO and EU

On 4 April, was held a meeting at the Informational Centre of NATO and EU.   The meeting was dedicated to the founding day of NATO.  The meeting was attended International Relations programs students of  SEU.

01 April, 2022

Results of the Academic Competition

The following persons have been selected by the decision of the Commission for the Faculty of Business and Technology, English-medium educational program in Business Administration, Bachelor of Tourism, Bachelor of Finance, Master of Human Resources Management and Master of Education Administration:

30 March, 2022

Free English language masterclass hosted by SEU for school leavers

A free English language masterclass was held for school leavers at Georgian National University SEU on March 29.

29 March, 2022

An Official Visit Of The Head Of The International Relations Office Of SEU To Portugal

Maka Kuchava, Head of the International Relations Department of SEU, paid an official visit to the Polytechnic Institute of Braganca (ipb Braganca) in Portugal within the framework of the Erasmus program. Ms. Maka had a working meeting with the Vice-President of the University Luis Pais as well as with the heads of various programs and departments.

29 March, 2022

Public Lecture on The Role of Psychology in Human Life

On March 28, a public lecture on “The Role of Psychology in Human Life” was organized by the Georgian National University SEU undergraduate program in Psychology.

28 March, 2022

An Open House Event Was Held At SEU For The Examinees In The 2022 Unified National Exams

On March 25, Georgian National University SEU hosted the open house event for the examinees in the 2022 Unified National Exams, administered by the National Assessment and Examinations Center.

24 March, 2022

Virtual Public Lecture On “insolvency Law - Tragedy Or Protecting The Entrepreneurial Society”, Hosted By SEU

A virtual public lecture on “Insolvency Law - Tragedy or Protecting the Entrepreneurial Society”, organized by the Lawyers’ Club of Georgian National University SEU, was held on March 23.

23 March, 2022

SEU Hosted the Award Ceremony of the Practical Civic Education Course in “STREET LAW

SEU hosted the award ceremony of the Practical Civic Education Course in “STREET LAW” on March 22.

11 March, 2022

Paid Internship a SEU as a Call Center Operator

SEU is pleased to announce a paid internship for the position of a call centre operator at the Student Affairs Department

10 March, 2022

A Memorandum of Cooperation signed between SEU and Riga Transport and Telecommunication Institute

On March 9, SEU was paid a business visit by the representatives from the International Cooperation Office of Riga Transport and Telecommunication Institute.

10 March, 2022

Public lecture on “Intellectual Property”

As part of the cooperation between SEU and the Sakpatenti Training Center, a hybrid public lecture on “Intellectual Property” was held on March 9, designed to raise sectoral awareness among the students and academic staff.

09 March, 2022

SEU Students Have Raised Humanitarian Aid to Help the Ukrainian People

At the initiative of our students, a humanitarian aid point was opened at SEU on March 7-8 to collect the necessary items and medicines to help the Ukrainian people.

08 March, 2022


On the 7th of March, the Undergraduate Program in Journalism of Georgian National University SEU hosted a hybrid training on “Journalism - the Art of Telling Real Stories”.

08 March, 2022

A Virtual Meeting Held Between SEU And The Representatives From The University Of Warsaw

On March 7, a virtual business meeting was held between SEU and the representatives from the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw.

04 March, 2022

Master’s Scholarship Programs for the Ones Seeking to Study Abroad

If you are final year bachelor’s student  and want to pursue a master's degree at a university in the UK, France, Sweden, Japan or China, the SEU International Relations Office will assist you in applying for a scholarship.

03 March, 2022

A Business Meeting Took Place Between the Representatives From the University of Alcala and SEU

A business meeting took place between the representatives from the University of Alcala and SEU on March 2.

02 March, 2022

The Final Round of the Educational Project “What? Where? When?” at SEU

Georgian National University SEU hosted the final round of the educational project “What? Where? When?” by the school “Lomisi 1” on March 1.

02 March, 2022

SEU Hosted an Informational Meeting with the External Mobility Students

The Student Services Office of Georgian National University SEU organized an informational meeting with the external mobility students on March 1.

02 March, 2022

SEU hosted a meeting with the Director of International Programs of the University of California (UC Berkeley)

The International Relations Office of Georgian National University SEU organized an informational meeting with the Director of International Programs of the University of Berkeley on March 1.

02 March, 2022

Paid Internship at the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office

SEU is pleased to announce a paid internship at the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office. Georgian National University SEU is pleased to announce a paid internship at the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office.

01 March, 2022

Tbilisi City Hall Is Starting To Accept Applications To Finance Tuition Fees For Socially Vulnerable Students

Tbilisi City Hall is starting to accept applications to finance tuition fees for the spring semester of the 2021-2022 academic year at higher education institutions for socially vulnerable students.

01 March, 2022

SEU Hosted Public Lecture Titled - “Nikoloz Baratashvili And Edgar Allan Poe"

On February 28th, Georgian National University SEU hosted a hybrid event titled “Nikoloz Baratashvili and Edgar Allan Poe".

25 February, 2022

Workshop on “Using a Simulator in the Learning Process”

On February 24, 2022, a workshop with the theme of “Using a Simulator in the Learning Process” was held, organized by the Department of Quality Development of Georgian National University SEU.

24 February, 2022

SEU hosted a webinar titled “Discover a Profession in Tourism”

At the initiative of the Undergraduate Program in Tourism of Georgian National University SEU, a webinar titled “Discover a Profession in Tourism” was held on February 23.

23 February, 2022

A Dual Diploma Agreement Has Been Signed Between SEU And The Warsaw University Of Economics And Humanities

Under the agreement, SEU students will have the opportunity to study at this university for 1 year and receive a diploma from both SEU and the Warsaw University of Economics and Humanities.

23 February, 2022

Virtual International Student Conference titled “SEU ISOC W-2022”

Georgian National University SEU hosted a Virtual International Student Conference titled “SEU ISOC W-2022” on February 22-23.

23 February, 2022

Georgian National University SEU Hosted The 175 Tbilisi Public School Students

Georgian National University SEU hosted the 175 Tbilisi Public School students on February 18.

22 February, 2022

Results of the Academic Competition

The following individuals have been selected by the decision of the academic competition commission held at the Faculty of Medicine, direction of Dentistry:

21 February, 2022

SEU Hosted An Open House Day

On February 17, Georgian National University SEU hosted a virtual open house day for school leavers.

18 February, 2022

Exchange Program At The University Of Baden-Württemberg, Germany With Scholarship

The University of Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) is announcing a 1-semester scholarship for SEU students wishing to study at the University for the fall semester (lecture period October 1 - December 31, 2022).

17 February, 2022

Internal Mobility

Internal mobility for the spring semester of the 2021-2022 academic year has been announced. Mobility deadlines: February 17-March 31, 2022.

14 February, 2022


The presentation of the self-assessment summary reports on the educational courses, organized by the Quality Development Department of Georgian National University SEU, was held on February 10, 2022.

12 February, 2022


On February 10-11, the European Integration Research Center of Georgian National University SEU hosted an international scientific conference titled “European Green Deal and its Political, Legal and Economic Impact on Georgia”.

08 February, 2022

Academic Competition at the Faculty of Business and Technologies

Georgian National University SEU is pleased to announce an open competition for academic positions (professor, associate professor, assistant professor) at the Faculty of Business and Technologies, English-taught Educational Program in Business Administration, Bachelor of Tourism Program, Bachelor of Finance Program, Master of Human Resource Management Program and Master of Education Administration Program in the following direction:

07 February, 2022

Paid Specialist Internship At The Human Resources Office

Georgian National University SEU is pleased to announce a paid specialist internship at the Human Resources Office.

04 February, 2022

SEU’s gifts to citizens

In the context of the World Book Reading Day and at the initiative of the SEU Library, we gave books by contemporary Georgian writers to random citizens in the streets of Tbilisi on February 2.

