SEU - Georgian National University

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Article Creation Rules

Guidelines for Designing Conference Papers

Paper Content:

  • The paper presented at the student conference of the National University of Georgia SEU must adhere to the following standard:
  • Author(s) name, surname, university, program/specialty.
  • Abstract: A concise overview of the article's content in both Georgian and English.
  • Introduction: Including the paper's relevance.
  • Main Text: Covering research methodology, paper content, and intermediate results.
  • Conclusion: Including findings, conclusions, possible recommendations, and future perspectives.
  • Bibliography: List of used literature.

Presentation Method:

  • Papers are accepted in either Georgian or English.

Abstract :

  • Abstract should be between 100-300 words.
  • Must be provided in both Georgian and English.
  • Keywords should be provided in both Georgian and English.
  • Paper length: Minimum 6 and maximum 11 pages.
  • Along with the paper, information about the paper's supervisor must be submitted.

Paper and Abstract Formatting:

  • The paper must adhere to the university-approved standard.
  • Font: Sylfaen.
  • Font size: 11.
  • Titles of paper sections should be written in bold (BOLD).
  • Citations must follow the academic style approved by the university.
  • Line spacing: 1.5.
  • Page margins: 2.5 on all sides.
  • Images, graphs, charts, etc., should be in TIFF format with a resolution of 300 or 600 dpi.
  • For paper formatting details, refer to the provided template.

Papers should be submitted to the following address: [email protected]

Template attachments (English and Georgian)Academic Style

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