03 February, 2022


In regards to the World Book Reading Day, the SEU Library hosted the event titled “Public Book Reading and Discussion about Rustaveli and Homer”.

03 February, 2022


In the context of Georgian National University SEU and the British Council Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Programme, the first virtual masterclass with the theme of “What it Means to be a Start-uper” was held on February 2.

01 February, 2022


Changes to the academic competition deadlines (Ord. N.061) for taking academic positions (professor, associate professor, assistant professor) at the Faculty of Medicine, direction of the English-taught Education Program in Certified Dentistry by the Rector’s Order N. 843 of December 15, 2021.

28 January, 2022


On January 27, Georgian National University SEU hosted an online public lecture on “Drug Crime” organized by SEU’s Faculty of Law.

26 January, 2022


On January 25, Georgian National University SEU hosted an online public lecture on “Violence against Women and Domestic Violence” organized by SEU’s Faculty of Law.

21 January, 2022

The English Language Masterclass Hosted by SEU for School Leavers

The free English language masterclass for school leavers was organized by Georgian National University SEU on January 20. The meeting took place remotely, through the ZOOM platform.

17 January, 2022

Mobility to SEU

The deadline for the 2021-2022 spring semester mobility to Georgian National University SEU.

31 December, 2021

Final Meeting of 2021of the SEU Rector’s Board

Today, SEU Rector Mr. Gia Kavtelishvili held a final meeting of 2021of the Rector’s Board, attended by Vice-Rectors of the university, deans of the faculty and the administrative staff.

29 December, 2021

Second Issue Of The Scientific Peer-reviewed Journal Vectors Of Social Sciences

The second issue of the international scientific peer-reviewed journal Vectors of Social Sciences of Georgian National University SEU has been published.

29 December, 2021

Elizabeth Orbeliani Prize for Georgian Student Translation

In honor of Elisabeth Orbeliani, one of the founders and the first female lecturer of Tbilisi State University, philanthropist, poet and translator and the hostess of the Orbeliani Palace, the President of Georgia establishes the Elizabeth Orbeliani Prize for the best Georgian student translation.

28 December, 2021

SEU Has Been Awarded for Support and Active Collaboration Through the Pandemic

On December 27, Georgian National University SEU has been awarded by the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Defence of Georgia for our support and active collaboration through the pandemic.

22 December, 2021

Presentation of the SEU Performance Evaluation Self-Assessment Report

On December 20-21, 2021, the Department of Quality Assurance of Georgian National University SEU organized the presentation of the Performance Evaluation Self-Assessment Report of its faculties, departments and offices, enabling all structural units to present comprehensive reports on their activities.

22 December, 2021

Training on “Opportunities to Enhance Scientific-Research Productivity for Universities and Publishing Houses” hosted by SEU

The Training Center of Georgian National University SEU organized a free training titled “Opportunities to Enhance Scientific-Research Productivity for Universities and Publishing Houses” on December 21.

22 December, 2021

Presentation of the project under the Memorandum of Cooperation signed in 2020, held at the State Conservatoire

The presentation of the project under the Memorandum of Cooperation signed in 2020 between SEU, Caucasus University and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University was held in the small hall of the Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire in December 2021.

21 December, 2021

The Third Place Won By A SEU Student In The Competition “investigative Journalism”

Elene Benidze, the student of Georgian National University SEU undergraduate program in Journalism, won the third place in the competition “Investigative Journalism”, organized by Transparency International Georgia.

21 December, 2021

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Online Week hosted by SEU

At the initiative of the SEU Bachelor’s Program in Management, Georgian National University SEU hosted the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Online Week on December 13-17.

17 December, 2021

Videographer internship job at SEU

Georgian National University SEU is pleased to announce a paid internship for the position of videographer at Public Relations and Marketing Office.

17 December, 2021

The SEU team in the Georgian Business Cases Competition 2021 finals

The student team of the Faculty of Business and technology of Georgian National University SEU has advanced to the finals of the Georgian Business Cases Competition 2021. The team named “Wait, what?” successfully won the first round and made it through to the top teams.

15 December, 2021

Online Open Door Day

On December 15, Georgian National University SEU hosted an online open door day. The meeting was attended by entrants, pupils and other stakeholders.

15 December, 2021

Georgian National University SEU hosted the #175 Tbilisi Public School students

Georgian National University SEU hosted the # 175 Tbilisi Public School students on December 14.

10 December, 2021

University Week of Human Rights Law

As part of the University Week of Human Rights Law, Georgian National University SEU hosted the following events on December 6-10:

10 December, 2021

Public lecture on “Pandemic and Human Rights”

As part of the University Human Rights Law Week, Georgian National University SEU hosted the public lecture on “Pandemic and Human Rights” on December 9.

10 December, 2021

Orientation meeting by SEU with the freshman students of the English-medium Program in Medicine

The orientation meeting with the freshman students of the English-medium Program in Medicine took place at SEU on December 10.

10 December, 2021

Mock trial

As part of the University Human Rights Law Week, Georgian National University SEU hosted the mock trial, considering the specifics of both business and human rights on December 10.

10 December, 2021

A movie screening titled “Images of Diversity: Sopho, Images of Diversity: Hurie”

As part of the University Human Rights Law Week, Georgian National University SEU hosted the movie screening, followed by discussion on “Images of Diversity: Sopho, Images of Diversity: Hurie” on December 9.

09 December, 2021

Meeting between the representatives of the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office and students

On December 7, the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office of Georgian National University SEU hosted an introductory meeting between the representatives of the Office and students.

08 December, 2021

Head of the Program in Business Administration

Georgian National University SEU is pleased to announce a vacancy for the position of the Head of the Educational Program in Business Administration.

08 December, 2021

A Movie Screening by SEU About Sex Crimes

As part of University Human Rights Law Week, Georgian National University SEU hosted a screening of the movie about sex crimes on December 7.

08 December, 2021

Public lecture on the Right to Energy

As part of the University Week of Human Rights Law, Georgian National University SEU hosted the formal opening of the Week through the public lecture on the Right to Energy on December 6.

08 December, 2021

Movie Screening by SEU on “Gender Equality”

As part of the University Week of Human Rights Law, Georgian National University SEU organized a screening of the movie titled “Gender Equality” and discussion on December 6.

07 December, 2021

Program in Tourism Has Been Granted a Seven-Year Accreditation

the undergraduate program in tourism has been granted a seven-year unconditional accreditation

07 December, 2021

SEU Hosts Group Of Peer Reviewers As Part Of Erasmus + Project "Spring"

On December 2 and 3, SEU hosted Peer Review team from project partner universities of different countries. As part of Erasmus+ Capacity Building project SPRING, the experts from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Moldova and Kazakhstan conducted peer review of the Medical program of SEU. The peer review team met with management, academic staff and students of SEU to make an assessment and to produce results.

07 December, 2021

SEU was Visited by Denise Mattson

On December 1, Georgian National University SEU was visited by Denise Mattson, who directs the U.S. Embassy’s Media Education Program for grantee WorldChicago.

06 December, 2021

International Online Conference on “Current Issues of Business Law”

Georgian National University SEU hosted the conference titled “Current Issues of Business Law” on December 4.

06 December, 2021

Webinar for teachers

Georgian National University SEU organized an online webinar for school teachers titled “Using Digital Tools in School Life” on December 4.

06 December, 2021

SEU hosted certification training titled –“ Artificial Intelligence and Personalized and Precision Medicine”

On December 4, a certification training was held for the academic staff of the Georgian National University SEU Medicine Program: "Artificial Intelligence and Personalized and Precision Medicine" led by Alejandro Pazos Sierra, Professor of Medicine at the University of Coruña. This training was supported by the Culture and Education Center Iberia.

02 December, 2021

Series Of Lectures On Tourism

On November 17, 24 and December 1, Georgian National University SEU’s invited lecturer - Natalia Glowacka gave lectures on Teamwork techniques.

30 November, 2021


On November 29, Georgian National University SEU-s initiated by the Bachelor of Psychology program, as part of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, SEU hosted an online-public lecture titled: Psycho-social aspects of gender-based violence.

29 November, 2021

National Forum of Youth Workers

Georgian National University SEU hosted National Forum of Youth Workers under the auspices of the Youth Agency.

29 November, 2021

SEU organized a student orientation meeting with international students

Georgian National University SEU organized the student orientation meeting with the international sophomores on November 26.

26 November, 2021

Meeting with the Administrative and Academic Staff

The Quality Development Department of Georgian National University SEU organized a meeting with the SEU academic and administrative staff on November 25.

25 November, 2021

Meeting between LEPL National Agency of Public Registry and SEU students

The Career Development and Alumni Relations Office of Georgian National University SEU organized a meeting between the representatives from the Human Resource Management Office of the LEPL National Agency of Public Registry and the SEU students.

18 November, 2021

SEU hosted the first meeting of the series of lectures titled “About the Tourism Industry”

Georgian National University SEU hosted the first online webinar on the tourism industry by its invited lecturer Natalia Glovachka on November 17.

17 November, 2021

A Business Meeting Was Held Between The Representatives Of SEU And The Berlin-brandenburg Business Association (Bbw Gruppe), Bbw University, And The Business Lab ‘push’

A business meeting was held between the representatives of SEU and the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Association (BBW Gruppe), BBW University, and the business lab ‘PUSH’, on November 16.

16 November, 2021

SEU hosted the first public lecture from the series of lectures on "the Issues of Tourism and Environment Development"

On November 16, Georgian National University SEU hosted the first webinar on International tourism and Environmental development.

16 November, 2021

The prosecutors hosted SEU students at the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia

As part of the “Equality Week” and supported by the European Council, the SEU students together with other university students were hosted by the Department of Human Rights Protection of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia on November 15.

12 November, 2021

Georgian National University SEU and UC Berkeley Signs Cooperation Agreement

From today, SEU students also have the opportunity to spend a semester at the Berkeley campus and gain truly exceptional experience along with knowledge. A cooperation agreement has been signed between the Georgian National University SEU and UC Berkeley.

10 November, 2021


A delegation from SEU, including Rector Mr. Gia Kavtelishvili, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Mr. Giorgi Ghavtandze and Vice-Rector for Finance and Resources Mr. Levan Kalandarishvili made a business visit to the capital city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan on November 2-5, 2021, where SEU plans to open a branch, and start receiving students from the academic year of 2022-23.

09 November, 2021

Georgian National University SEU hosted an online public lecture dedicated to Ilia Chavchavadze’s birthday titled "Ilia and Georgian Society"

On November 8, Georgian National University SEU hosted an online public lecture dedicated to Ilia Chavchavadze’s birthday titled "Ilia and Georgian Society".

08 November, 2021

SEU hosted a certificate award ceremony of the competition titled “I Write an Independent Essay

SEU hosted a certificate award ceremony of the competition titled “I Write an Independent Essay” on November 6.

04 November, 2021

Admission to the exchange program for Students titled “2022 Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on Civic Engagement” has been announced, initiated by the Embassy of the United

The program is designed for students of any major, taking an interest in researching and studying the US domestic and institutional policies. The deadline for applications is December 20, 2021.

04 November, 2021

SEU hosted a presentation of the book titled “Handbook on Combating Violence against Women and Children and Domestic Violence”

As part of the presentation, a documentary was shown and a discussion was held on the progress made against women and domestic violence, together with current challenges.

03 November, 2021

Announcing Vacancy - International Student Services Specialist

Georgian National University SEU is pleased to announce a vacancy for the position of International Student Services Specialist.

03 November, 2021

SEU hosted public lecture of British mathematician -  Arran Fernandez

On November 2, Georgian National University SEU hosted public lecture of British mathematician Arran Fernandez.

01 November, 2021

SEU hosted the webinar“Cyber Hygiene of Remote Work”

October is a Cyber Security Awareness Month! SEU hosted Andro Gotsiridze’s online public lecture titled “Cyber Hygiene of Remote Work” on October 29. Mr. Andro talked about the challenges and basic rules of cyber hygiene: how to reduce the cyber risks caused by the remote mode.

29 October, 2021

Vice-Rector of SEU visited St.Gallen

On October 25-29, 2021, Anna Phirtskhalashvili, Vice-Rector of Georgian National University SEU for Scientific Research, visited St. Gallen at the invitation of the Eastern Switzerland University and within the framework of the Swiss International Mobility Project (MOVETIA).

29 October, 2021

SEU hosted an online English language masterclass

Georgian National University SEU hosted the online English language masterclass for school leavers. The masterclass was led by Nino Chikovani, the Head of the Department Foreign Languages. Students and school leavers were introduced to the specifics of the English language section of the Unified National Examinations and useful tips.

27 October, 2021

SEU Participated in a Roundtable Conference

On October 26, Georgian National University SEU took a part in a roundtable conference, as part of the Plastic Free Week activities, with the support of Swedish Institute and the Embassy of Sweden in Tbilisi , the Sweden Alumni Network hosted a roundtable conference to discuss the challenges of protecting the environment from the harmful effects of plastics and to create a platform for cooperation.

27 October, 2021

SEU hosted an online open house event

Georgian National University SEU hosted the online open house event for school leavers, attended by up to twenty school leavers. The school leavers had a chance to ask questions of their interest and receive comprehensive answers.

25 October, 2021

SEU Hosted a Competition Titled “I Write an Independent Essay”

The competition was attended by high school students (tenth-twelfth graders) throughout Georgia. The author of the idea of ​​the competition was Gia Murghulia, Head of the Organizing Committee and Chairman of the Jury, Doctor of Philology, Specialist in Education and Member of the Board of Trustees of the Public Broadcaster. Famous teachers, writers, publicists, art critics, philosophers and historians were invited to the board of the competition jury.

25 October, 2021

Exchange Program at the University of Braganca, Portugal

Admissions are open for the exchange program at the University of Braganza for the spring semester, the study process will run from February 2022 to July 2022.

22 October, 2021

Final results of the academic competition

By the decision of the commission on the academic competition held at the Faculty of Law, the following candidate was selected for the academic position of professor in the direction of Constitutional Adjudication:

21 October, 2021

SEU Hosted An Online Freshman Orientation Meeting

On October 18,19 and 20 a freshman orientation online meeting was held at SEU. Vice-rector Goderdzi Buchashvili,  as well as Heads of University Departments and Services, attended the meeting. The meeting was held in question-answer mode. SEU administrative staff provided comprehensive answers to all freshmen questions.

20 October, 2021

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between SEU and Bucharest University of Economic Studies

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies is a public university in Bucharest, Romania. Founded in 1913 as the Academy of Higher-level Commercial and Industrial Studies, it has become one of the largest economic higher education institutes in both Romania and South-Eastern Europe.

20 October, 2021

SEU Vice-Rector Anna Phirtskhalashvili Paid an official visit to bbw University

Georgian National University SEU Vice-Rector Anna Phirtskhalashvili paid an official visit to bbw University of Applied Sciences Berlin-Brandenburg. She had a working meeting with Sasha Flemintz, Head of the bbw gruppe – the founding organization of the bbw university, Ursula Schwill, bbw University Chancellor, Uwe Kaschka, bbw University Vice-Rector and Tanja Mansfeld, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

19 October, 2021

Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the Georgian National University SEU and the EU Business School

Established in 1973, EU Business School (EU) is an international, professionally accredited, high-ranking business school with campuses in Barcelona, Geneva, Montreux, Munich and online. We offering bachelor’s, master’s, MBA, DBA and further education programs which focus on business administration.

15 October, 2021

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between SEU and the Open International University for Human Development ‘Ukraine’

Under the memorandum, students, academic and administrative staff from the respective universities will be able to participate in exchange programs. The cooperation will also include participation in joint grant and research projects and other activities to promote internationalization.

04 October, 2021

International Scientific Journal ‘SEU & SCIENCE’ No. 11/2021

Some of the articles published in the journal were presented as a paper at the Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference ‘SEU MSC 2021’ By Georgian National University SEU.

01 October, 2021

SEU Hosted the Presentation of the Book titled ‘Constitutional Adjudication’

The publication of the book was made possible through the support of SEU, Constitutional Court and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the state grant provided by LEPL Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation of Georgia.

28 September, 2021

A seminar titled ‘Education and Tourism’ has been held!  

As part of the World Tourism Day, Georgian National University SEU hosted an online seminar titled ‘Education and Tourism’ for school leavers and students interested in the field of tourism.

27 September, 2021

SEU Scientific Journal ‘Vectors of Social Sciences’ has been added to the new scientific databases

Scientific Journal ‘Vectors of Social Sciences’ of Georgian National University SEU has been added to the following international scientific databases: Scilit, ResearchBib and SIS. It should be noted that the Scilit database is linked to Crossref and its inclusion of the articles, published in the scientific journal, automatically makes them indexed in the Google Scholar search engine. This helps to increase the accessibility and awareness of the scientific journal at the international level.  

24 September, 2021

The submission of documents to the SEU master’s programs is in progress

The submission of documents to the SEU master’s programs will be in progress from September 27 to September 30, 2021, 11:00a.m.-7:00p.m.

22 September, 2021

International Online Student Conference Titled ‘SEU ISOC S-2021’

Georgian National University SEU hosted an international online student conference titled ‘SEU ISOC S-2021’ on June 22.

20 September, 2021

Online Open House - The Research Component In Master’s Programs

The offers by SEU to Master’s students in the direction of research; The advantages of the Master’s level at SEU; Our local and international partners; The importance of the research component at the Master’s level.

16 September, 2021

Admission to the Master’s Programs for the 2021-2022 Academic Year!

Georgian National University SEU announces admission to the following master’s programs for the 2021-2022 academic year:

16 September, 2021

Tbilisi City Municipality Program for Funding Tuition Fees for Socially Vulnerable Students

The student registered in the unified database of socially vulnerable families with equal or less 150 000 points and home legal address in Tbilisi is entitled to enjoying the Tbilisi City Municipality program for funding tuition fees for socially vulnerable students.

16 September, 2021

Internal Mobility for the Fall Semester of the 2021-2022 Academic Year has been Announced

Internal Mobility for the Fall Semester of the 2021-2022 Academic Year has been Announced! Mobility deadline: from September 16, to October 19.

14 September, 2021

Final Results of Academic Competition

According to the commission decision, the following candidates have been selected in the academic competition for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business and Technology.

13 September, 2021

The List of the Successful Master’s Degree Candidates in the Second Stage of the University Examinations for the 2021-2022 Academic Year

The list of the successful Master’s degree candidates in the second stage of the university examinations for the 2021-2022 academic year, obtaining the right to entering the Master’s degree programs

10 September, 2021

DAAD Scholarship Programs

DAAD Scholarship Programs 2022/2023 for students and academic staff

10 September, 2021

The Winning Research Projects of the SEU Grant Competition

To this day, no substantial literature on the rights of minorities is available in Georgian, obstructing the students to study the subject in more details. No major scientific research has ever been made into the rights of minorities considering the Georgian reality. Accordingly, this research serves to facilitate the development of justice in human rights and its scientific exploration. Under the research, both the theoretical framework and court practice will be analyzed, as well as the domestic and international instruments for protecting the rights of minorities. The research is designed to contribute not only to the teaching/learning arrangement but the development of justice in human rights in a scientific light, as well as embracing multiculturalism and interculturalism by academia. Appropriately, a journal (book) will be compiled, evaluating the standards and mechanisms for protecting the rights of ethnic and religious minorities. The research target group will include students, members of scientific circles, industry experts, civil rights activists, journalists and practicing lawyers, with the ability to put the mechanisms for protecting the rights of minorities into practice.

09 September, 2021

Academic Competition at the Faculty of Law in the direction of Constitutional Law

Georgian National University SEU is announcing an open competition for an academic position (professor) at the Faculty of Law – direction of Constitutional Law

09 September, 2021

The Academic Competition Results

According to the commission decision, the following candidates have been selected in the academic competition for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business and Technology.

06 September, 2021

Submission of articles for the Scientific Journal ‘Vectors of Social Sciences’ has begun

The journal ‘Vectors of Social Sciences’ is published twice a year by Georgian National University SEU. It aims to contribute to the development of various fields of social sciences and civil society. The journal allows academic staff, researchers, master’s and doctoral students of higher education institutions to submit

03 September, 2021

For the Attention of the Mobility-Seeking Students

The students, who obtained right to enjoy mobility to Georgian National University SEU, should apply to the university (applications to be filled out on spot) from September, 2021 to September 9, (except the weekend) from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and provide the following documents:

30 August, 2021

Registration of freshmen

The registration of the freshmen for the 2021-2022 academic year, at Georgian National University SEU, will take place in two stages: Stage one: the freshman should get electronically registered at remotely, starting from September 6, 11:00 a.m. and ending on September 12, 6:00 p.m.

29 August, 2021

Social program for financing student state educational grants

The Resolution of the Government of Georgia has been published, specifying the amount and conditions of financing student state education grants within the social program in higher education institutions.

27 August, 2021

Facilitating Workshop on an Ongoing International Project Titled ‘Social Challenges’ within ‘Movetia’

On August 26, Georgian National University SEU hosted a meeting held within the international project ‘Movetia’ supported by the Swiss National Foundation for Mobility.

26 August, 2021

Information Regarding Academic Competition (Aug 27)

Due to the restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in the country, SEU has taken the decision to extend the deadline for the applicants who had failed to fully submit the documents, particularly a certificate of conviction for a crime against sexual freedom and inviolability and a certificate of deprivation of the right for the open competition announced on July 7, 2021 (Order N369) on certain academic positions at the Faculty of Social Sciences, the direction of Journalism to August 27, 2021. The failure to submit the full documentation within the given deadline will disqualify the applicant.

25 August, 2021

Information Regarding Academic Competition

Due to the restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in the country, SEU has taken the decision to extend the deadline for the applicants who had failed to fully submit the documents for the open competition announced on July 7, 2021 (Order N369) on certain academic positions at the Faculty of Business and Technology to August 27, 2021. The failure to submit the full documentation within the given deadline will disqualify the applicant.

25 August, 2021

ESI-SEU-International Mobility

Georgian National University SEU offers international mobility as part of the cooperation with the European Scientific Institute (ESI). The duration of the program is three semesters and includes scientific research activities.

23 August, 2021

SEU hosted the ‘Second International Congress on Social Sciences

On August 19-22, Georgian National University SEU hosted the ‘Second International Congress on Social Sciences’ The participants of the Congress were addressed with a welcoming speech by Giorgi Ghavtadze, Vice-Rector of SEU The SEU academic staff and 197 academic figures from 37 countries were actively involved in the Congress SEU vigorously keeps promoting the internationalization of research activity

20 August, 2021

50% Tuition Funding From SEU

The Ministry of Defense of Georgia provides 50% co-financing of the tuition fees for servicemen enrolled in the SEU and their family members. 50% of the same amount will be funded by the Georgian National University SEU, i.e in total it will be funded with a 100% tuition grant!

19 August, 2021

A mass vaccination center has opened at SEU

As part of the corporate and social responsibility, a mass vaccination center was opened at Georgian National University SEU on August 18. Pfizer, Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines will be available at the center. No prior registration is required for vaccination.

18 August, 2021

MigApp - for foreign citizens in Georgia

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has adapted the MigApp application to the needs of foreign nationals in Georgia within the project []EMERGE.

18 August, 2021

SEU publishes collection of articles with partner universities in Madrid

In active collaboration with SEU and partner universities, a collection of articles entitled ‘EU-Asia Relations IN THE XXI Century. Selected Aspects’ was published in Madrid.

12 August, 2021

MoU Between European Scientific Institute and Georgian National University SEU

In order to promote educational excellence, academic ties and international cooperation, European Scientific Institute, (ESI) and Georgian National University SEU agree to explore the feasibility of establishing educational and scientific exchange agreements.

12 August, 2021

Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Business Chamber of Asia and the Persian Gulf and SEU

On August 10, 2021, the presentation of the new business union the “Business Chamber of Asian and Gulf Countries” was held in the conference hall of the Biltmore Hotel. The event was attended by the representatives from the Georgian public, private and diplomatic corps.

07 August, 2021

An online open door day of the Bachelor of Journalism program was held

On August 6, the Georgian National University (SEU) hosted an online open door day for the Bachelor of Journalism program. At the meeting, the program manager, lecturers, students and alumni introduced the program, learning resources and answered their questions.

06 August, 2021

Mobility to SEU

Mobility deadlines for fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year at Georgian National University SEU. Those wishing to enjoy mobility to SEU should register on the following electronic portal from August 16, 2021 to August 30, 2021, 18:00.

05 August, 2021

An online open door day of the Master of Social Psychology program was held

On August 4, the Georgian National University SEU held an online open door day for the Master of Social Psychology program.

02 August, 2021

The presentation of the Educational Administration program

On July 30, the online open door day of the Education Administration Master’s program was held. The Open door day was led by the Head of the Education Administration Program and the Professors.

02 August, 2021


On July 29, SEU the Georgian and English Business Administration Online Open House was held.  The online open house was led by the Dean of the Faculty, the Head of the programs, and the faculty members.

30 July, 2021

SEU and bbw Workshop on Education and Innovation

On July 27, a joint workshop on Education and Innovation was held at the Elite Berlin Capital Club by Georgian National University SEU and bbw University.

29 July, 2021

Joint gift by Georgian National University SEU and SEU Development to Lasha Bekauri!

By the decision of the SEU Rector, Mr. Gia Kavtelishvili, a gift of 100 sq.m. apartment will be given to the SEU student and Olympic champion, Lasha Bekauri, at the SEU Development completed complex, located on Politkovskaia (Jikia) Street.

27 July, 2021

A Memorandum of Cooperation has been signed between SEU and International Black Sea University

The Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between SEU and International Black Sea University on July 23. The memorandum was signed by Mr. Gia Kavtelishvili, SEU Rector and Mr. Saffet Bayraktutan, IBSU Rector.

23 July, 2021

Online Open House of SEU Master of Clinical Psychology Program

On July 22, an open house was held regarding the Master of Clinical Psychology Program. The meeting was led by Giorgi Donadze, Program Manager.

23 July, 2021

SEU Law Faculty Online Open House

On July 22, SEU Law School Online Open House was held.  The online open house was led by the Dean of the Faculty, the Heads of the Undergraduate and Graduate of Laws, and the faculty members.

20 July, 2021

SEU has hosted mock Master’s Entrance Exams

On July 17-20, Georgian National University SEU hosted mock Master’s Entrance Exams.

19 July, 2021

Memorandum of Cooperation renewed with The AIESEC

On July 19, the Memorandum of Cooperation between Georgian National University SEU and the world’s largest youth organization AIESEC was renewed. The AIESEC office is located on the SEU campus.

19 July, 2021

SEU hosted a Summer School of Business Disputes

On July 13-16, SEU hosted a Summer School of Business Disputes for the Business and Law students.

15 July, 2021

International mobility for the SEU academic staff

As part of the bilateral exchange program between the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Portugal) and SEU, a competition of visiting professors for the SEU academic staff is being announced. The winning professors of the competition will deliver a lecture course at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança.

14 July, 2021

A Conference of Creative Spark project by British Council

On 14 July, as part of the British Council Creative Spark project, an international conference was held between the partner universities and companies participating in the project to share knowledge and experience between the UK and Georgia on various project programs, namely: STEAMLab and UPstart.

14 July, 2021

Erasmus+ held a working meeting at SEU

During the meeting, information on Erasmus + projects was exchanged; issues such as the mobility of students and academic staff between international partner universities, the importance of exchange programs, and the prospects of forming a new partnership were also discussed.

14 July, 2021

Conference on Youth Action Agenda 2025

The Youth Agency, together with the Youth Workers’ Association of Georgia and in cooperation with the EU Technical Assistance Project “Skills4Jobs” and UN agencies, held a two-day conference on Youth Action Agenda 2025 at Georgian National University SEU.

14 July, 2021

Journal “Vectors of Social Sciences” has been published

First edition of international scientific peer-reviewed Journal of Georgian National University SEU “Vectors of Social Sciences” has been published. Journal is indexed in various international scientific databases and each scientific article published in the Journal will be assigned unique code – Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Journal is published twice a year in Georgian and English languages.

13 July, 2021

SEU supports the vaccination process

Due to the worsening epidemiological situation in the country, Georgian National University SEU recommends its students, academic and administrative staff to get involved in the vaccination process. We believe that vaccination is the only solution to start and continue the academic process in a safe environment from September.

09 July, 2021

Memorandum of Cooperation has been signed between SEU and Tbilisi public schools

On July 8, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between Georgian National University SEU and LEPL Tbilisi Public School N175, LEPL Tbilisi Public School N210 and LEPL Tbilisi Classical Gymnasium.

08 July, 2021

The SEU Students Attended the Swiss Summer Shcool

On July 7, the so-called Summer School Days concluded the international project of Movetia, supported by the Swiss National Foundation for Mobility in Education and participated by Georgian National University SEU since October 2020 together with three partner universities from Switzerland, Ukraine and Albania.

07 July, 2021

Academic competition in Faculty of Business and Technology

Georgian National University SEU announces Open Competition for academic positions (Associate Professor, Assistant Professor) at the Faculty of Business and Technology

07 July, 2021

Academic competition at the Faculty of Social Sciences

Georgian National University SEU announces Open Competition for academic positions (Associate Professor, Assistant Professor) at the Faculty of Social Sciences

30 Jun, 2021

SEU has obtained a state grant from Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation of Georgia

SEU has obtained a state grant from Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation of Georgia, intended to fund the publication of a complex paper based on scientific research in the field of constitutional control and legal proceedings.

30 Jun, 2021

SEU has hosted the mock National Exams

On June 12-25, Georgian National University SEU hosted the mock Unified National Exams.

29 Jun, 2021

Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference entitled “SEU MSC 2021” has been held

On June 29, Georgian National University SEU organized a multidisciplinary scientific conference entitled “SEU MSC 2021”. The conference was opened by Professor Ana Pirtskhalashvili, Vice Rector of SEU. The multidisciplinary conference was attended by about 40 representatives of academia from up to 10 higher education institutions of Georgia.

23 Jun, 2021

International Student Online Conference has been held

On June 22, Georgian National University SEU organized an international student online conference, attended by the SEU undergraduate and graduate students as well as students from other universities.

18 Jun, 2021

A Psychology Week has been held

On June 14-18, a Psychology Week organized by Undergraduate Psychology Program of Georgian National University SEU was held, providing the SEU professors and lecturers with the opportunity to talk about the following issues:

18 Jun, 2021

SEU hosted a joint workshop with BBW University of Applied Sciences of Berlin and Brandenburg

Georgian National University SEU hosted a joint workshop with BBW University of Applied Sciences of Berlin and Brandenburg on “Research and Teaching Experience During the Pandemic”. The workshop was aimed at sharing knowledge and experience between the respective universities and was attended by both administrative and academic staff.

16 Jun, 2021

Business meeting between the professors and the administration of bbw University an SEU

On June 15, 2021, a business meeting between the professors and the administration of SEU and bbw University was held on the topic: “Online Teaching and Research Experience During the Covid-19 Pandemic”. The participants of the business meeting were welcomed by Sasha Flemnitz, Head of bbw Gruppe, Vice Rectors of SEU, Giorgi Ghavtadze and Ana Pirtskhalashvili.

16 Jun, 2021

SEU Vice-Rector Ana Pirtskhalashvili paid an official visit to the University of Berlin and Brandenburg

SEU Vice-Rector Ana Pirtskhalashvili paid an official visit to the University of Berlin and Brandenburg - bbw University of Applied Sciences. She was hosted by Sasha Flemintz, head of the bbw gruppe, the founding institution of bbw University.

16 Jun, 2021


On June 15, as part of the SEU international partnership, professors and students of the Tourism Program participated in the Phuket International Tourism Conference organized by Phuket Rajabhat University in Thailand and UCSI University in Malaysia.

15 Jun, 2021

Training on: “Development of Teamwork and Leadership Skills”

On June 14, experts from the University of Birmingham (UK), Steam House (UK) and Creative Spark (UK) held trainings for SEU students as part of the SEU international project funded by the British Council and designed to develop students’ entrepreneurial skills.

11 Jun, 2021

Another Success of SEU - Unconditional Authorization

The members of the Authorization Council unanimously shared the draft report provided by the Panel of Authorization Experts, based on the SEU Self-Assessment Document and the information obtained by the Panel of Authorization Experts on the compliance of the SEU educational standards with the seven international standards.

11 Jun, 2021

SEU hosted a meeting “Practical Tips for Novice Researchers in Psychology”

On June 10, Georgian National University SEU hosted school leavers and students interested in psychology to a meeting “Practical Tips for Novice Researchers in Psychology”. The masterclass was led by Maia Maisuradze, social psychologist and researcher.

04 Jun, 2021

The Offer of Lazarski University to the Affiliated Academic Staff of SEU

We are pleased to announce that Lazarski University offers the opportunity to the affiliated academic staff of Georgian National University SEU to publish an article in the international peer-reviewed scientific journal “Economic and Political Thought”.

03 Jun, 2021

Georgian National University SEU announces a scientific grant competition for the academic staff

Georgian National University SEU announces a scientific grant competition for the academic staff.

31 May, 2021

SEU has hosted the Youth Speak Forum

The Youth Speak Forum is a joint project of AIESEC and the United Nations, taking place annually in different countries of the world and giving young students the opportunity to engage in discussions about local and global issues to formulate new ideas with a positive impact on the current situations both in the country and the world. Experts and public figures, who have contributed to the promotion and implementation of sustainable development goals, are conducting sessions for young people to raise awareness of the current problems in the world. Young people have the opportunity to participate in various activities and develop their skills.

30 May, 2021

SEU hosted the event by the Georgian Junior Academy

On May 30, within the framework of the Art Festival, Georgian National University SEU hosted the second event of the Georgian Junior Academy regarding the Children's Day.

30 May, 2021

A Presentation on Cruise Travel and Business

On May 29, a presentation on cruise travel and business was held at Georgian National University SEU for undergraduate students and individuals interested in tourism.

29 May, 2021

The 11th International Education Fair

At the Open House, the heads of the SEU undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as the Head of the Student Affairs Department, the Career Development and Alumni Relations Specialist, provided stakeholders with detailed information on both the programs and other important issues.

28 May, 2021

A book presentation by SEU graduate

On May 28, Georgian National University SEU hosted the presentation of the book “Autumn Chaotic Days” by Teko Basilashvili.

27 May, 2021

A lecture by SEU in hotel Biltmore

On May 26, an outreach lecture was held for the second-year students of the SEU Tourism Program at the Biltmore Hotel. The lecture was led by Larisa Dolikashvili, Affiliated, Associate Professor of SEU. The students were introduced to the main issues of the activities of the “Housekeeping Service” and the “Food and Beverage Department”.

25 May, 2021

An introductory meeting of the Psychological Counseling and Training Center was held

The purpose of the Center was to provide students with psychological counselling. This service can be used in the form of individual sessions, group sessions and training.

22 May, 2021


On May 10, 14 and 21, SEU hosted a series of medical education trainings led by Professor Olwyn Westwood, a GMC expert.

22 May, 2021

A Business Law Symposium has been held!

On May 22, Georgian National University SEU organized a Business Law Symposium “Business Legal Environment Allowed by Recent and Planned Legislative Changes” within the framework of the Business Law Research Development Project.

22 May, 2021

SEU organized a workshop on “From Business Idea to Sales”

On May 21, Georgian National University SEU organized a workshop on “From Business Idea to Sales” for students and school leavers. The workshop was led by Rusudan Beriashvili, SEU Associate Professor, Head of Georgian and English-medium Bachelor of Business Administration and Levan Dundua, SEU Associate Professor in Finance.

22 May, 2021

SEU organized a workshop on “From Business Idea to Sales”

On May 21, Georgian National University SEU organized a workshop on “From Business Idea to Sales” for students and school leavers. The workshop was led by Rusudan Beriashvili, SEU Associate Professor, Head of Georgian and English-medium Bachelor of Business Administration and Levan Dundua, SEU Associate Professor in Finance.

21 May, 2021

A session of the Advisory Board of the Institutional Research Foundation (IRF)

The goal of the Institutional Research Foundation at SEU is to improve research funding mechanisms, to stimulate and support the development of innovative projects, and to assist the SEU academic staff and students in the preparation and management of research activities and projects.

20 May, 2021

Results of the Academic Competition

The following person was selected by the decision of the commission in the academic competition held at the Faculty of Business and Technology in the field of education administration:

20 May, 2021

A Public Lecture on “The Most Demanded Skills in the Modern Labor Market” 

On May 19, Georgian National University SEU hosted an online public lecture on “The Most Demanded Skills in the Modern Labor Market led by Martin Dahl, an invited lecturer. 

19 May, 2021

Modern Opportunities for Research and Teaching

On May 18, Georgian National University SEU hosted a workshop by Martin Dahl for the SEU academic staff.

17 May, 2021

Paid internship for the position of Call Center Operator for SEU students and graduates

Georgian National University SEU is announcing a paid internship for the position of Call Center Operator for SEU students and graduates.

16 May, 2021

A webinar on “Preparation of the OSCE checklist” was held

On May 15, Georgian National University SEU hosted the webinar by Daniel Salcedo on “Preparation of the OSCE Checklist”.

15 May, 2021

SEU provided the school leavers with an online English language masterclass

During the masterclass, the speaker Ms. Nino Chikovani, the SEU Lecturer and Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, spoke about the peculiarities of the English language test, gave the school leavers recommendations on assignment techniques, as well as tips for writing an essay and a letter.

01 May, 2021

SEU Strengthening it's international cooperation

The platform, founded by SEU and Lazarski University, was joined by a team of European public law researchers from the University of Würzburg, led by Professor Eckhard Pache.

29 April, 2021

International Student Online Conference “SEU & SCIENCE” - SEU ISOC 2021

Proceedings from the February 16-17, 2021International Student Online Conference “SEU & SCIENCE” - SEU ISOC 2021 of Georgian National University SEU has been published.

28 April, 2021

SEU hosted SEU hosted the “Film Days”

On April of  26th  – 27th, a film showing was held at SEU as part of the “Film Days”.

24 April, 2021

A Training on “Information Sharing Security” by SONY vice president

On April 23, Georgian National University SEU hosted a training named “Information Sharing Security”.

24 April, 2021

Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with BBW Business Education Center in Berlin and Brandenburg

On April 23, 2021, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed among BBW Business Education Center in Berlin and Brandenburg, the Institute for Educational Research and Management, the University of Applied Sciences and Georgian National University SEU.

24 April, 2021

Workshop for entrants - The Impact of Fake News on the Modern World

On April 23, "The Impact of Fake News on the Modern World" was organized by the Journalism Program at the Georgian National University SEU. The speaker of the workshop was Rusudan Machaidze - Associate Professor at SEU. The speaker talked about the problem of FAKE news and disinformation, as well as the entrants got acquainted with the professional standards of journalism, the peculiarities of working in the media industry, etc.

22 April, 2021

Workshop was held - "Using active teaching methods in online and hybrid teaching"

On April 21, a workshop entitled at the initiative of the Quality Development Department "Using Active Teaching Methods in Online and Hybrid Teaching" was held at the Georgian National University SEU.

19 April, 2021

A memorandum between the LEPL Legal Aid Service and SEU

On April 19, a memorandum was signed between the LEPL Legal Aid Service and the Georgian National University SEU. Under the memorandum, there was opened a "Practical Law Clinic", where the students of the Master Program of the Law will be able to gain and enhance their practical knowledge and skills with the assistance of experienced public attorneys.

19 April, 2021

SEU became the champion of “Tbilisi Cup of Mini-Football” tournament

The “Tbilisi Cup of Mini-Football” tournament, organized by the Georgian Student's Organizations Association (SOA) and supported by the Tbilisi City Hall, took place on April 18. Georgian National University SEU and Sokhumi State University met in the championship final, and SEU became the winner.

19 April, 2021

SEU participated in the VEF Global International Education Exhibition

On April 16-17, SEU participated in the VEF Global International Education Exhibition. The exhibition, which was held online, was attended by students and agencies from around the world. The exhibition included B2B and individual meetings with school leavers.

19 April, 2021

Spring School - Georgia's European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Process

Georgian National University SEU hosted a two-day international Spring School “Georgia's European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Process”, which was attended by about 150 students from various Georgian and SEU partner international universities.

16 April, 2021

A public lecture by Markus Kerber was held

On April 15th, the International Relations Office of Georgian National University SEU organized a public lecture by Markus Kerber on "Challenges of EU Institutional Development in the Background of the Coronavirus Crisis".

16 April, 2021

SEU hosted the awarding of boot camp

SEU hosted the award ceremony of the program “Boot Camp” as part of the campaign to build a Knowledge Cafe 20 finalist teams were awarded, which raised 35,867 GEL for 17 days with small startup ideas and crowdfunding campaigns formed during the “Boot Camp” program to build the Knowledge Cafe.

16 April, 2021

A presentation of a collection of student articles on personal data protection issues was held

In cooperation with the State Inspector's Office and Georgian National University (SEU), the presentation of the collection of student reports “Current Problems and Challenges of Personal Data Protection” was held.

15 April, 2021

A workshop for academic and invited staff

The Quality Assurance Department of Georgian National University SEU and the Head of the Undergraduate Management Program co-organized a workshop on “compliance of teaching-learning methods and assessment system with the learning outcomes of the academic course”.

14 April, 2021

A presentation of the European Integration Research Center was held

Ana Pirtskhalashvili, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research of Georgian National University SEU and Irakli Samkharadze, Head of the Center, Associate Professor, spoke about the purpose of the European Integration Research Center, cooperation with international and national educational and research institutions in various formats; planning / implementation of various scientific activities and future plans. The structure of the Center was also introduced to the audience.

14 April, 2021

A Psychological Counseling and Training Center has been established

A Psychological Counseling and Training Center has been established at Georgian National University SEU under the leadership of professor Nodar Sarjveladze and Psychology program students, which will serve SEU students and provide counseling in two areas:

13 April, 2021

An introductory meeting of the Student Ombudsman was held

The Student Self-Government Service of Georgian National University (SEU) organized an introductory meeting of the Student Ombudsman for Georgian and foreign students on April 11 and 12.

13 April, 2021

The second online meeting with international students was held

On April 8, the Career Development and Alumni Relations Department of Georgian National University (SEU) organized an online meeting with international students, which included an introductory presentation on the Department's functions and responsibilities.

12 April, 2021

SEU hosted International Hackathon

The SEU students participated in a student hackathon held at Georgian National University SEU on April 11.

11 April, 2021

International hackathon

Georgian National University- SEU hosted International hackathon within International Parthnership on April 11th.The project was supported by British Councils and British company-,,Advantage Creative” which are partner organizations of SEU.

09 April, 2021

Training on the subject of “Mock Jury Trial for School Leavers”

On 8th of April, SEU hosted a training on the subject of “Mock Jury Trial for School Leavers”.

08 April, 2021

A memorandum of understanding was signed between SEU and the National Center for Teacher Professional Development

A memorandum of understanding was signed between SEU and the National Center for Teacher Professional Development.

07 April, 2021

Training was conducted - “Practical skills for developing a grant project”

On March 31, April 1 and 6, the Georgian National University SEU hosted a three-day training entitled "Practical Skills for Grant Project Preparation".

07 April, 2021

A Conference on “Modernization of SEU - From Control to Development” was held

The Quality Assurance Department of Georgian National University (SEU) organized a conference for administrative and academic staff on “Modernization of SEU - From Control to Development” on April 6.

06 April, 2021

SEU English Language Masterclass for School Leavers Was Held

Georgian National University (SEU) organized an English language masterclass for school leavers on April 5.

06 April, 2021

An introductory hackathon meeting was held

Georgian National University (SEU) held an introductory meeting for SEU students within the framework of an international project “Business Hackathon” on April 5, involving mentors to provide detailed information to students participating in the hackathon.

03 April, 2021

SEU hosted an Open Day for school leavers on April 2

SEU ‘s Rector Gia Kavtelishvili, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research Anna Pirtskhalashvili, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Giorgi Ghavtadze, Dean of the Faculty of Law Tea Jugheli, Head of the Bachelor of Management Program Tengiz Taktakishvili, Head of Georgian and English Business Administration Bachelor Programs Rusudan Beriashvili, Head of the Student Affairs Department Eka Shishinashvili and Public Relations and Marketing Manager Mariam Labuchidze provided the school leavers with detailed information about SEU’s undergraduate programs, student life, exchange programs, special offers and other important issues.

01 April, 2021

SEU hosted a public lecture by Miguel Cambas

Georgian National University (SEU) hosted a public lecture by Miguel Kamba on “Tourism and Economy in the Post-Covid Period” on March 31.

28 March, 2021

A webinar on “Who are the Influencers”

Georgian National University SEU hosted the fifth, the final lecture on “Who are the Influencers” as part of the online week “Modern Media” on March 27.

27 March, 2021

A webinar on “TV Host Challenges”

Georgian National University SEU hosted the fourth lecture on “TV Host Challenges” as part of the online week “Modern Media” on March 26.

26 March, 2021

Academic Competition in Education Administration At The Faculty Of Business And Technology

Georgian National University SEU announces an open competition for the academic position of professor of Education Administration at the Faculty of Business and Technology.

26 March, 2021

A webinar on “Modern Television and TV Hosting Skills”

Speaker Vasil Ivanov-Chikovani spoke about his experience in television and journalism, a journalist’s main role as a public figure, profession-related challenges, the peculiarities of creating and operating a public broadcaster, etc.

26 March, 2021

The Final Results of the Academic Competition of Medicine

The following persons were selected in the academic competition in the field of medicine by the decision of the commission:

24 March, 2021

Webinar – Radio – Specifics of Working Live

On March 24, Georgian National University SEU hosted the second lecture - Radio – Specifics of Working Live, within the framework of the online week – Modern Media.

24 March, 2021

Training on Copyright

The National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia SAKPATENTI held a remote training on “Copyright” in association with the SEU Library on March 23. The training was attended by university library staff, lecturers and administration representatives.

24 March, 2021

Webinar – Language, Style, Topics, Writing Manner of Modern Georgian Journalism

On March 23, the Georgian National University SEU hosted an opening lecture ,,Language, Style, Topics, Writing Manner of Modern Georgian Journalism’’ within the framework of online week.

23 March, 2021

International Journal - SEU & Science been published

N10, 2021 edition of the Georgian National University SEU Scientific, International Journal - SEU & Science been published.

22 March, 2021

Results of the Academic Competition of Medicine

The following persons were selected in the academic competition in the field of medicine by the decision of the commission:

22 March, 2021

World Down Syndrome Day is marked on March 21

The SEU Student Self-Government members and students visited the Georgian Down Syndrome Association and presented the amazing children with symbolic gifts specially selected for them from the SEU library.

18 March, 2021

Bocconi Summer School for Law Students

SEU students have the opportunity to attend one of the world’s leading law schools summer school which will be held online from 5 to 10 July.

18 March, 2021

Visit Of The Deputy Minister Of Education And Science At SEU

Nunu Mitskevich, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia, together with Beka Peradze, Head of the Labor Inspection Service, got acquainted with the measures taken to prevent the virus at Georgian National University SEU and heard information about the innovations introduced at the university from directly the students.

17 March, 2021

Open Day of Management Undergraduate Program for Entrants

On March 16, the Open Day of Management Undergraduate Program for Entrants has been held at the Georgian National University SEU.

17 March, 2021

Webinar - Stress Management Strategies for University Entrants

Georgian National University SEU hosted an online webinar on "Stress Management Strategies for University Entrants" on March 16.

16 March, 2021

Practical Skills for Developing a Grant Project

The training course is designed for interested persons who wish to study the preparation of a grant application, the structure of the project application, writing style, budgeting, and other components necessary for the project, ethical aspects of the research, procedures, preparation of supplementary project documentation, etc.

15 March, 2021

Practical Certification Course on the Tax Code of Georgia

The aim of the course is to teach students the key principles of taxation according to the current Tax Code with all related basic practical aspects, the explanation of the Tax Law of Georgia, and the electronic portal of the taxpayer and its operation. The course is of a practical nature. 

15 March, 2021

Third International Scientific Online Congress - 21st Century EU: A New Silk Road Project

On March 15, SEU, Lazarski University, the Spanish National University of Distance Education and the University of Madrid (CEDEU) co-hosted the Third International Scientific Online Congress: "21st Century EU: A New Silk Road Project"- a dialogue between East and West for researchers and academics.

15 March, 2021

The Study Course within the Project of Movetia has Begun

A study course on "Human Rights, Social Challenges and Social Work", planned within the project of “Movetia”, started on March 15. The first lecture was led by Professor Axel Paul of University of St. Gallen in Switzerland and Natia Gugunashvili, an invited lecturer of SEU.

13 March, 2021

A presentation of the textbooks "Fundamentals of Tourism" and "Hotel Management"

The presentation of the textbooks "Fundamentals of Tourism" and "Hotel Management" by professors Koba Arabuli and Larisa Dolikashvili was held at Georgian National University SEU On March 12.

11 March, 2021

Vacancy for International Student Services Specialist

Georgian National University SEU is announcing a vacancy for the position of International Student Services Specialist

10 March, 2021

Photo Contest For SEU Students

The Public Relations and Marketing Service of Georgian National University SEU announces a competition for novice photographers.

10 March, 2021

On Funding for the Education of Socially Vulnerable Students

Tbilisi City Hall started accepting applications from March 1 to finance the tuition fees of socially vulnerable students for the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year.

10 March, 2021

Online Certification Course in Financial Data Analysis in Excel

During the training course, students will learn how to create and update databases, compile interactive spreadsheets from different databases, compose statistical-analytical spreadsheets, compile and analyze effective interest rate amortization tables of financial functions.

10 March, 2021

Modernization of SEU - From Control to Development

On March 9, a conference for administrative and academic staff of Georgian National University SEU was organized on:

10 March, 2021

Instructions to staff

On March 10, the Labor Safety Service of Georgian National University SEU organized mandatory instructions for the administrative staff on the following issues:

06 March, 2021

A New Program at SEU!

The Master's Degree Program in Clinical Psychology has been successfully accredited!

05 March, 2021

Conference on "Realizing the Full Potential of SEU in the Process of Modernization"

On March 4, 2021, Georgian National University SEU hosted a conference for its administrative and academic staff named "Realizing the Full Potential of SEU in the Process of Modernization."

05 March, 2021

webinar - US Government Economic Policy Under the Pandemic

On March 5, the Faculty of Business and Technology of SEU hosted a webinar on "US Government Economic Policy Under the Pandemic," led by Dali Khokhobashvili, PhD in Georgian Economy, a licensed tax agent in Taxation of the US Federal Internal Revenue Service.

05 March, 2021

Vacancy for the Head of Legal Service at SEU

Main responsibilities: Preparation of draft acts regulating the activities of the University and/or participation in the development of the final version of the acts; Legal analysis of draft internal legal acts developed by the University, if necessary, preparation of conclusions to ensure compliance with legislative requirements; Participation in drafting and legalization, or preparation of the contracts or other agreements, organizing and participating in the conclusion process;

04 March, 2021

Vacancy om Manager of Quality Assurance Department at SEU

Main responsibilities: Promoting the introduction of modern teaching-learning and assessment methods. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of lectures, seminars, group work, presentations, and other activities; submitting key findings to the Head of Department for a further response; Providing structural analysis of educational programs with the involvement of program heads; preparing a report, developing recommendations and submitting them to the Head of Department;

01 March, 2021

Public lecture by Orhan Demirovski

On March 1, SEU hosted a public lecture by Orhan Demirovski on "Innovation in Business" organized by the International Relations Office.

18 February, 2021

Internal mobility

Students who wish to use internal mobility and switch to the program of their choice (within one step), can send an electronic application from their personal page of (e-Chancellery> Create new application> Choose internal mobility) within the given period above.

10 February, 2021

Submitting articles to the international scientific peer-reviewed journal "Social Science Vectors" has begun!

The journal “Vectors of Social Science” is published twice a year. It aims to contribute to the development of social sciences and civil society. The journal allows the academic staff, researchers, and doctoral students of higher education institutions to submit scientific papers in the following areas:

28 December, 2020

SEU Gained 2 International Recognitions

The Georgian National University SEU gained 2 international recognitions in 2020, namely: the SEU programs were recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Hashemite Republic of Jordan ( and the Ministry of Higher Education of Palestine (`. It is our hope with the arrival of students from these countries, the number of SEU international students will increase and diversify even further.

10 December, 2020

Student Ombudsman

SEU on December 9, 2020, as a result of which, Mariam Sologashvili, a successful BA student of International Relations of the Faculty of Social Sciences, was elected as the Student Ombudsman of SEU by a majority of votes.

29 January, 2020

President of Student Self-Government

The students of Georgian National University SEU organized the Student Self-Government Team Elections electronically through the eLearning Management System, which resulted in the election of Imeda Grigolia, a bachelor of Management of the Faculty of Business and Technology on January 29, 2020. The Student self-government elections were held under the auspices of Georgian Student's Organizations Association.

05 May, 2019

Student Festival 2019

With the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, and by Tbilisi Municipality City Hall the most entertaining, cognitive and massive student festival will be organized by "Georgian Student Association Organization"( SOA) from 7 to 16 May.
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